• Schizophrenia is a mental health condition that affects how one feels, thinks, and behaves. Patients experience a drop in concentration levels, reduce social interactions, and may even have hallucinations. Thankfully, several treatment options help control the symptoms and improve a patient’s quality of life. However, those with schizophrenia must also follow a healthy nutrition plan and choose foods wisely. Here are a few foods to avoid with this mental health condition.

    Foods containing gluten
    Studies have shown a link between gluten consumption and schizophrenia. Those who have celiac disease (gluten sensitivity) in their childhood have a greater risk of developing this mental condition. And those who already have the disorder might experience an aggravation of symptoms after eating gluten-based foods. They may also suffer from poor absorption of iron and gut issues. So, it is best to keep this ingredient out of the menu by avoiding foods like bulgur wheat, bread, pasta, cereals, cakes, cookies, and crackers. The symptoms of schizophrenia are said to reduce when these are eliminated from the meal plan. Patients with gut and gastrointestinal problems also show signs of improvement.

    Artificial sweeteners
    Artificial sweeteners are commonly used in soft drinks, candy, and canned foods. Since it is an alternative to sugar, many people use it to maintain good health. But while these sweeteners are considered low in sugar, they are problematic for those with mental disorders. They can lead to headaches, seizures, anxiety, depression, learning problems, and worsen other symptoms. Therefore, patients must read food labels to determine the presence of sweeteners and choose foods accordingly.

    Foods with MSG
    Monosodium glutamate (MSG) is a sodium salt obtained from glutamic acid. Although the FDA has classified it as a safe ingredient, it is a type of neurotoxin that has been linked to adverse effects on cognitive functioning. It is known to over-stimulate neuron receptors, making them more active than usual. When this process is prolonged, it can weaken the neurons, leading to their destruction. This changes the levels of chemical activities in the brain, resulting in temper outbursts, panic attacks, confusion, depression, and even suicidal thoughts. Since such symptoms are also usually associated with schizophrenia, patients must steer clear of MSG by avoiding potato chips, seasoning, sauces, frozen foods, and processed meats. These can affect the brain and worsen the disorder.

    Refined carbohydrates
    Who does not like pastries, pasta, and crackers? These are the go-to foods for many people to satisfy their taste buds. However, they are sources of refined carbohydrates that are not just linked to an increased risk of type 2 diabetes and cardiac conditions but also cognitive problems. Carbs lead to a rise and fall in insulin levels, which can worsen schizophrenia symptoms. People with mental health issues tend to crave carbohydrates, making it hard to avoid items like pasta. But such foods must be kept away as far as possible.

    Fruits and vegetables with pesticides
    While fruits and vegetables are critical to good health, one must purchase them from trustworthy sources. Farm-grown foods can be laden with pesticides, which increase the chances of developing cognitive problems over time. It may lead to anxiety, agitation, and nausea, which are also symptoms of schizophrenia. Other complications include memory impairment and difficulties in concentration. While most conventionally-grown fruits and veggies may have high pesticide content, certain items are low in pesticides. These include avocado, cabbage, pineapple, papaya, frozen sweet peas, and mangoes.

    Eliminating these foods from the nutrition plan helps control the symptoms of mental disorders and also improves overall health. Further, it helps reduce the risk of heart and vascular diseases, the risk of which is particularly high in people with schizophrenia.

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  • Premature aging is a condition when the natural effects of growing old start early. The condition makes a person’s skin appear older than its actual age. The most visible signs of aging are age spots, dryness, wrinkles, hyperpigmentation, and more. The aging process could also accelerate due to multiple skincare and lifestyle missteps. Here are some commonly made mistakes that one must avoid to maintain skin healthiness and counteract the signs of aging.

    Avoiding sunscreen
    Premature aging happens when you ignore sunscreen as part of your skincare routine. Sunscreen aids in protecting the skin against harmful UV rays from the sun, thus, preventing skin damage. When sunscreen is not applied to areas of the body exposed to sunlight, it can result in problems such as dark spots, damage to collagen, dilated vessels, and wrinkles. It is important to wear proper sun gear to save the body from UV rays. It is also significant to use a broad-spectrum sunscreen that is sweat and water-resistant. If you want extra protection, you can also choose to wear clothing with Ultraviolet Protection Factor (UPF) tags.

