• Organic apple cider vinegar is increasingly becoming a favorite ingredient for health-conscious folks. While it is utilized for a host of home remedies, it is currently a huge part of the detox trend. You can blend it in several drinks and have it daily. It is derived from fermented apple juice, which makes it a natural probiotic. Several brands in the market sell pasteurized apple cider products which aren’t effective for the detoxification process. So, only invest apple cider vinegar products which are organic. Also before consumption ensure that you aren’t allergic to ACV.

    The following are the benefits of apple cider vinegar for detoxification.

    • Intestinal health Lately, if you have been facing problems related to indigestion, then you should give apple cider vinegar a try. It is acidic and encompasses digestive enzymes that boost the levels of good bacteria in the body. It can quickly help you gain relief from gastric conditions such as constipation and diarrhea.
    • Liver cleansing Not many people are aware, but the liver is responsible for breaking down the body fat. Due to unhealthy eating habits, the liver does not get an opportunity to function in the best manner. A detoxification plan with apple cider vinegar can help you cleanse the liver and increase your metabolism rate. This is especially beneficial if you are trying to lose weight.
    • Clears acne If you have been dealing with acne, then apple cider vinegar can be an excellent way to reduce the outbreaks. Its antibacterial qualities will help purify your blood and balance the pH levels of the skin.
    • Gets rid of mucus If you are tackling chest congestion due to excessive mucus build up then you can try an apple cider detox plan to eliminate it. This detoxification regime can assist in breaking up the mucus and restore the body’s pH levels.
    • Improves the overall immunity A persistent consumption of apple cider vinegar can enhance your immune system and help you effectively fight bacterial attacks.

    Apple cider vinegar for detoxification can be a fabulous addition to your everyday diet. But it is important to be noted that ACV is a strong solution. Unwarranted consumption can irritate the stomach or digestive tract, cause inflammation of the esophagus and even strip off the tooth enamel. The best way to consume it by mixing a tablespoon or two in herbal teas, warm water, fruit juices or smoothies. You can also drizzle some in your salads, just ensure that you don’t cross the limit of two tablespoons.

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  • Planning to go on a weight loss spree? There is no doubt that the thought of consuming CLA may have crossed your mind. Conjugated linoleic acid is a trans-fatty acid that naturally occurs and belongs to the family of omega-6 class of fatty acids. This is a mixture that comprises of 28 isomers, and every isomer has a different effect on the body.

    The popularity of CLA is growing with each passing day. Fitness enthusiasts see these fatty acids to be extremely beneficial in the weight loss journey. CLA is found in foods such as animal meats and dairy. However, these fatty acids may not suffice. Thus, a large number of companies are offering CLA supplements with a promise of a plethora of health benefits. If you are still wondering about the benefits of CLA and how it can aid in good health, here are few:

    Increases the rate of metabolism CLA helps the body process food at a faster rate. This means that the food is efficiently converted into energy. The fatty acids effectively boost metabolic reactions and regulate the tissues of fat in the body. It is believed to alter the ratio of muscles to the of the fat, thereby increasing the use of energy.

    Weight loss For individuals, who follow an intense fitness regime daily, CLA can reduce body fat mass. This helps to a large extent in the journey towards weight loss. The fatty acids do not act as miracle supplements and are only effective when paired with the right exercise and fat-free diet.

    Fights cancer CLA can prevent the development of cancers or tumors. It fights cancers in the lungs, breast, skin and other body parts. As per studies, the intake of CLA regularly can reduce the growth of tumor in individuals who suffer from the disease. However, before taking CLA supplements, it is essential to consult the doctor as these can interfere with the effects of other medications.

    Boost immunity CLA is believed to have a significant effect in boosting the immune system. Usually, when one undergoes a fitness regime or follows a strict diet, the immune system weakens, however, CLA can prevent those dreaded viruses from affecting the body. It also blocks the catabolic effects in times of illness.

    While the benefits of CLA may sound luring, consuming CLA supplements do bring side-effects such as an upset stomach, vomiting and more. One should consult a medical professional before the intake of these fatty acids.

