• Have you been diagnosed with blood sugar? Then you have joined millions of Americans who suffer from this disorder.

    There are many reasons for a person’s pancreas to stop manufacturing insulin needed for efficient metabolism. This leads to a higher level of sugar in the blood stream and the person is said to be suffering from diabetes. There are mainly 2 types of diabetes, Type 1 and Type 2, the latter being the more serious level of the disorder.

    Personal lifestyles, food habits and factors like obesity are the underlying causes of diabetes, apart from hereditary reasons. There is an evolved mainstream treatment procedure for diabetes using a combination of drugs, regulated diet and regular physical exercises. However, there has been a lot of work done outside of the medical field to go back to nature to find solutions to this disorder. One of them includes okra diabetes treatments. Okra is a very commonly available green vegetable and has been a part of regular food recipes the world over. In some parts of the world, okra is also called ladies’ finger.

    Drinking water after soaking okra overnight
    One of the most frequently advised okra diabetes treatments is the following a routine.
    Take a few pieces (4 or 5) of okra
    Cut the head and tail portion and make a vertical split
    Soak these in a glass or bowl of water
    Leave it covered overnight
    In the morning, take out the okra and drink the water which has the juice from the vegetable mixed in it
    Do this every day without fail. Keep testing your blood sugar levels. It is bound to show a fall and if you were diagnosed with pre-diabetes, you can be declared as being no longer diabetic. You can stop any medication and live a normal life.

    How does it work?
    The immediate reasons for recommending okra as a remedy for diabetes is not very tough to understand. The vegetable is rich in fiber and is low on calories. And these 2 are the basic dietary suggestions given to diabetics. The scientific explanation is that okra is able to block glucose. This has been firmly established through tests on rats, though a similar test has not been done on humans. But researches show that okra has some medicinal properties and the okra diabetes treatments are built around these properties. The seeds of okra can also be used for treating diabetes.

    Some precautions
    While following natural remedies for known disorders like diabetes, care should be taken that it does not interfere with any kind of treatment or medication being currently taken by the patient. In case you are already receiving treatment for diabetes, then it is advisable to check with your physician before consuming okra in any medicinal form. For pre-diabetics and those who have just found their blood sugar levels are high, the okra treatment could work effectively.

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  • People with diabetes should be extra-cautious when it comes to their diet and eating habits. However, they may need to take several other precautions in order to keep their diabetes and blood sugar levels in check. Check out the following precautionary tips you should follow to avoid the dangers of increased sugar levels, especially during summer months when the heat is at the peak thereby causing sugar levels to fluctuate in the body more frequently.

    Take a healthy and nutritious diet: While you do not need to go bland with your food, you must know what is good for your body when you have diabetes. It is critical that you avoid food, which offers only bad carbohydrates or saturated fats to your body. Instead, prefer healthy and balanced meals with sufficient nutrition in the form of healthy fats and carbs, protein, vitamins, minerals, fiber, and antioxidants. Have fruits, vegetables, fish, and whole-wheat grains rather than processed foods, butter and margarine, trans-fat oils, and frozen items.

    Stay away from sugar and spicy food: While you need to eat healthy, you also need to keep your body free of foods that contain an excess amount of sugar and spices. Refined sugar is the most dangerous thing you can consume as a diabetic. Spicy and oily foods must also be avoided because they give you trans-fat, which cannot be digested by your body, even if you work out hard. As a diabetic, you should be focused on consuming items that have healthy carbohydrates, such as fruits.

    Exercise regularly: When you have diabetes, it is important to burn calories to protect your heart and other organs from the side effects of diabetes. Thus, you should walk and run more and perform cardio exercises daily to burn fat. While it is necessary to keep yourself moving, you may skip exercising if the temperature is very high during summer days. Exercise in an air-conditioned facility preferably.

    Stay hydrated: Drink more water during summer days and have electrolyte-balanced fluids. However, do not hydrate yourself with carbonated drinks or those with high sugar content.