    Extreme exfoliation
    People use scrubs to get rid of dead skin cells and gain soft, smooth skin. However, this can often cause bruising of the facial skin and inflammation. Furthermore, using scrubs can cause the pores to open, making the skin dry. It can lead to premature aging, fine lines, and wrinkles. Constant rubbing and tugging while scrubbing the skin can cause damage and compromise the protective layering of the skin. Therefore, it is essential to undertake exfoliation gently through the fingertips or a silicone scrubbing pad.

    Going to bed with makeup
    A daily skincare routine should involve properly cleansing the skin and removing all makeup before sleeping. It is crucial because the skin gets exposed to various kinds of dirt, bacteria, and pollutants in the environment. These get deposited in the pores and the makeup and cosmetic products used. Following a proper cleansing routine helps remove these contaminants and makeup residue from facial skin that can lead to various skin problems such as discoloration, blackheads, inflammation, fine lines, and premature aging.

    Ignoring essential nutrients
    A person’s skincare routine is not limited to cleansing or applying the right set of products; it also involves maintaining a proper nutritional regime to keep the skin healthy and supple. Some nutrients that help maintain good skin are available in foods rich in antioxidants like cherries, berries, and more. Vitamin C is found in fruits such as oranges, and Vitamin E is found in foods such as nuts and seeds. Beta carotene is found in leafy greens and carrots, zinc in whole grains and poultry, and omega-3 fatty acids in foods like salmon, mackerel, and walnuts. These are all good for the skin. Consuming these foods as part of the daily meal plan helps boost skin health and prevent premature aging. It is also essential to limit sugar intake as it is known to trigger the production of glycation in the body. It can lead to the breakdown of collagen and elastin, resulting in fine lines and wrinkles.

    Lack of adequate sleep and exercise
    Besides smoking, a sedentary lifestyle can also contribute to premature aging. Lack of adequate sleep leads to elevated stress levels, increased acne breakouts, dull skin, and pale complexion, which lead to skin appearing much older than its actual age. Therefore, it is essential to get proper sleep so that the body rejuvenates and the skin appears healthy. Regular exercise also aids in boosting energy levels, dilating blood vessels in the skin, and helping oxygen-rich blood reach the skin, so that it remains healthy.

    While formulating your skincare routine, you have to be wary of such mistakes and can also follow expert advice to prevent the premature aging of your skin.

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  • Skin disease can be caused due to a variety of reasons, including viruses, bacteria, fungi, genetic factors, contact with irritants, or even due to a weak immune system. Some skin diseases are mild, while others can cause extreme discomfort and distress and may require specialized treatment. If you are suffering from a skin disease, here are a few things you should avoid to control the spread and intensity of the disease.

    Avoid using strong soaps, detergents, and shampoos

    Skin disease can worsen when you wash your body or clothes with strongly scented soaps, detergents, and shampoos. Soaps made with chemicals remove the natural oils from the skin and make it dry and itchy. Fragrance-free, mild soaps and detergents are best, and rinse your body and clothes well. For severe skin diseases such as eczema or psoriasis, it is best to avoid using soap unless it is essential.

    Avoid hot water

    Extreme temperatures can inflame the skin and trigger a flare-up in people with skin conditions. To soothe your skin, use lukewarm or cool water for a shower. Hot water will dry the skin and cause redness, itching, and sometimes peeling.

    Avoid excessive sunlight

    Having sufficient exposure to sunlight is essential, but it can be harmful to people with skin diseases. Sunburns can cause inflammation to your skin and can lead to flare-ups. People with skin diseases should keep sun exposure to a minimum. Use mineral sunscreen to block out the burning rays.

    Avoid stress

    Stress can make skin conditions such as eczema and psoriasis worse. When stressed, your body’s hormones cause inflammation, further irritating your skin. Try relaxation techniques such as yoga and meditation. Also, ensure you get enough sleep to reduce stress.

