• Almost 25 million individuals in the country suffer from thyroid problems, and the hypothyroidism (an underactive thyroid) is its most common form. In this condition, the thyroid gland fails to produce an adequate amount of hormones which are important for several body functions. Although anyone can suffer from an underactive thyroid, women who aged above 60 are more vulnerable to hypothyroidism.

    To treat this underactive gland, you must be first aware of the signs of thyroid problems. This is because hypothyroidism in its early stages can project vague symptoms. If this condition is left untreated for long, it can cause severe health issues such as infertility, cardiovascular diseases, obesity and joint pain.

    Signs of an underactive thyroid gland
    The signs of thyroid problems can differ across patients. This is primarily based on the severity and type of the issue that you are facing. As mentioned earlier you may not observe any signs of thyroid problems, but as the time passes they develop to be more obvious.

    The following are some of the most common symptoms of hypothyroidism which are observed in patients.

    • Tiredness
    • Digestive problems such as constipation
    • Gaining significant amount of weight without any major changes in diet or lifestyle
    • Puffiness in the face
    • Increase in the cholesterol level
    • Dry skin
    • Slow pulse rate
    • Onset of anxiety or depression
    • Heavy flow or erratic menstruation patterns
    • Hair fall
    • Hoarseness in the voice
    • Heightened sensitivity to cold
    • Inflammation or stiffness in the joints
    • Pain the muscles
    • Memory problems

    If you don’t read the signs of thyroid problems in time, then it can lead to severe consequences. Although rare, an advanced form of hypothyroidism referred to as myxedema can occur which projects acute symptoms such as irregular breathing patterns, low blood pressure, low body temperature, etc. It can even be life-threatening when it reaches stages like a coma.

    Since it is more prevalent among women, it is advised to have a thyroid test during routine checkups or in conditions like pregnancy. Most doctors will direct you to get a blood test to analyze the hormone fluctuations. The kinds of treatments which will be implemented are derived from the test results. Usually, your health care provider will recommend you with hormones in the form of oral pills and supplements which can aid their proper absorption. However, it could take a while to figure out the best dosage patterns. Based on your response tp the treatment, the doctor will tailor your medicines in every few months.

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  • Not just adults, hypothyroidism is a condition that can develop in infants and children as well. And since kids have a fragile immune system, you must be aware of all the possible signs of thyroid problems for them. There are two types of hypothyroidism in children, i.e., congenital and acquired underactive thyroid glands. The former is exists since the time of the birth while the latter develops during late childhood or adolescence.

    Signs of thyroid problems in infants
    Some babies can be born without or with a malfunctioned thyroid gland which leads to the onset of congenital hypothyroidism. Some of the symptoms of an underactive thyroid gland in babies are

    • A huge, protruding tongue
    • Puffiness in the face
    • Choking ever now and then while feeding
    • Jaundice which leads to the yellowing of the skin and eyes

    As the condition progresses, babies could also suffer from excessive sleeping and constipation. In extreme cases, hypothyroidism in babies can also cause adverse effects on mental and physical development. However, the key to evade this condition is a timely diagnosis, immediately followed by necessary treatments. Since congenital hypothyroidism barely shows its signs, there is a compulsory routine check after the birth in hospitals. If the baby is delivered at home, then it is advised that the parents ensure a proper screening of their baby under the guidance of a good healthcare provider.

    Signs of an underactive thyroid gland in older children and teenagers
    Usually, children and adolescents who are suffering from hypothyroidism may exhibit similar symptoms as adults. This can include fatigue, constipation, impaired memory, depression, weight gain, discomfort in the muscles and joints, coarse hair growth, etc. These symptoms can be accompanied by other signs of thyroid problems such as

    • Deferred puberty
    • Frequent headaches
    • Problems in vision
    • Delayed development of permanent teeth
    • Sluggish growth patterns which can lead to a short stature
    • Weak cognitive development

    If your child complaints or you observe the symptoms mentioned above, then immediately consult a doctor to gain clarity about the situation. Early diagnosis and treatment are important as kids are in their developmental years. Ignorance exercised in such cases can lead to long-term consequences.

    Typically, most infants and older kids have to seek the assistance of a hormone replacement therapy, which a secure and effective method. Although, initially kids could face some side-effects such as restlessness, headaches, etc. but it’ll help them achieve a stable health condition. Besides, medical intervention, ensure that you regularly monitor your child’s progress as well as introduce better nutritional and lifestyle changes in their life.