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  • Processed foods, sugary foods and additives clog your digestive system, slow down your body metabolism and lead to weight-gain. Hence it is very important to consume clean foods like fruits and vegetables to aid your weight-loss efforts. They not only contain powerful fat burning properties but are also packed with nutrients essential for a healthy lifestyle. Listed below are seven foods that burn fat by boosting your body’s metabolism.

    Kale is one of the best nutrient-packed vegetables you can add to your diet. It is rich in vitamin C, beta carotene, iron and calcium. It kick starts your digestive system and contains vegetable proteins that help with strength training. Consuming four cups of kale provides enough detoxifying nutrients to keep your body detoxed.

    Avocados contain monounsaturated fat which effectively helps in preventing the distribution of fat around the belly. According to a study in the Diabetes Care journal, it does so by down-regulating the expression of fat genes. Avocados have a high calorific value. Hence, stick to eating half to get the desired results.

    Berries contain polyphenol. They are antioxidants that prevent the creation and accumulation of body fats. Berries help in getting the most out of your workouts by enhancing the blood flow to your muscles. Include a variety of berries in your smoothies to satisfy your sweet cravings and burn body fat.

    Grapefruits are rich in phytochemical that boost the production of a fat burning hormone called adiponectin. Additionally, some studies have found that grapefruits help in fat breakdown by activating calorie-burning brown fat cells. Include grapefruits in your salads to add some zing and accelerate your wight-loss efforts.

    Apples are a rich source of fibre and are low in sugar content. They make for a good addition to your diet as they take longer to digest, thereby keeping you satiated. They are also rich in antioxidants that help in preventing metabolic syndrome.

    Broccolis are packed with vitamins A, B9, C and K. They are effective fat burning foods as they are rich in protein and fibre. They help in reducing the calorie intake by keeping you full for a longer time.

    Asparagus is high in iron in addition to fibre and protein. It can be incorporated as a delicious fat burning side dish in your meals. Packed with vitamin A, it is also very good for keeping your eyes and immune system healthy.

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  • In today’s world, there are many people who struggle with their weight and try hard to reach their desired weight loss goals. Losing weight does not always require you to break a sweat at the gym for hours or follow a very strict diet. Sometimes it’s as simple as including ingredients with weight loss properties in your diet. Many use coconut oil for weight loss and get desired results.

    Coconut oil is one such ingredient that will help you lose the excess fat around your body. Coconut oil is made up of a medium chain saturated fatty acids (MCT), which is effective in boosting metabolism and producing extra energy to burn the stubborn fats. It also helps with detoxification of the body and since, detoxification is the process of removing toxic substances from the body, it also helps in losing weight. In addition, coconut oil helps to metabolize the fats in the liver, converting it to fuel to be used by our brain and muscles. Here are a few ways in which you can incorporate coconut oil into your daily diet.

    Method 1:
    Add hot water or herbal tea to a tablespoon or two of coconut oil. Stir well and drink. This method works only when consumed on a regular basis.

    Method 2:
    Take a lemon wedge and some lemon juice in a glass. Add a teaspoon of organic coconut oil and some fresh water. Now fill the rest of the glass with warm water and stir well. Sip this, slowly, every morning on a regular basis to attain good results.

    You can also follow the below recipes that incorporate coconut oil for the purpose of weight loss.
    Coconut smoothie
    Take 14 ounces of fresh or canned coconut milk and add ½ tablespoon of coconut oil along with 7 ounces of water. Pour all ingredients in to a blender and add either two handfuls of cherries or a cup of blueberries. Blend it thoroughly till the ingredients have been mixed and add any natural sweetener to taste.

    Coconut oil with coconut water and pineapple
    Take one cup of coconut water and add a tablespoon or two of raw virgin coconut oil, a tablespoon of organic spirulina powder, ½ cup of frozen pineapple, ½ a cup of frozen banana, a handful of spinach and 5 ice cubes. Pour all the ingredients into a blender. Blend and add natural sweetener to your taste. Stir it well and drink regularly to see a change.

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  • It is a common belief that oils are the primary reason for weight gain and obesity. However, there are some that have weight loss properties due to the kind of fatty acid chains they are made up of. Coconut oil is one such oil that in addition to making your skin and hair glow, can also assist in weight loss. Here is how you can use coconut oil for weight loss!