    Avoid all types of allergens

    Pet dander, dust, and mold can come into direct contact with the skin and cause flare-ups. People with skin diseases should avoid contact with allergens. If you cannot avoid an allergen, try to reduce contact with it.

    Eliminate certain foods

    Many foods can cause inflammation throughout the body and make symptoms worse. People with skin diseases should avoid the following foods:


    Dairy products are high in fat and can lead to inflammation in some people. Many people are also allergic to dairy, triggering symptoms of various skin conditions.


    People with skin diseases should avoid consuming eggs, which can cause an inflammatory response.

    Foods high in saturated and trans fats

    Saturated fats found in red meat and butter promote inflammation and may worsen skin disease symptoms. It is best to avoid trans fats such as processed and fast food and margarine.

    Sugary foods

    Sugary foods such as cakes, chocolates, energy drinks, and fruit juices cause insulin levels to spike, resulting in skin inflammation.

    Foods with a high glycemic index

    White bread, white rice, pasta, and potatoes are some foods with a high glycemic index and should be avoided.

    Soy products

    Consuming soy products can lead to the production of excess estrogen, which can aggravate certain skin conditions.

    Avoid strenuous exercises

    During a flare-up, it is best to avoid strenuous exercises as sweating can irritate the skin. Sweat contains salt that can dry out your skin and cause flare-ups. Doing less strenuous workouts early in the morning or evening when it is cooler is ideal.

    Skin disease is different for everyone. Some may have flares more often, while others may have less. Avoiding the above things can help ease skin disease symptoms. The treatment varies depending on the type of skin disease and its severity. Skin disease is usually treated with the help of options such as antihistamines, medicated ointments, antibiotics, laser therapy, and targeted prescription treatments. One of the treatments that are used for adults with mild to severe plaque psoriasis is tremfya. It is injected just below the surface of the skin, and the dosage will depend on the doctor.

    Talk to your dermatologist, who will diagnose your skin condition and decide on the right treatment.

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  • Crohn’s disease is a type of inflammatory bowel disease that leads to swelling in the small intestine resulting in problems like diarrhea and stomach pain. The swelling makes it tougher for the body to absorb the nutrients in food. Certain foods can also trigger the symptoms and lead to flare-ups; the triggers can differ from person to person. Nevertheless, here are a few common foods that should be avoided to prevent worsening Crohn’s disease symptoms.

    1. Spicy food
      For those with Crohn’s disease who love chilies or spicy food, restricting these foods is important to manage the symptoms. This is because certain spices can worsen the pain and other symptoms associated with the condition. Alternatively, one should use mild herbs and natural flavorings such as lemon in limited quantities.
    2. Dairy products
      Many people with Crohn’s disease experience worsening symptoms after consuming dairy products like yogurt, cheese, and milk. For them, it is better to try milk alternatives, like almond milk, coconut milk, soy milk, and oat milk. People with the disease can also try low-fat substitutes like kefir.
    3. Deep-fried foods
      People with Crohn’s are advised to limit their intake of fried and greasy foods as these contain unhealthy fats that may aggravate the symptoms and lead to problems such as loose motion and cramping. This is because foods rich in fat, including heavy sauces, are often not completely absorbed by the small intestine.
    4. Seeds and nuts
      Irrespective of the high nutritional value of these foods, they are not suitable for people with Crohn’s disease as they can cause irritation in the lining of the gut, worsening the symptoms. Seeds and nuts are also hard to digest for people suffering from the disease.
    5. Raw fruits and vegetables with skin
      The health of those with Crohn’s disease may worsen if they have apples or cucumbers along with their skins. This is because edible peels of these foods lead to severe digestive distress as these contain insoluble fibers that make them hard to digest. However, one can have these fruits and vegetables after peeling or cooking.
    6. Cured meat
      People with Crohn’s disease should ideally consume enough protein to stay healthy. However, processed meats such as bacon should be avoided as they contain large amounts of preservatives and fats and also offer minimal nutritional value. These foods may lead to aggravation of symptoms such as diarrhea in some patients. Alternatively, opting for lean proteins found in fish and soy can prove to be more beneficial for the body.
    7. Tomatoes
      People with Crohn’s disease might need to reduce their intake of tomatoes in all forms as the fruit is known to worsen the symptoms and cause acidity.
    8. Artificial sweeteners
      People affected by Crohn’s are advised to avoid products with low-calorie sweeteners, including sorbitol and maltitol, as these may not get completely absorbed by the body and lead to acidity, diarrhea, and bloating. Additionally, packaged fruit juices, lemonade, and soda high in sugar could trigger or aggravate the symptoms of this condition.
    9. Popcorn
      This popular snack option could aggravate Crohn’s disease symptoms as it is rich in fiber and butter. Fat and fiber are known to worsen inflammation in patients, cause severe acidity, and lead to loose motions.
    10. Caffeinated beverages
      People with the disease are advised to limit their intake of caffeinated products, including tea, coffee, chocolates, and sodas, as they are known to aggravate bloating, diarrhea, cramping, and other symptoms. Alternatively, one should opt for herbal drinks or other non-caffeinated fluids.
    11. Whole Grains
      People with Crohn’s might find it best to avoid whole grains as they are rich in fiber, which can trigger symptoms like diarrhea and stomach pain. Furthermore, whole grains are also known to have high gluten content and fermentable carbohydrates.