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  • A brief overview on thyroid
    The thyroid gland is located below Adam’s apple or at the base of the neck. The thyroid gland is a vital part of the endocrine system. As we know that the endocrine system is a crucial system that takes care of the functioning and coordination of different activities of the body. The thyroid gland is responsible for producing hormones that help in regulating the metabolism of the body.

    In case the thyroid gland produces too less or too many hormones then there arises different disorders. Production of excess hormone from thyroid gland is known as hyperthyroidism and too less production of hormones is known as hypothyroidism.

    Thyroid can lead to a number of health issues and the four most common disorders are:

    • Goiter
    • Thyroid Nodules
    • Hashimoto’s disease
    • Grave’s disease
    • Excessive weight gain
    • Thyroid cancer

    What are the causes of thyroid problems?
    It is seen that health issues related to the thyroid are the reason of excess or less production of hormones. But there are some of the conditions that can occur. Take a look!

    Grave’s disease
    Grave’s disease is caused due to excess production of hormones from the thyroid glands, which is also known as hyperthyroidism, as mentioned above.

    Cancerous growth in the thyroid gland
    Although it is seen only in a few cases, hyperthyroidism can be caused due to the cancerous growth in the thyroid gland.

    Subacute thyroiditis
    In case there is an inflammation of the thyroid, it leads to the leakage of excessive hormones from the thyroid gland. This results into momentary hyperthyroidism, which can last for months or even a few weeks.

    Malfunctioning of pituitary glands
    Hyperthyroidism can be caused due to the malfunctioning of the pituitary glands. This, however, results in the release of excess hormones.

    It is extremely necessary to treat the thyroid issue and if left untreated it can lead to a number of other health problems. For instance, a mild form of hypothyroidism can cause mild depression. But if left unnoticed, the symptoms of the same will increase.

    Let us take a look at some of the signs and symptoms of the thyroid:

    • Fatigue and tiredness
    • Inability to lose weight
    • Muscle and joint pain
    • Hormone imbalances such as irregular periods, PMS, etc.
    • Mood swings, depression, anxiety, etc.
    • Constipation
    • Swelling in the neck

    These symptoms might look common but should not be neglected. Always consult a doctor and go for prescribe medication.

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  • Every part of the body is assigned a role to play, and only the proper execution of this role ensures that the person remains healthy and fit. More than half of the world’s population suffers from the malfunctioning of the thyroid gland, which leads to two conditions known as hypothyroidism and hyperthyroidism.

    Hypothyroidism is a condition in which the thyroid gland secretes less thyroid hormone, and this affects the metabolism of the body. Similarly, when the thyroid gland secretes more thyroid hormone, the resultant condition is called hyperthyroidism. Even the human body follows the principle of moderation, which indicates that less or excess of thyroid hormone can prove dangerous to the individual.

    However, various home remedies can help combat the thyroid disorder and help an individual maintain a healthy thyroid. They are as follows-

    • Virgin coconut oil– The malfunctioning of the thyroid gland affects the metabolism of the body. In such cases, one needs to aid the process of metabolism to combat the effects of a disrupted thyroid. Virgin coconut oil possesses fatty acids that are known to aid the metabolism process and increases the basal body temperature that is an added benefit for those suffering from hypothyroidism.
    • Refrain from consuming simple sugar– It is common knowledge that people suffering from thyroid disorders must stay away from refined foods. Similarly, consuming simple sugar too can affect the functioning of the thyroid gland. If you are craving something sweet, eat fruits instead, since they contain natural sugar.
    • Increase the iodine intake– The thyroid gland needs iodine to function properly. If a person suffers from iodine deficiency, their thyroid condition might worsen. One can either opt for iodine supplements or can include iodine-rich food in their diet. The secret to a healthy thyroid gland is the right quantity of iodine.
    • Exercise– A thyroid disorder can affect the individual’s body weight. Hyperthyroidism leads to weight loss and vice versa. Even if you are gaining weight or losing weight, it is imperative to make exercise a part of your daily regime. Exercise helps in weight-management and increases one’s stamina since people with thyroid disorders tend to tire easily.
    • Fish oils- Making seafood a part of your daily diet will have added benefits since it will take care of the iodine deficiency part. Fish oils, on the other hand, are rich in omega 3 fatty acids and is instrumental in treating autoimmune diseases by reducing the inflammation and increasing the individual’s immunity. Also, it helps increase the production of thyroid hormone.
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  • Every part, organ in the body has one or multiple functions to perform, which ensures that the body functions to its full potential. A slight disruption in the functioning of either of these organs can result give rise to a plethora of health issues. One of the most common disorders that a majority of people across the globe suffer from is related to the functioning of the thyroid gland.