    Protect your insulin pumps from heat: Have a cool place to store your insulin pumps and pens, as well as injectable drugs and blood glucose meter. Insulin pumps may malfunction after being exposed to high temperatures. If you are unsure of your insulin bottle, replace it with a new one and do not use the one exposed to heat.

    Keep a check on your blood sugar levels: The most critical aspect that a diabetic must check is his/her blood sugar levels. You should frequently check the levels as a routine so you may seek medical attention, if anything is wrong. It also makes you judge whether your insulin pump has been working correctly or not.

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  • Okra is known as a simple vegetable that is less fleshy and has many seeds inside it. Though many people consume it on a regular basis, they are usually unaware of its many benefits. Okra contains wonderful nutrients like vitamin C, vitamin B and calcium. It is a vegetable that tastes delicious when cooked well with the perfect ingredients. Okra is known to lower blood sugar levels and spares people from the injections of insulin, if taken properly and for long. The different formulations of Okra like okra water, okra peels, and powdered seeds are known to be effective in okra diabetes treatments.

    It eliminates fats from the body
    Okra is known to contain fiber which is important in stimulating the absorption of food. Your body will absorb optimum amount of food that is important for the body growth without adding weight. In the stomach, the okra is known to limit fat and carbohydrate absorption, thereby leading to a reduction in blood sugar. Frequent intake of Okra speeds the healing of type 1 and 2 diabetes. Okra diabetes treatments are very effective when you eat the seeds regularly.

    Okra boosts insulin secretion
    Studies have indicated that people who took okra during the night had reduced blood sugar levels in the morning. This is a clear indication that okra stimulates the production of insulin, which makes it a good candidate in okra diabetes treatment. You can even crush it after it has dried and use the powder in tea so that you enhance its effects. When you eat okra daily, chances of getting high blood sugar are very minimal.

    Live a stress-free life and be active always
    Okra is known to have nutrients like calcium that increase brain and bone growth. You will, therefore, have increased mental functioning. Your cardiovascular health will be enhanced and you will live a comfortable life. All you need to do is eat the vegetable regularly. The seeds might taste harsh but they are very beneficial in reducing the blood sugar.
    The bottom line is that Okra diabetes treatments help people to get rid of fats, unnecessary weight and ensure that they are not fatigued. This way, it will be easy for you to manage your sugar levels. Okra diabetes treatments are also known to reduce cholesterol levels. Cholesterol can lead to hypertension if not well managed. You can decide which form of okra to take depending on what you can conveniently and comfortably take.

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  • Diabetes does not mean that you have to resign yourself to bland, tasteless food. There are plenty of diabetic recipes, which can turn around your belief about food fit for diabetes. From mouthwatering salads to delectable desserts, you can try them all as long as you manage your portion size and limit your daily calorie intake.

    This may take little effort and planning. You can plan your diet chart with healthy diabetic recipes or consult a trained dietician for more professional touch. Here are a few tips to turn over your regular cooking into diabetic recipes.

    • Try baking as an alternative to frying. This uses the minimum amount of oil while retaining the flavour and crispness of food.
    • Prefer steaming to frying as steamed veggies retain all the nutrients and goodness, which are lost in the pan.
    • Grilling is another alternative you can try. It uses less oil and a part of the fat simply drips off the racks.
    • Give up deep frying in favour of sauteed, stir-fried, poached or roasted food.
    • Switch to vegetable oils like olive oil and canola oil as a cooking medium.
    • Try honey as a natural substitute for sugar.

    Your sugar cheat sheet: A diabetes-friendly diet does not mean that you have to go hunting for diabetic recipes without sugar. Controlling the daily intake of sugar should suffice.

    • Stay away from pre-sweetened tea, coffee or yoghurt. Add your own sugar to put a check on the no. of tablespoons you take.
    • Avoid processed or packaged food including bread, pasta, sauces and instant mashed potatoes.
    • Cut down on your intake of soft drinks, colas and processed juices.
    • Opt for whole fruits, as they are healthier than fruit juices.
    • Look for natural alternatives to sugar.
    • Add secondary flavours like cinnamon and nutmeg to compensate for the low level of sugar.