    Before eliminating any food item from one’s meal plans, it is best to seek the advice of a doctor or a health professional.

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  • Muscle pain, also known as myalgia, can affect the entire body or specific regions. Almost everyone experiences such pain at some point in their life. While it can be treated, knowing the cause is essential to develop a treatment plan. The pain could be triggered by various factors, including injury, trauma, and even severe diseases or infections. Read on to learn about the five most common health conditions that may cause muscle pain.

    Lupus is an autoimmune disease that causes inflammation and pain throughout the body. Muscle aches and pains are widespread in people with the condition. It is usually the first symptom that causes people to seek diagnosis and treatment. When lupus and muscle ache exist together, it is called lupus myositis. Patients may experience severe pain and inflammation in their shoulders, upper arms, hips, and thighs. This can make it difficult for them to get up from a chair, climb stairs, or brush their hair. Although muscles do not weaken in lupus, the pain can be intense.

    Multiple sclerosis
    This is an autoimmune disease that damages the nerves in the body. Sometimes, it affects the nerves that control muscle movement, causing acute pain. The muscles usually become stiff or weak and trigger painful muscle contractions. This pain usually occurs in the arms and legs, affecting the ability to sit, stand, walk, or move about easily.

    Myofascial pain syndrome
    This is a chronic disorder that affects the musculoskeletal system. It can impact either a single muscle or a muscle group. Some people with myofascial pain syndrome experience muscle pain occasionally, while the problem persists for others. The pain appears in specific trigger points in the body that usually develop in the upper back, neck, or shoulder muscles. It gets worse when the affected muscle is stretched or strained. The trigger points may feel like small bumps or knots in the muscle.

    Thyroid disease
    Muscle pain, weakness, and cramping are common in people with hypothyroidism, a prevalent disorder where the thyroid gland does not release sufficient thyroid hormone into the bloodstream. It mainly affects larger muscles, like those in the thighs and shoulders. Alternatively, the overproduction of thyroid hormones, or hyperthyroid myopathy, affects muscles throughout the body. This can lead to problems climbing stairs, holding objects, or reaching arms above the head. Some experience weakness in the throat, face, and respiratory muscles. There are treatments for hyperthyroidism, but it can take weeks or months for muscle cramps and stiffness to improve.

    Rheumatoid arthritis
    Rheumatoid arthritis is a prevalent autoimmune disease where the immune system affects the joints, causing inflammation and swelling. If the inflammation prevents a person from moving the joints, the muscles around them get stiff and sore. The pain that arises differs from the typical joint pain that primarily affects specific joints on both sides of the body. The intensity of pain also varies among individuals. When such muscle pain arises along with rheumatoid arthritis, the condition is called rheumatoid myositis. The common symptoms are weakness, swelling, and pain in the muscles. This health condition accelerates the loss of muscle mass that usually occurs as people age.