    Coconut oil increases energy levels
    Coconut oil is mainly made up of an essential fatty acid that metabolizes very differently when compared to other fatty acids. The fatty acid medium-chain triglyceride (MCT) lauric acid is not stored as fat in the body but instead sent to the liver to be broken down immediately and converted into energy.

    Coconut oil reduces hunger and cravings
    As the fatty acids of coconut oil are broken down, they produce keytones which reduces hunger and cravings.

    Coconut oil burns fat fast
    Coconut oil increases the absorbing power of the body which leads to easier absorption of various nutrients and better digestion. Coconut oil also works as a mood elevator by reducing stress and motivating you to feel better on an overall basis.

    Coconut oil helps to balance hormones
    A person’s body usually needs fatty acids and other essential acids in order to produce the right hormones. Coconut oil, containing medium-chain triglyceride (MCT), helps the body produce the right hormones. These hormones help the body enhance metabolism, reduce stress and anxiety, increase energy and help burn stubborn fats around the abdominal and thigh area.

    Coconut oil keeps you motivated
    Since coconut oil helps in absorbing nutrients, it prevents you from feeling fatigue. It acts as a natural mood elevator and stress buster and helps you stay motivated in following a healthy lifestyle.

    Coconut oil helps stabilize blood-sugar levels
    Since the coconut oil can digest itself easily, the pancreas can focus on the production of insulin. Being a saturated fat, coconut oil makes it very easy for the cells to bind with insulin during the process of digestion. When the body is given the right amount of insulin, glucose production is much easier and hence, blood sugar levels are stable.

    Here are a few ways to incorporate coconut oil in your daily diet!
    In coffee, tea or other hot drinks: You can simply mix in a tablespoon of coconut oil into your morning coffee.

    In baking recipes: You can substitute the butter in a baking recipe with coconut oil.

    For frying: When frying, just use coconut oil instead of vegetable or olive oil.

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  • A calorie is nothing but a unit of energy. In everyday language, calories refer to energy consumption through eating and drinking, and energy usage through physical activity. We all need some calories that we need to intake for leading a healthy life. If one consumes more calories than what the body requires, one tends to gain weight and on the other hand if the amount of calorie intake is lower than what is required, one loses weight. It is empirical to understand your body type and your body’s needs when it comes to managing your calorie intake.

    Calorie management is essential for people who want to lead a healthy life. On an average one needs between 1500-2500 calories on a daily basis. This number changes according to body type and lifestyle. Some people have a high intake of calories but tend to burn them off by regular exercise or by having a higher metabolism.

    In order to lose weight, reduction of calorie intake and regular physical activity is required. Foods that are processed or fattening tend to have a higher calorie count. These foods can be substituted by healthier options like fresh fruits and vegetables, lean meats and consumption of one to two litres of water.

    Ten Foods that are high in calories are listed below!
    Oil (e.g. vegetable, fish, coconut, butter) approx 100-117 per tablespoon
    Nuts and Seeds (e.g. pecan, walnut, hazelnut ,almond, cashew) approx 135-200 per ounce
    Nut butters (e.g. peanut, almond) approx 95 per tablespoon
    Dark Chocolate approx 165 per ounce
    Dried fruit (e.g. prunes, raisins, dates, apricots) approx 200-250 per ½ cup
    Avocado approx – 330 per fruit
    Whole grains (e.g. whole wheat pasta, Quinoa, Brown Rice, Oat Bran) approx 85-200 per ½ cup
    Milk, Dairy and Eggs approx 80-150 per ounce
    Oily Fish (e.g. Mackarel, Tuna, Salmon, Tout) approx 175-250 per 3 ounces
    Meats approx. 175-300 per 3 ounces

    By keeping track of what we eat and what our calorie intake is on a daily basis, we can easily achieve our desired weight and maintain our health. It is important to provide the needed amount of calories to our body for it to maintain its efficiency. Diets in low calories cane lead to many health hazards as well. A balanced diet is the key to a healthy life and this can very easily be achieved by regularly monitoring our calorie intake and consistent physical activity.

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  • A calorie is a unit that measures energy content in food and beverages. Every human being needs to consume certain amount of calories for a balanced living. The amount of calorie intake differs for men and women and also differs according to an individual’s situation. For a balanced diet, on an average, a man needs to consume around 2,500 calories and a woman needs about 2,000 calories per day. This number varies according to the individual’s health, lifestyle, age, amount of physical activity done and many such factors.