    Cut down on salt: High levels of sodium in your blood can lead to high blood pressure, which in combination with your diabetes, makes you more susceptible to heart diseases. Look for diabetic recipes using salt in limited quantities or relying on low-sodium alternatives.

    Fruits: Whole fruits are good for your health. However, you should not overlook the fact that they are simple sugars and as such, can be included in your diet only in small portions.

    Plan your meals:To keep your sugar levels from shooting up abnormally, you should eat at regular intervals. Some people like to limit this to a small snack every two hours. This aids the proper absorption of glucose in the bloodstream and prevents binge eating.

    • A healthy and filling breakfast is one of the best ways to kickstart your day. Try and include whole wheat cereal, poached or boiled egg whites, a glass of low-fat milk and whole fresh fruits.
    • For lunch, you can opt for diabetic recipes of tuna or shrimp salads, steamed or stir-fried vegetables and vegetable soups.
    • Try salmon or other low-fat fish preparations for dinner.
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  • Diabetes can lead to bringing an undesirable change to your lifestyle. And although type 2 diabetes is not as severe, it is progressive and can lead to further complications. In type 2 diabetes, your pancreas does produce insulin, but that is very effective in absorbing the sugar in your blood. Your body becomes resistant to the insulin, thereby leading to too much glucose in the blood stream.

    It goes without saying, it is necessary to seek medical help in keeping a tab and control on your diabetes level. Insulin for type 2 diabetes may also have been injected as per requirement. However, modifications in the way of living, food or dietary changes and regular exercising are some things that one should to keep diabetes in control. Here are the foods that you should consume and especially good for diabetics.

    Whole grains – Whole grains come with a lot of soluble and insoluble fiber. This fiber keeps your digestive tract clean and healthy. Grains such as lentils, barley, etc, keep the blood sugar levels regularized.

    Fish – Fish provides the body great source of omega-3 fatty acids that have a good effect on the health of the heart. Since people with diabetes are at a higher risk of heart diabetes, getting enough fish fat on a regular basis is necessary.

    Green leafy vegetables – Leafy vegetables such as spinach are very low on carbohydrates that mainly cause your blood sugar to rise. In addition, they also pack a whole lot of vitamins and minerals that are good to reduce inflammatory markers.

    Nuts – Nuts such as almonds, walnuts, cashews, etc are not only tasty but also give your body added nutrition. They contain less of carbs and are high in fiber. Different nuts contain different proportions and one should consult the doctor before consuming particular nuts.

    Broccoli – Broccoli is known to have several health benefits. This vegetable packs a low carb level and comes loaded with important nutrients such as magnesium and vitamin C. The wonder veggie is also a acts as a source of lutein and zeaxanthin that helps in preventing eye diseases.

    Garlic – This herb is known to have a very good effect on blood pressure levels. Not only this, it can also lower the level of sugar in the blood stream.

    Flaxseeds – Flaxseeds are revered worldwide for their bountiful of health benefits. The lower the risk of heart diseases, decrease blood sugar levels and have also been found to improve insulin sensitivity in the body.

    These are a few foods among many that will help in keeping diabetes in control. There many other foods that are beneficial and your doctor can guide you better.

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  • Diabetes is a metabolic disorder that affects over 400 million people globally. Diabetic patients have uncontrolled blood sugar levels due to inadequate production of insulin by the pancreas. There is no permanent cure for diabetics. Changing one’s lifestyle helps the diabetic patients to live a better life.

    Maintaining good blood sugar levels is important to avoid any complications from this disease. A typical diet plan for a diabetic patient must include the following nutrients listed below.

    Carbohydrates that have low glycemic index
    Fiber-rich food
    Five portions of fruits and vegetables in a day
    Limited intake of saturated fat
    Consumption of low-fat dairy food
    Lean meat over fatty or processed meat
    Baked, grilled, steamed or poached food instead of roasted or fried ones
    Limited your sugar intake
    Plenty of water
    Fish at least twice a week
    Healthy breakfast on a daily basis
    Moderate alcohol consumption

    Some of the popular diet plans that work effectively for people with diabetes are listed below.

