• The pancreas produces the hormone known as insulin. This hormone helps in glucose transportation and cell absorption. The amount of glucose present in blood is the blood sugar concentration. The glucose level can be higher or lower depending on the individual. Hyperglycemia is a condition with high blood sugar level. Hypoglycemia occurs when there is low blood sugar level. Diabetes mellitus occurs when a person experiences consistent hyperglycemia. The unit used for measuring the blood sugar level in the USA is millimolar (mmoI/L).

    Normal blood sugar range
    The blood sugar level is the lowest in the morning. This is the Fasting Level. The normal blood sugar range for a non diabetic person in FL is 3.9-5.5 mmoI/L. The blood sugar range for a diabetic person is 4.4-7.2 mmoI/L during fasting. The blood sugar range rises after a meal. So the test is after 2 hours of consuming food. The blood sugar range will change in this case. The normal blood sugar range for a non diabetic person is 7.8 mmoI/L. The blood sugar range for a diabetic person is 10.0 mmoI/L after fasting.

    There is a long-term glucose test called hemoglobin A1c (HA1c). This test gives a reading of the blood sugar level for 2-3 months in a percentage. The normal blood sugar range is 5.7% for a non diabetic person. The blood sugar range is 7.0% for a diabetic person.

    Symptoms and causes of abnormal blood sugar range
    If the pancreas fails, then the blood sugar level rises or falls. This can be due to genetic reasons. Excessive stress in life and workplace can result in high blood sugar levels. An irregular fitness regime is also a probable reason. You should keep your body active to keep it fit. Regular exercise and a healthy diet are useful in this regard. Brisk walking and free hand exercises are a viable option. Too much of carbohydrates is harmful for your glucose levels. Any kind of illness and infection can also cause abnormal blood sugar level.

    People with abnormal blood sugar levels often experience fatigue and tiredness. There is an increase in micturition, and its concentration is high. That is why they feel thirsty and dehydrated. A person can experience blurred vision and damage to the kidney. Erectile dysfunction and vaginal infections are also common. They can suffer from stomach disorders like diarrhea or constipation.

    The first thing to do is exercise regularly. The next thing is to maintain a diet. Your diet should include fibers and food with low glycemic index. Control your stress level. You should sleep enough and in good amount. Drink plenty of water to keep yourself hydrated. Eat food enriched with chromium and magnesium. Eat fenugreek seeds as it is high in soluble fiber.

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  • Diabetes is a disease that occurs due to the improper production of insulin in the body.

    Diabetes is of primarily of two types, Type 1 is also known as insulin dependent diabetes mellitus. Type 2 begins with insulin resistance which is when the body does not respond to the insulin generated. There is also a third type called gestational diabetes which occurs during pregnancy.

    Diabetes in common is referred to Type 2 diabetes as the other types are rare in comparison. This is characterized by a rise in blood sugar or glucose levels, that is higher than 200 mg/dL. In this case, the sugar cannot be sent to the cells where it is to be broken down. As a result, the body has to depend on alternative sources of energy. Often, people suffer from Type 2 diabetes without even realizing it. Also called adult-onset diabetes, it is primarily characterized by increased weight and excessive fatigue.

    Early Signs Of Diabetes
    The early signs of the different types of diabetes vary.

    Type 1
    Type 1 diabetes occurs when the pancreas fails to produce sufficient insulin. The symptoms of Type 1 diabetes develop quickly and can be mistaken for symptoms of other illness, such as flu.

    Symptoms of high blood sugar:

    Frequent urination: This may occur more often at night. The body tries to get rid of the excess sugar in the bloodstream by causing the system to urinate more.
    Increased thirst: Such frequent urination, may also result in dehydration of the body, resulting in increased thirst.
    Increased hunger: This may occur because the body does not utilize all its calories. This leads to sudden bouts of hunger.
    Weight loss: Weight loss may occur due to dehydration or due to loss of calories from the body without these being utilized.
    Fatigue: This is due to the calories not being used, and as a result, the body does not get enough energy.
    Blurred vision: This is another side effect due to dehydration and fatigue.