    All the food that we consume contains calories of varying amounts. In today’s day and age many people watch and control their calorie intake in order to lose weight and maintain a healthy living. They do so by monitoring what they eat and how much they eat. Each meal that we consume should ideally contain about 600-700 calories. Snacking between meals can be a good way to control your hunger. But it’s important to adjust the amount of calories you consume with every meal. With changing lifestyles and habits, the youth is very conscious of their calorie intake. Many people who start on a weight loss plan reduce their calorie intake significantly. Calorie management is an essential factor in losing weight and leading a better life. When the intake of calories is high and there is no measure taken to reduce it or to burn them, it could lead to health issues such as obesity, cholesterol, liver malfunction and also heart diseases.

    Scientists across the globe are conducting tests and experiments on calorie intake and its effects. Studies show that even if your calorie intake is low, you could still get many health issues if you live a very sedentary life. Getting enough physical activity is as important as the amount of your calorie intake. It is equally important to make sure that you do not compromise on the amount of calories you consume in a day. If your calorie intake is less than the amount required by your body, it could lead to weakness, lethargy, reduced blood pressure, constipation and even something as serious as gall stones.

    Balancing your calorie intake is the most essential step towards a healthy life. While all foods and drinks contain calories, not all calories are healthy. It is important to know the difference between these two and change your eating habits accordingly.

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  • Exercise is not just a medium people count on for shedding some pounds, but it is a way that enables an individual to lead a happy and active life. It helps keep the body fit and healthy, which is a requisite for a good life. However, if weight loss is the major goal for an individual, then getting the hang of the best exercise to lose weight is imperative. Every minute of exercise counts, as you should be burning more calories than you consume during your exercise routine. Here are some tips to help you make the most of your weight loss regimen.

    Warm up
    Warm up is an essential part of a workout regimen, as it not only prevents body cramps but helps enhance workout results as well. As doing intense exercise just after waking up shocks the heart, and you tend to feel lazy throughout the day. Therefore, to ensure that you burn more calories and feel active after a workout, warming up is necessary.

    Pay attention to the intensity of your workout
    Some people even after working out for an hour every day complain that they are unable to lose weight. The reason behind is not the lack of time but the lack of strategy. To get the most of the best exercise lose weight regimen, you need to pay attention to the intensity of the workout. Doing exercises halfheartedly, while just going through the motions gently, does not help. High-intensity exercise only raises the metabolism, which helps lose weight and stay fit.

    Keep fluctuating between different intensities
    For good and quick results, you should keep fluctuating between different workout intensities. This not only sounds tough but it actually is. When you keep changing your workout routine, your body requires more energy to keep up with the changing scenario. To fulfill its energy requirement, your body would burn more calories, which will aid your weight loss. Therefore, rotate between hard exercises, fast-paced aerobic exercise, and some easy exercise several times throughout the workout.

    Exhaust every muscle involved
    Numerous best exercises to lose weight programs enable an individual to work on different body muscles. Whatever exercise you perform, make sure that you get that burning sensation in every muscle involved. It is a telltale sign that you have worked out hard and have burnt more calories or possibly as much as you could at one time.

    Prepare yourself
    The results of your workout depend greatly on your willpower and desire. Therefore, it is imperative that you prepare yourself before every workout. Remind yourself of your fitness goal and the efforts it requires. The stronger the mind is, the earlier an individual gets to achieve desired results.

    Cross training
    Cross training is a workout technique that enables an individual to exhaust different muscles groups. This technique helps you to maintain a higher level of intensity for longer. If your legs get that burning sensation, you should instantly move on to another set of muscles.

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  • To shed those extra pounds, don’t just look for the best exercise. You can lose weight by religiously following some other smart ideas discussed here. Rigorous training and extreme diets are not always suitable for everyone. Often, a health condition might not allow you to take up such weight loss plans as well. So to help people who find exercising difficult, we are here with some proven ways that can help reduce weight effectively and prevent weight gain in future.

    Eat food slowly and thoroughly
    Eating food slowly and thoroughly is a great way to lose weight. When you chew your food properly, you feel fuller and end up decreasing your food intake. Fast eaters are more likely to gain weight in comparison to slow eaters.