    Muscle pain with loss of motion is a red flag to watch out for. But in most cases, it can be effectively managed with the right treatment. If muscle pain or cramping affects the back, one can get relief by applying a pain-relieving patch. Back patches help manage pain, improve movement, and speed up recovery. They are also available in XL sizes that target maximum surface area. Individuals should consult a healthcare provider if the problem worsens or persists without an apparent cause.

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  • The eye is an organ part of the visual system in the human body that enables individuals to see. But several factors can affect one’s overall vision. Age, diabetes, high blood pressure, and genetics are significant factors impacting one’s vision. Improper nutrition can also be a contributing factor to poor vision. Therefore, one must ensure they eat foods rich in vitamins to improve eye health. Here are four such vitamins to include in each meal.

    Vitamin A
    Including foods rich in vitamin A may help maintain a clear cornea (the outer covering of the eye). The vitamin is also a component of a protein in the eyes known as rhodopsin. The protein allows individuals to see in low light conditions. Furthermore, vitamin A reduces the risk of age-related macular degeneration (AMD) and cataracts. Foods abundant with A vitamins include pumpkins, bell peppers, squash, and sweet potato. Carrots, black-eyed peas, spinach, broccoli, mangoes, and cantaloupe are other foods rich in this vitamin. The lack of vitamin A can lead to xerophthalmia, a severe condition that may cause permanent blindness.

    Vitamin C
    Eating foods rich in vitamin C can have several health benefits, including those for the eyes. The vitamin also protects the eyes from oxidative damage. Such damage is a crucial factor that can trigger the development of nuclear and cortical cataracts, which are common age-related cataracts. Oranges, blackberries, grapefruit juice, and Brussels sprouts are some foods to consume to improve the vitamin levels in the body. Research indicates that people who developed a nuclear cataract had clearer lenses when they ate foods rich in vitamin C. The nutrition from these foods can also protect the eye against UV light damage. While the concentration of vitamin C in the eyes depletes with age, taking supplements based on a healthcare professional’s advice may help replenish the vitamin.

    Vitamin E
    Following meal plans that are rich in vitamin E can significantly improve one’s vision or prevent potential disorders. To improve levels of E vitamins, one must include sunflower seeds, peanuts, safflower oil, soybean, asparagus, and peanuts in their meals. Salmon and avocados are other healthy sources of vitamin E. People who consume these foods improve Alpha Tocopherol concentration, a form of vitamin E with powerful antioxidant properties. Antioxidants are known to fight and prevent free radicals, which may otherwise damage tissues throughout the body. These radicals may also damage proteins and lead to the formation of cloudy textures (cataracts) on the lens of the eye.

    B Vitamins
    B vitamins such as B6, B9, and B12 are known for their benefits, especially for improving eye health. Combining the three vitamins help reduce homocysteine, a protein that may increase the chances of developing AMD and potentially trigger inflammation. Riboflavin is another B vitamin known to protect the eyes. The antioxidants may help reduce oxidative stress in the body, including stress in the eyes. As for foods, people should include chickpeas, poultry, and salmon in their meals to improve vitamin B6 levels. Some foods rich in B9 include peanuts, seafood, and eggs. As for B12, the liver and kidneys of beef, veal, and lamb are suitable sources of the vitamin.

    Contact lenses
    Healthy foods rich in vitamins can improve overall eye health and protect them from potential diseases. However, sometimes these vitamins can only do so much. One may need to try other means, such as wearing contact lenses, to manage their eye health. There are various lens types for the eyes. One of them is toric lenses made for those with astigmatism. Other common vision problems that might need one to wear contact lenses include myopia (nearsightedness), hyperopia (farsightedness), and presbyopia. A few popular brands for contacts include those from Bausch & Lomb, Johnson & Johnson, Alcon, and Coopervision.

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  • Dementia is an umbrella term that encompasses a multitude of symptoms and health conditions. It can impact a patient’s memory and cognitive functioning. Statistics provided by the World Health Organization suggest that there are more than 55 million dementia patients worldwide. Symptoms can differ from one patient to another; however, some warning signs of dementia remain common irrespective of its cause. It is more commonly seen in patients above 60 years.