    Symptoms of low blood sugar:
    These occur when the blood sugar level has dropped below 70 mg/dL. Low blood sugar is just as harmful and immediate treatment should be given. The signs of low blood sure can be identified through these symptoms:
    – Sweating.
    – Nervousness, shakiness, and weakness.
    – Extreme hunger and slight nausea.
    – Dizziness and headache.
    – Blurred vision.
    – A fast heartbeat and feeling of anxiety.
    If any of these symptoms are seen, they are early signs of low blood pressure. It makes the person and the immune system weak.

    Type 2
    There are certain signs that can be observed before the onset of Type 2 diabetes. These are the early signs of the disease.
    The early signs of Type 2 diabetes are similar to the Type 1. They have the same symptoms of increased, thirst, hunger, and frequent urination. It also causes blurred vision and fatigue. However, one additional symptom is the sores and cuts that take longer to heal. These factors indicate Type 2 diabetes, and it is advisable to get the same checked.

    It is better to be cautious with certain factors as they may cause the onset of diabetes. Obesity, high cholesterol, and high blood pressure have been found to be the leading reasons for the disease. In that case, it is safest to take precaution and follow preventive measures.

    Combating diabetes involves following a proper diet and exercising every day. A lifestyle change is needed to deal with it.

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  • Diabetes mellitus, often referred to as diabetes, is a metabolic disorder. This is a condition where you experience a high blood sugar level for a prolonged period of time. Diabetes sets in when there is a problem with the secretion of insulin. Insulin is released by the pancreas (an organ located behind the stomach), which helps in metabolizing the sugar and fat in your food.

    Diabetes is caused when:
    Pancreas doesn’t produce insulin,
    Pancreas produce very little insulin, or
    When the cells of your body don’t respond properly to insulin.
    Millions of people around the world suffer from diabetes mellitus; however, many of them are unaware of it.

    Types of Diabetes
    Type 1 Diabetes: In this case, the beta cells responsible for the production of insulin in the pancreas are destroyed by your immune system. So, the glucose in your food doesn’t get metabolized, resulting in a high blood sugar level.
    Type 2 Diabetes: This is caused when the body doesn’t respond to the insulin produced in your body”a condition also known as insulin resistance.
    Gestational Diabetes: This form of diabetes occurs when pregnant women develop a high blood sugar level.

    Early signs of Diabetes
    Symptoms of diabetes are so mild, especially in when it’s type 2 diabetes. While type 2 is difficult to diagnose, type 1 comes with severe symptoms.

    Some common symptoms of both the types of diabetes are:
    – You’ll often feel hungry and fatigued
    – Frequent urination i.e. more than seven times a day
    – Excessive urination, leading to drying of the mouth, and itchy skin
    – Swelling of eyeballs causing blurred vision

    Let’s look at some of the specific symptoms now:

    Symptoms of Type 1 Diabetes
    – Sudden weight loss
    – Nausea and frequent vomiting

    Symptoms of Type 2 Diabetes
    – Yeast infection in between fingers and toes, under the breast, and in or around sex organs
    – Your wounds will take a lot of time to heal
    – Pain or numbness in your feet or legs

    All these symptoms occur due to the increase in your blood sugar level. Visit a doctor and get your sugar level tested immediately, if you’re experiencing any of these symptoms.

    Prevention And Treatment

    Diabetes is a chronic disease and will stay throughout your life. Prevention and treatment involve maintaining a healthy diet and lifestyle. Make sure you exercise every day and avoid sugar-laden foods completely. Type 1 can be managed by taking insulin injections. Type 2 injections, however, may or may not contain insulin. Gestational diabetes usually resolves after the delivery.

    Keep a close watch on your blood sugar levels. You can control your blood sugar levels with a combination of medications, exercise, and diet. All the best!