    Atkins diet:
    Many research studies across the world have proven that a diet that is low in carbohydrates and rich in protein helps to maintain the blood sugar levels effectively. It is easier to follow the low-carb diet because high protein intake keeps the hunger at bay for long hours. A research conducted at the Albert Einstein College of Medicine proves that if the Atkins diet is followed strictly, the blood sugar levels are brought under control and overall well-being is also improved.

    Paleo diet:
    Paleo diet is nothing but eating like our ancient ancestors. This diet includes consumption of protein that comes from poultry, fish, and meat, plant-based food like fruits, non-starchy vegetables, nuts (except peanuts) and seeds and healthy fats like avocado oil, olive oil, walnut oil, coconut oil and flaxseed oil. The Journal of Diabetes Science and Technology proves that this diet improves the glycemic control in diabetic patients within a short span of time.

    Mediterranean diet:
    The Mediterranean diet is rich is oleic acid. This fatty acid is found naturally in animals and plant-based oils. This diet helps to lower the blood sugar levels significantly and also helps lose body weight. Food in this diet includes protein from fatty fish, salmon, poultry and eggs, fruits and vegetables, seeds, nuts and healthy fats like almonds and olive oil. If you are following this diet, you are allowed to eat red meat only once a month and your consumption of red wine must be in moderation.
    Adjusting to these diet plans that are designed around low carbohydrates and high protein food can be challenging. It takes lot of determination and care. However, in the long run, to be healthy with diabetes, it is required to switch to healthy eating.

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  • Insulin is a hormone that is naturally produced in a healthy individual’s body. Made by the pancreas, it allows your body to absorb glucose from the carbohydrates that your food carries and use it as energy.

    The body cells do require enough sugar in order to function with enough energy. However, the sugar is not automatically directed into cells. This is where insulin makes the super entry. After consuming a meal, the sugar levels in your body increase and insulin is then released so as to absorb the sugar and bring drop into your bloodstream.

    Insulin plays a very key role, as it helps keep a track on the sugar level as per your body’s requirement. It also carries excess sugar to your liver and releases it when your body is in need. Hence, insulin is a very important hormone that helps in keeping the sugar level balanced in the body. When the pancreas does not produce enough insulin, you are likely to develop high blood pressure. If this goes on for a long period, then you are at the risk of suffering from diabetes.

    Diabetes can be classified into two types – one being type 1 diabetes and other is known as type 2 diabetes. Type 1 diabetes is a more severe case as the pancreas is no more able to produce insulin. This causes sugar in the blood that is not controlled. Type 2 diabetes is when the body does not respond well to the insulin produced in the body. Artificial Insulin is used to treat both the stages, however, a person with type 1 diabetes will require a constant dose of insulin to avoid further damage.

    The types of insulin that are used to treat both – type 1 and type 2 diabetes

    Rapid-acting insulin – This type of insulin is taken either before or after a meal, especially to control the sudden spike in blood sugar due to the meal. It works quickly within 15 minutes and generally taken in addition to a long-acting insulin.

    Long-acting insulin – This kind of insulin works several hours after being injected and works for up to 24 hours.

    Short-acting insulin – This insulin is generally given after a meal and can be effective for up to 3-6 hours. This one may be taken in addition to a long-acting insulin.

    Intermediate-acting insulin – This type of insulin is generally taken at night as it works for up to 12 hours. It can be used in addition to short-acting insulin or rapid-acting insulin.

    Your doctor will guide with the type of insulin that you should be given depending on several factors.

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  • Diabetes refers to the condition of your blood carrying an excess of sugar. Sugar is a source of energy, and when it is ingested, the body secretes a hormone called insulin. Insulin helps to “open” cells so that the glucose can enter the cells and energy can be released. Now when there is a shortage of insulin or if insulin is unable to open, the cells for energy is released. The sugar which is ingested is not processed and remains in the bloodstream. This causes diabetes.