    Short-term memory changes
    Issues with one’s memory are the most common and noticeable signs of dementia. These subtle changes observed in patients are often associated with their short-term memory. These changes include forgetting their tasks and the placement of items.

    Problem finding the right words
    Problem with communication of thoughts or the inability to find the right words to express one’s thoughts is a common sign of dementia. This can lead to stopping in the middle of a sentence. Conversing with dementia patients, therefore, takes a longer time.

    Mood change
    The slightest of things can cause mood changes in dementia patients. Differences in their surroundings, disruption of routine, inability to find items, and more can make them anxious, upset, agitated, or give rise to other emotions. It is one of the early warning signs of dementia.

    Dementia patients are prone to confusion. Their poor memory causes them to forget landmarks, people, events of the day, and more. The loss of their belongings and the inability to recognize their surroundings are some of the many reasons that can give rise to confusion.

    Problem completing tasks
    Change in the person’s ability to carry or complete a task can also be a warning sign for dementia. These can involve day-to-day tasks that were once easily accomplished. New activities can be daunting for the patient.

    Difficulty accepting change
    A typical early sign observed in patients with dementia is their inability to accept change. Memory loss can give rise to fear; therefore, dementia patients crave routine.

    Poor judgment
    Cognitive decline often brings along poor judgment. The sudden onset of bad decisions can be a warning sign of dementia.

    There are various assisted living options for senior patients. Patients who are unwilling to move to an assisted living facility can avail of in-home assisted care. Devices like stairlifts help provide convenience for senior patients with assisted living.

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  • Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) is a common childhood neurodevelopmental disorder that progresses well into adulthood. ADHD mainly affects a patient’s ability to pay attention, control their impulsiveness, or avoid being extremely overactive. But it is one of the few neurodevelopmental disorders that can be treated with prescriptions, therapy, and even a combination of natural remedies and the following lifestyle changes. Here are the best suggested natural treatments for ADHD.

    Behavioral therapy
    Therapists can help teach how one can deal with mood changes and improve the overall outlook. Suggestions include creating a productive routine, learning to organize, and better managing distractions. All this can be done by bringing about a discipline in lifestyle. Exploring new opportunities, setting goals, and managing expectations can enforce positive thinking.

    Monitor foods and avoid allergens
    There are many substances found in processed foods that have been linked to increased hyperactivity among young children. It is advisable to avoid foods and beverages that are laced with artificial coloring or flavoring. In addition, immediate medical attention is advisable if the patient shows symptoms of food allergies. Chemical preservatives, certain dairy products, and even natural fruits/vegetables containing salicylates are trigger allergens to avoid with ADHD.

    Physical activity
    Exercising or any form of physical activity can help the body lower cortisol levels and decrease stress. Also, exercising helps the body release endorphins, commonly known as feel-good hormones, crucial for regulating mood and preventing trigger symptoms linked to ADHD. Physical activity also improves concentration and focus, enabling patients to better navigate daily tasks without getting distracted or highly frustrated.

    Alternative therapies
    Research suggests meditation techniques can further help boost mood, bring about discipline, and help increase awareness. Meditation and deep breathing can help the mind and body unite and allows a person to feel more conscious and connected with oneself. This improves self-awareness and helps develop positive emotions that also have a meaningful impact on daily lifestyle choices. Note that the form of exercise depends on the comfort level and expectations of someone with ADHD.

    Quillivant XR
    Quillivant XR is an extended-release formula suggested for managing symptoms of hyperactivity and impulsiveness, commonly observed among patients with ADHD. It is a type of central nervous system stimulant that interacts with chemical responses in the brain. With the Quillivant XR coupons, patients can pay as little as $25 for a co-pay card and avail of the prescription for less than a dollar a day hereon.

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  • The degeneration of brain cells can lead to the development of various health concerns. It can compromise the person’s cognitive and physical function and deteriorate their lifestyle. To avoid these complications, doctors often recommend adopting a healthy lifestyle. Eliminating unhealthy foods and adopting a healthy lifestyle can prevent the brain’s and other organs’ free radical damage. Here are three essential tips that help avoid the degeneration of brain cells due to dementia.