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  • As a diabetic, you may complain about the limited diet options and food choices you have. However, there are a lot of food items you can still try out without worrying about your blood glucose levels spiking up. Here are a few diabetic-friendly foods you can add to your diet on a regular basis.

    Broccoli is a great nutritional food for diabetics. In fact, it is hailed as an anti-diabetes superhero, owing to its high sulforaphane content. This compound improves the body’s control of its sugar levels while also providing protection from the ill effects of diabetes, including inflammation and heart disease. Sulforaphane is an active detoxifying agent as well and helps the body transform cancer-causing radicals into easily releasable forms.

    Dark chocolate
    A rule of the thumb is that if you are a diabetic, anything and everything sweet has to go out of the window. Not dark chocolate though! Loaded with flavonoids, dark chocolate is a diabetic-friendly food and can improve insulin sensitivity while reducing blood glucose levels. These flavonoids can also keep you full for longer periods and reduce your sweet cravings. Furthermore, they help lower the risks of heart disease, stroke, and hypertension.

    Blueberries are known for their potent antioxidant effects that protect the body from the harmful effect of free radicals. Another remarkable fact about blueberries is that they can help regulate the blood glucose levels in the body effectively. They contain lots of soluble and insoluble fiber. While the insoluble fiber helps flush out fat from the body, the soluble fiber improves blood sugar control by slowing the digestion process. These tiny fruits also contain a chemical called anthocyanin. This helps the body release a hormone called adiponectin, which helps improve insulin sensitivity and lowers blood sugar effectively.

    It is a known fact that inflammation can worsen diabetes to a great extent. The high protein content in fish acts as a slimming agent while its fat content helps cool down the body and prevent inflammation. Including fish in your diet can also reduce your chances of being affected by stroke and heart disease, if you are a diabetic. However, stay away from fried fish and opt for boiled, steamed or baked varieties for more benefits.

    Walnuts contain alpha-linolenic acid and polyunsaturated fatty acids, both of which reduce inflammation. Walnuts are rich sources of Vitamin E, fiber, omega-3 fatty acids and L-arginine, etc. which make them the best choices for those antiviral, antioxidant, anti-high cholesterol and anticancer actions. These substances can also slow down the progression of conditions like diabetes and its after effects. Plus the fiber content of walnuts makes it a nutritional snack that will prevent hunger pangs and keep you full for longer periods.

    As a diabetic, you may be worried about forgoing your favorite foods and snacks in place of tasteless substitutes. These foods will help you regain your taste buds while ensuring that your blood glucose levels are in check and your body protected from the risks of heart disease and the other side effects of diabetes.

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  • In type 1 diabetes, a person’s pancreas fails to yield the required insulin in the body. This naturally leads to an increased amount of glucose in the blood, which can be quite damaging in the long run. To understand how type 1 diabetes works, one must know its causes and symptoms well.

    Causes of type 1 diabetes
    Type 1 is often caused by an autoimmune disorder that misunderstands the body’s mechanism, and attacks the beta cells in the pancreas that are responsible for producing insulin. This results to negligible or zero production of insulin. It still isn’t entirely clear what leads the immune system to behave erratically.

    The two main reasons for the malfunction in the immune system are:
    Genetic coding “ People with a certain type of susceptibility gene are prone to develop type 1 diabetes. Therefore, some ethnic populations are more likely to suffer from type 1 diabetes.

    Viruses “ A person who has recently suffered from a viral infection might be vulnerable to type 1 diabetes. This is because the body starts to produce antibodies to destroy the invasive viruses. Although not every virus is responsible for this condition. Watch out for viruses like Rotavirus, coxsackievirus, rubella, mumps, cytomegalovirus, and Epstein Barr, as they are closely linked with the onset of type 1 diabetes.

    Several studies are still attempting to dig deeper in order to conclude other possible reasons for the generation of type 1 diabetes.