    Although there are different types of diabetes, the symptoms for each of the types are more or less the same. Most of the time, diabetes occurs in people who do not show any of these symptoms at all.

    If you happen to show one or two symptoms from the below list, then it’s best you get a blood test done first thing.

    • Excessive thirst on a frequent basis
    • Increased appetite (sensation of hunger even after large meals)
    • Excess urination
    • Fatigue
    • Weight loss
    • Blurred vision

    Small changes to your lifestyle can reduce your risk of getting diabetes by a long way.

    What Is The Normal Blood Sugar Range?

    The blood sugar levelis lowest in the morning and the blood sugar level at this time is the Fasting level. The normal blood sugar range for a nondiabetic person at this time is between 3.9 to 5.5 mmoI/L, while thenormal blood sugar range for a diabetic person is between 4.4 to 7.2 mmoI/L.

    The blood sugar levelrises after a meal, so the test is usually done after 2 hours of consuming food. Thenormal blood sugar range will change in this case. The normal blood sugar range for a nondiabetic person is between 6.5 to 7.8 mmoI/L and the normal blood sugar level for a diabetic person is approximately 10.0 mmoI/L.

    How to prevent diabetes
    You can prevent diabetes or at least reduce the risk by taking certain preventive measures. If you are prone to hereditary diabetes, you need to take certain precautions to delay the onset of diabetes. Here are a few preventive measures you can follow.

    Cut down on the sugar
    When you consume more sugar, the body has got to produce more and more insulin to burn all that sugar into energy. Now, if you don’t give the body so much work by reducing your sugar intake, you are reducing the risk of increased sugar levels in your blood.

    Work out whenever you can
    Studies have shown that regular engagement in physical activity improves the sensitivity of your insulin. This means that lesser amounts of insulin are required for your body to maintain the sugar levels.

    Water all the way
    Set water as your go-to beverage whenever you are thirsty. Replacing those sodas and carbonated drinks with water will reduce the amount of sugar you consume. If you consume a lot of drinks with high sugar content, you increase your chances of getting LADA (Latent Autoimmune Diabetes of Adults). Treatment for this takes much longer to be effective than the original diabetes itself.

    Lose weight
    If you feel that you are overweight or that you have a bit too much on your waistline, create a workout regime and stick to it. Make a plan to change your diet and to hit the gym regularly. When you are overweight, the excess fat around your waist, also called visceral fats, promote insulin resistance which decreases the sensitivity. This increases your risk of getting diabetes.

    Drop the cigarette
    Research has shown that smokers have a higher chance of getting diabetes than nonsmokers. If you smoke, even occasionally, try to break that habit. Five or ten years down the road your risk of acquiring diabetes will be the same as that of a nonsmoker.

    There are several other ways to prevent diabetes. But the most important question is, are you willing to do what it takes to prevent diabetes? Everything worth having comes at a price, so decide to pay that price and reduce your risks of getting diabetes and live a longer and healthier life.

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  • Diabetes is said to be a life-long disease which affects the way your body handles glucose in your blood. Type-2 diabetes affects kids, teens as well as adults. The primary causes of diabetes are genetics, obesity, and metabolic syndrome. The symptoms of Type 2 diabetes are so mild that one may not notice until tested. Farxiga and Invokana are oral medicines prescribed to people with Type 2 diabetes. These two therapeutic drugs are found effective in research and are FDA approved.