    Look yourself in the mirror
    Self-realization and motivation are the two biggest tools that help with weight loss. Unless you realize that excessive weight is a problem and you need to get rid of it at the earliest, you cannot lose weight.

    Stay away from foods that hinder weight loss goals
    Stay away from foods that make it difficult for you to lose weight. Keep them hidden or don’t buy them at all. If there are chocolates and biscuits within easy reach at home, it is but natural that you would feel tempted to have them.

    A good breakfast
    To feel fuller and active throughout the day, you need to have a good/healthy breakfast. Skipping your breakfast is the worst thing to do, as it does not help weight loss even a wee bit. Moreover, you should take small meals and snacks between regular meals. This keeps hunger in control so that you don’t end up overeating at once.

    Eat without distractions
    Side effects of having meals while watching television or playing a game is a hot topic these days. The simple reason behind is that people lose track of how much they have eaten when paying attention to television and not their food. If you do this every day, the extra calorie intake can result in a massive weight gain.

    Sound sleep and no stress
    Sleep and stress have a great influence on our health and body weight. Lack of sleep and too much of stress disturb our hormones, which, in turn, increase our hunger and cravings. This eventually leads to overeating and high-calorie intake, resulting in weight gain. To achieve desired results without any best exercise lose weight plan, you need to get enough sleep every night and curb stress.

    Adequate water intake
    Adequate water intake is essential for a healthy body and weight loss. Drinking water before a meal helps one eat less have fewer calories. Moreover, water intake enhances the body’s calorie burning capacity.

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  • Eating healthy doesn’t have to be associated with losing weight. It can also mean maintaining a fit body. Once you have lost weight, the trick is to maintain your new and fit state with the right kind of meals that will support your new, healthy state of being. While starving it out might seem like the ideal weight loss plan, this is nothing but less than ideal to say the very least. In order to get on a healthy diet for weight loss and its maintenance, it is important to indulge in all the right kinds of food that should ideally form your menu for the day, with little scope for empty calories or starve. So, how do you strike this precious balance? Just follow these ten weight loss recipes to kick-start your weight loss journey.

    Barley for Breakfast
    Try a bowl of barley with a cup of milk, some chopped bananas and a handful of sunflower seeds. These ingredients will give you enough energy for the rest of the day. This protein-packed breakfast can also be had as a snack at any time of the day.

    Egg Sandwich
    Make some scrambled eggs with the white, and curry them with spices like cinnamon and cayenne pepper; have this flavorful meal that will help in losing weight and boosting the metabolism. You can try this whole-wheat bread as well.

    Salmon Bowl
    Bring on the fresh fish like salmon for a dish to help you burn those stubborn calories. Get some seasoned salmon with rice or noodles for a wholesome meal.

    A colorful and chilled glass of parfait is a great alternative to calorie-laden desserts. Mix toasted cereal with fresh fruits and Greek yogurt. Have a full meal in a cup, whenever hunger strikes.

    Black Bean Tacos
    Try the soft homemade tacos with a black bean filling, which makes an iron- and protein-rich meal for weight loss.

    Avocado Cups
    Avocados are known as one of the best fat burning ingredients. Make a batch of guacamole and fill them up into lettuce cups for a fresh tasting and tangy snack like none other. You can also have this dip with corn chips for a healthy snack.

    Pineapple Salsa
    This pineapple salsa will give you a fresh Summer punch with its fruity flavor. Goes best with the salmon for a nutritious punch. What better way to have a wholesome weight loss diet?

    Kale and Grapefruit Salad
    Get some fresh kale and toast it to drizzle over grapefruit with honey and lime. This will make for a wonderful weight loss meal that can be had for lunch.

    Dark Chocolate with Oats
    Up for a protein bar? Roasted oats with dark chocolate can be a winning combination that will satiate your sweet tooth like no other! Go for this best weight loss bar recipe to achieve your fitness goal.

    Banana smoothie
    In a jar, mix a banana, a spoon of peanut butter and honey, half cup of almond milk and a pinch of cinnamon powder. Have it in your mason jar, and enjoy this filling drink your weight loss smoothie to the hilt.

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