    Symptoms of type 1 diabetes
    Fatigue “ If you are feeling unusually tired/weak all the time, immediately start paying attention to your body for other possible symptoms. Exhaustion is often one of the biggest signs of diabetes.

    Frequent urination and excessive thirst “ Urinating often is a way through which the body eliminates the excessive sugar. This condition is generally observed during the nighttime.
    Urinating excessively naturally leads to excessive thirst, as you require water to keep the body dehydrated.

    Blurred vision “ Increased sugar can cause the lenses in the eyes to swell. This causes eye dryness and eventually leads to blurring of the vision.

    Weight Loss “ Unexplained weigh loss occurs in a diabetic condition because the inadequate insulin cannot use the glucose for generating energy. Therefore, the body then seeks the assistance of the existing fat for energy.

    Loss of appetite, stomach cramps, vomiting, and skin infections are some other serious symptoms of type 1 diabetes.

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  • Type 1 diabetes is a chronic health condition that affects the ability of the pancreas to produce insulin. This inadequacy causes an abnormal rise of sugar levels in the blood. Type 1 diabetes ensues when an autoimmune disorder occurs in the body, which mistakenly destroys the beta cells (cells that produce insulin) in the pancreas. This type of diabetes is usually diagnosed in children and young adults, but older individuals are susceptible to it as well.

    If you are tackling with type 1 diabetes, you don’t need to be alarmed. You still have a chance to live a completely normal and healthy life. Here are some tips that will help you maintain a healthy body while you deal with type 1 diabetes.

    Insulin “ Due to the lack of necessary organic insulin, you will have to inject your body with insulin on a daily basis. The dosage patterns will be decided by your healthcare provider. You are also advised to closely observe your blood sugar levels to ensure moderation. The doctor will also prescribe additional medications depending on the severity of your health condition.

    Diet and exercise “ You must ace the art of balance to sustain normal glucose levels in your body. And to achieve this stability you have to increase the intake of healthy food. Healthy food doesn’t only mean leafy vegetables, fruits, and zero sugar. Consume a well-balanced, wholesome diet and also devise a stringent eating schedule.
    Your diet has to be coupled with regular exercise to obtain actual results. A daily workout of 30 minutes is mandatory. You can opt for activities like brisk walking, cycling, or running.

    Lifestyle “ Your habits massively affect a health condition like type 1 diabetes. If you smoke or drink, it is advised that you immediately quit. These two elements can not only aggravate your sugar levels but also increase the risk of heart diseases. It imperative to curb stress as well. If you are dealing with anxiety or depression, seek immediate assistance from doctors, family, and friends.

    Eyes and feet “ Eyes and feet are two parts of the body that are quickly affected by diabetes. If you are suffering from blurry vision, watery eyes, headaches, or eye aches then immediately seek the counsel of an ophthalmologist.
    When it comes to feet, diabetes can cause sensory neuropathy (lack of sensation), foot ulcers, slow healing of foot injuries, nerve damage, and bad blood circulation. Whenever you visit your doctor, make sure to get your feet examined to rule out any risks.

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  • Before jumping into any diet, one should always know what are the issues that he or she is facing. It is not healthy or advisable to randomly switch your diet plan. So, even before getting a diabetes diet breakfast plan, it is vital to know your numbers. These numbers will give you a fair idea about the amount of carbs you should target daily and what should be religiously avoided in your meal. Here are three diabetes-friendly breakfast ideas for a flavor full plate of healthy meals every morning.

    Start your day with a bowl full of oatmeal
    Oatmeal is a breakfast staple for diabetes. Whether you want to have a bowl full of healthy oatmeal with nonfat milk or top it with fresh fruits of your choice, oatmeal is easy and quick to prepare. By topping it up with yogurt and fresh berries, it adds proteins and fiber in your meals. The other types of uncooked oatmeal such as muesli is another amazing choice for the breakfast in case you are looking for a diabetes diet plan. These are resistant starch and thereby provide lesser carbs to your bloodstream. It is a known fact that resistant starch is good for insulin resistance as well.