    Farxiga (Dapagliflozin)
    The U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) approved dapagliflozin tablets to improve sugar control in January 2014, provided the patient follows a proper diet and exercises as recommended by the doctor. Farxiga, a Sodium-glucose co-transporter 2 (SGLT2) inhibitor is beneficial in lowering the level of blood sugar, but it does not help patients who are insulin-dependent. The medicine can be procured by the doctor’s prescription only. There are certain guidelines that one must follow during the consumption of Farxiga. The dose as prescribed by the doctor should be taken, neither less nor more. You should never continue with the medicine for an extended period as it may affect you adversely. Following a diet plan, taking daily exercise and regular checking of sugar level in your blood or urine are the guidelines to be followed along with oral medication, to bring your diabetes under control. The dose of the medicine varies from one patient to another. The physician can determine the treatment suitable for you, or you can follow the directions given at the back of the packet. The amount of Farxiga that you take depends on the strength of the medicine, the amount you intake daily, the duration between doses, the period for which you take medicine and also on the depth of the medical problem. In case a dose is missed you must take medication as soon as possible. Nevertheless, if it is time for your next dose, it would be better to skip that one instead of double dosing. Store the medicine in a container away from light and moisture at room temperature. Its effectiveness was shown in 16 clinical trials involving more than 9000 patients.

    Invokana (Canagliflozin)
    Invokana fights decline in kidney functions in Type 2 diabetes. Like Farxiga, it is an SGLT2 inhibitor which removes excess sugar through urine. It blocks the absorption of blood sugar by the kidneys and increases glucose excretion in the urine. The oral medication is beneficial for patients with type 2 diabetes, if they follow a diet plan along with regular exercise sessions. The FDA approved the medicine Invokana in the year 2013. It was seen that the rate of improvement in hemoglobin A1C, which is a measure of blood sugar control, was high in the clinical trials. A fixed-dose tablet of Invokana can be combined with metformin to form Invokamet which is an FDA approved treatment for diabetes.

    With the Farxiga Invokana diabetes treatments, a diabetic patient can manage the condition effectively and lead a normal life.

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  • Diabetes and pre-diabetes are two most pressing health problems in the world. According to the reports of the American Diabetes Association or ADA, a person who is diagnosed with diabetes at the age of 50 is at a risk of dying 6 years earlier than a person without diabetes. Also, the vast majority of people who are diagnosed with diabetes have type 2 diabetes. Researchers have also emphasized that besides taking the right medication in the proper dosage, lifestyle changes such as exercising regularly, dietary changes, weight loss and healthy food choices must be followed for receiving desired outcomes.

    Importance of medications in reducing the blood sugar levels
    Besides making the needful changes, it is also important to take the new and improved drugs which can lead to the desired outcomes for patients. According to the reports of Lancelet Diabetes and Endocrinology, the huge majority of people suffering from Type 2 diabetes are living healthier lives due to administering of better medications. High blood sugar levels can also hike the risk of serious complications including impairment of kidney, vision loss, infections which are not easily treatable, peripheral nerve damage, heart ailments, and impotence.

    Significant medications in the treatment of diabetes
    In response to the spread of diabetes at a fast pace, the U.S. Food and Drug Administration has approved new drugs for effective treatment of the epidemic. And this includes Farxiga Invokana diabetes treatments.

    Invokana or canagliflozin is a new class of Type 2 diabetes drugs approved by the FDA in March 2013. It is a type of Sodium-glucose co-transporter 2-inhibitor, which prevents the re-absorption of glucose or blood sugar by the kidney. It also improves the glucose excretion through urine. This is an oral diabetes treatment which helps in improving blood sugar control when exercised in conjunction with diet and workout in patients with severe Type 2 diabetes. In clinical trials constituting Invokana, a steady improvement of hemoglobin A1C and fasting blood sugar levels has been found in over 10,000 patients. Like all other medicines, invokana may have some side effects which include vomiting, nausea, pain in the abdominal area, tiredness and breathing problems.

    Back in January 2014, the U.S. Food and Drug Administration had approved Farxiga tablets for those who wished to improve their glycemic control alongside dieting and workout, for adults suffering from Type 2 diabetes. The effectiveness of this particular medicine was shown in 16 clinical tests which involved 9,400 patients. This drug can be administered alone or with other medicines meant for reducing the levels of Type 2 diabetes. But this medicine also has some possible side effects, most common of which is urinary tract infections, genital yeast infections along with changes in the frequency of urination.

    These farxiga invokana diabetes treatments are presently considered as cutting-edge advancement in the management of diabetes. And your doctor might prescribe these for an effective cure as per your condition.

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