    Have these foods to prevent degeneration
    Proper nourishment is essential for brain functions, and providing the correct nutrients helps prevent this organ from rapid damage. Here are some foods to consider:

    • Nuts
      Regular inclusion of nuts in meal plans can help develop better cognitive skills. It can also help keep other systems running smoothly. Nuts have also been linked to having a better memory.
    • Green vegetables
      Two servings of green vegetables a week can help prevent the degeneration of brain cells. Those who include leafy vegetables in their daily meals are better protected against cognitive decline.
    • Fatty fish
      Omega-3 fatty acids are abundant in fish like salmon, tuna, and herring. This nutrient also benefits people with low cognition and those at risk of developing degenerative brain disorders.
    • Berries
      Berries are rich sources of anthocyanin, a compound with anti-inflammatory and antioxidant properties. This compound helps prevent free radical damage and brain cell degeneration.
    • Olive oil
      People who regularly use olive oil for cooking show better cognitive function. It helps in slowing down brain cell degeneration and the onset of symptoms.

    Get personal care
    For patients who can’t afford a long wait to see their physicians or can’t travel to a clinic, Optum Care can be of great help. The organization partners with healthcare professionals and clinics to provide better healthcare services by caring for patients’ primary and special-care needs. Optum Care thrives in building a healthier life for patients.

    Get a senior phone
    Lively’s GreatCall is another essential service that can make caring for patients easier. The company has senior-friendly medical alter devices and mobile phones. Formerly known as GreatCall, Lively’s basic plans start from around $15. It uses Verizon’s network service and on-demand concierge services for doctor consultations. Lively’s response time is impressive, benefiting anyone looking for reliable service.

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  • ADHD, or attention deficit hyperactivity disorder, is a neurological disease that affects many people across the globe, children as well as adults. The common symptoms include daydreaming, forgetfulness, talking too much, making careless mistakes, hyperactivity, and trouble concentrating. ADHD is manageable with treatments. But, lifestyle changes can support ongoing treatment and improve the condition further. Doctors have identified some foods to avoid with ADHD that patients should be aware of.

    When dealing with ADHD, one should avoid candy because it has a very high sugar content and artificial coloring. Both elements can worsen hyperactivity. While avoiding candy will not prevent hyperactivity altogether, it will help reduce the intensity and frequency of episodes. Too much sugar, in general, can also impact energy levels and lead to other health conditions like diabetes, so it is best to limit its quantity in foods.

    Coffee is also a no-go for people with ADHD. The caffeine in coffee can improve concentration levels, but it can worsen the symptoms of this health condition. It can also interfere with ongoing treatment. Besides coffee, beverages like tea and even cola are also counted among the foods to avoid with ADHD due to their caffeine content.

    Frozen fruits and veggies
    While fresh fruits and veggies are healthy, frozen ones may have artificial additives that worsen ADHD symptoms. Artificial additives, such as food colors, can also interfere with hormones and development. Other foods with artificial additives include breakfast cereals, cookies, soft drinks, and fruit punches. So, it is advisable to read the label before buying foods off the shelf.

    Avoiding these foods may reduce ADHD symptoms. But, in most cases, individuals also need treatment to manage the condition. The popular options include:

    It is a stimulant that works by improving how different parts of the brain communicate with each other. CONCERTA® is an extended-release treatment option. This means it is slowly released into the body throughout the day. As a result, the effect of the treatment lasts longer.

    DAYTRANA® is another treatment option for ADHD that works throughout the day. It comes in the form of a patch to be applied on the skin of the hip. Common side effects include heart problems, seizures, reduced development, and allergies.

    Adderall® helps increase focus and concentration while reducing hyperactivity and impulsive behavior. Its serious side effects include uncontrollable shaking, hallucinations, and increased blood pressure.

    In more serious cases, doctors also recommend treatments like VIIBRYD® to manage depression, sleeplessness, hyperactivity, impulsivity, anxiety, and other ADHD symptoms and complications.

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