    English muffin with peanut butter
    If you are looking for a fancier option for a diabetes diet breakfast, then go for English muffin with peanut butter. You can also choose to pick a spoonful of avocado or low-fat ricotta. In case you want to buy and store some extra English muffins in your freezer, then you can do that as well. Whenever you are hungry, grab some of the muffins from the freezer, defrost them, and toast them for a delicious and healthy breakfast.

    Pick hard-boiled eggs as a great option
    Eggs are filled with protein, and if you want to save some time in the morning then you can always prepare a batch earlier and keep. You can go with omega 3-rich eggs, which are a better option and also has anti-inflammatory properties. It is observed that people with diabetes also are at a higher risk of heart problems and eating eggs does not affect the cholesterol levels. So, hard-boiled eggs are a perfect on-the-go option when it comes to healthy diabetes-friendly breakfast ideas.

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  • Diabetes is a medical condition wherein the blood sugar levels are higher than normal and one should take care of his or her meals when such a medical condition arises. Breakfasts are the most important meal of your entire day. You cannot skip going to the restaurants, we agree, but one should always have breakfast at home. If you are wondering what can be a perfect diabetes diet breakfast, then here are a few tips that can help you get a healthy bowl of breakfast and control diabetes.

    Oatmeal “ keeps the blood sugar under check
    With 4 grams of fiber per cup, oatmeal is one of the best breakfast meals you can eat in case you have diabetes. Fiber, as we all know, helps in keeping the blood sugar steady. There are also some studies that prove the benefits of having oatmeal during diabetes. If you have oatmeal at least five to six times a week, the chances of developing type 2 diabetes reduce drastically. Oatmeal is a better option as compared to other sugar coated, flaked cereals.

    Nonfat milk or yogurt for breakfast is a must
    Having yogurt or nonfat milk for breakfast is a healthy way of reducing the risk of diabetes. Vitamin D and calcium plays a vital role in keeping the blood sugar levels under control. These also have the qualities to regulate metabolic syndrome, which causes diabetes and other heart diseases. The vitamins found in nonfat milk and yogurt assist the body in using the insulin properly and calcium keeps the cholesterol levels low. It is also seen that drinking milk every day keeps your body weight in check, thereby reducing the risks of other diseases. You can have a cup of nonfat milk or yogurt every day for breakfast and start your day with a healthy drink.

    Do not miss out on fruits
    Fruits are always a healthy way to kick-start your day. Pick some of your favorite fruits and you can top your bowl of cereals with these. Make your fruit bowl diabetes-friendly by adding a few cups of strawberries and blueberries. There have been misconceptions that fruits aren’t healthy for people with diabetes but they surely are. Make a fruit smoothie or eat it with cereals, fruits help fight inflammation and prevent diabetes as the nutrients improve the sensitivity of insulin.

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  • Diabetes, which is often called diabetes mellitus by doctors, refers to a group of metabolic ailments where a person has high blood sugar. This condition is either caused by inadequate production of insulin, or when the body does not respond properly to the produced insulin. Typically, people with high blood sugar undergo the symptoms of polydipsia, polyuria, and polyphagia. In 2013, it was estimated that over 382 million individuals all across the world undergo diabetes treatment. Needless to say, the number has increased over these years.

    What are the key diabetes symptoms?

    It is possible to suffer from diabetes with mild levels of symptoms, while there are people who have no symptoms at all. Such cases can leave them unaware of the disease, which in turn rises to severe levels. The most common indications of diabetes include:

    Frequent urination: When the insulin is ineffective, the kidneys are not able to filter the glucose to go back in the blood. The kidneys, therefore, take the water from the blood for diluting the glucose, which in turn fills up the bladder and leads to frequent urination.

    Extreme thirst: When an individual urinates more than required, it is needed to be replaced with water. As a result, it makes the concerned individual feel thirsty.

    Uncontrollable hunger: Since the insulin isn’t working as required, the body may need more energy in the form of more food. Therefore, it is obvious to feel hungry.
    The other diabetes symptoms include unexplained weight loss or weight gain, blurred vision, irritability and extreme fatigue. Therefore, it is important to undergo the right diabetes treatments and take diabetes medications along with adopting lifestyle changes.

    How to get rid of diabetes?

    Diabetes Type 1 and Type 2 does not have a cure yet. But there are possible ways to control the symptoms and keep the blood sugar levels under control.

    Exercise: The diabetes leg pain treatment mainly constitutes diet changes and regular exercise. It is also important to undergo foot pain treatment since these two are the most common harmful effects of high blood sugar. You should first aim to bring down the blood sugar levels to prevent any further damage to the concerned nerve. Low-impact exercises such as swimming, running, and simple walking is highly effective in treating diabetes.

    Medications: If the foot pain is very intense, you can consider taking over-the-counter medications or those prescribed by your doctor. Make sure it is a low dose for controlling the symptoms.

    Antidepressants: Even though this class of medicines is mainly meant for reducing depression, it can also help in reducing foot pain in the nerve. In most cases, these medications lead to some side effects such as dry mouth, dizziness, sweating and fatigue. You should consult with your physician before using these medicines as they are detrimental to people with cardiac ailments.

    There are also alternative treatments for reducing the pain and swelling in the foot caused by diabetes. You can opt for meditation, hypnosis, acupuncture and biofeedback as a means of reducing the ill-effects of diabetes.

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  • Diabetes can happen to any person regardless of their gender, but the symptoms differ slightly. Diabetes treatment depends largely on the symptoms that occur. The difference in the diabetes symptoms due to gender is because of the following reasons:

    • The complications that occur in women due to diabetes are far more complex than men and are difficult to diagnose.
    • The heart diseases that women suffer from are of various types and not like the limited types of heart diseases as in men.
    • The action of hormones is very different in the case of women.

    Here are a few of the diabetes symptoms in women along with treatment options.

    Vaginal and oral infection: The candida fungus can lead to serious yeast infections in the vaginal tract of women. It can also cause a vaginal thrust and oral infections. Now if you are wondering how you will know that you have an infection, it is very simple. You will have a vaginal discharge, itching and also experience painful sex. When you have higher amounts of glucose in the blood, the growth of the fungus increases automatically. Diabetes medication can bring down the level of glucose, and you will find the infection lowering down gradually. If it still doesn’t work, then you can take some medications for vaginal infection.

    Leg pain: Some women experience leg pain when they have diabetes. Leg pain related to diabetes can be treated through medication. For peripheral neuropathy in the case of diabetes, two medications are widely approved.

    Polycystic ovary syndrome: Among other indications, diabetes is symptomized by polycystic ovary syndrome, which shows signs like irregular periods, acne, sudden gain of weight and depression. This syndrome also gives rise to resistance to insulin leading to a rise in blood sugar. Polycystic ovary syndrome should be nipped in the bud, else it may increase the chance of having diabetes.

    Urinary tract infections: Urinary tract infections (UTI) are common in women who have diabetes or are prone to diabetes. It develops due to bacteria in the urinary tract and can lead to a painful urination and irritation, which gradually lead to a burning sensation. Women with diabetes have UTIs because the WBCs cannot travel through their bloodstream to kill the infecting agents. For treatment, diabetes medications should be taken along with medications for the infection.

    Sexual dysfunction: When you have high amount of glucose in your blood, it gradually damages the nerves and leads to a condition known as diabetic neuropathy. This condition leads to loss of sensation in various parts of the body including the vaginal tract. This leads to a decrease in the sex drive in a woman.

    If you are facing one or more of these symptoms, visit a doctor and enlighten yourself with the knowledge of how to manage the condition. Diabetes, if not kept under control, may turn grave and in extreme cases, even lead to death.

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