    The thyroid gland produces the hormones, thyroxine (T4) and triiodothyronine (T3) which absorb iodine and aids the process of metabolism. When the thyroid gland malfunctions, it gives rise to various medical conditions, namely, hypothyroidism, which is characterized by a reduction in the production of the thyroid hormone; and hyperthyroidism, which indicates an increase in the secretion of the thyroid hormone. Each of these conditions alters the processes of the body. However, one can determine that they suffer from a thyroid condition when they show the following signs.

    • Changes in sleep pattern– If you are a sound sleeper and off late you can’t enjoy the peace a deep slumber has to offer you, then there are chances that you might be suffering from a thyroid disorder. When the thyroid gland goes into overdrive, it produces more thyroid hormone which stimulates the central nervous system, and the result is insomnia.
    • Thinning hair- When the thyroid gland secretes less thyroid hormone, it hinders the hair-growth cycle. Hair, especially on the eyebrows start thinning. An imbalance caused by the thyroid hormone stalls the growth of a small portion of the hair while the rest grows. Hair-thinning is one of the signs of an underlying thyroid problem.
    • Changes in the bowel movement– Every part of the body is connected, and the functioning of one affects the other. An underactive thyroid gland secretes less thyroid hormone, which in turn affects the digestive system. A prominent sigh that one suffers from thyroid problem is frequent constipation.
    • Greater appetite and weight loss– An overactive thyroid gland increases the rate of metabolism. This, in turn, increases the person’s appetite and they become ravenous with hunger. Despite eating more than their regular share, they start losing weight. This indicates that the normal functioning of the thyroid gland has been disrupted.
    • Painful and longer period– When the thyroid gland fails to secrete the required number of thyroid hormones, it can affect one’s menstrual cycle. Period tends to become heavier, longer and more painful. When the thyroid hormone produces more hormones, the period becomes lighter and shorter. Either of these conditions isn’t favorable.
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  • In a bid to lead a healthy life, we mend our ways and start eating healthy food and exercising. This does allow us to lead a considerably healthy life. However, only healthy food and working out do not determine the total health of the body. When the various organs and other parts of the body function in accordance, only then can one say that he’s totally healthy. A slight disruption in the functioning of any part of the body can result in grave consequences.

    More than half the population of the world suffers due to the malfunctioning of the thyroid gland. The thyroid gland secretes hormones that are known to aid the process of metabolism, and when it secretes fewer thyroid hormones, it results in a condition called hypothyroidism; whereas, when it secretes more thyroid hormones, it causes hyperthyroidism. Each of these disorders affects the entire functioning of the body. If a person has been detected with either of these conditions, it becomes difficult to lead a normal life. However, here are some tips that will allow the person to coexist efficiently with any thyroid disorder.

    • Find the right doctor– The first thing you need to deal with leading a life with a thyroid disorder is the right guidance. And, for this, one needs to find the right doctor. The right doctor will guide you and prescribe the proper medication to control the disorder. In short, find a specialist who will know exactly what you need.
    • Choose the right thyroid treatment– Hyperthyroidism or hypothyroidism, each of these requires the right kind of treatment. Finding the right thyroid treatment can be a bit of a challenge since it requires some patience and experiment. Usually, doctors focus on the iodine deficiency part. Finding the right thyroid treatment helps in leading a normal life.
    • Spread out your schedule– People with thyroid disorders are known to suffer from fatigue. The simplest of the tasks can tire one out. So, instead of trying to do everything at once, it is advisable to spread your tasks throughout the day. Also, eat protein-rich food, since thyroid disorders tend to throw protein synthesis off rails. And, it will ensure that you remain energized throughout the day.
    • Learn to relax– Stress is known trigger problems, and the symptoms of thyroid disorders worsen when stress is elevated. Stress interferes with the already malfunctioning thyroid gland. So try meditating or exercising, it helps in channeling the anxiety.

    Iodine supplements, checking one’s calorie intake, including fiber in the diet, etc. helps in leading a normal life with a thyroid disorder.

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  • The various bodily functions depend on the appropriate functioning of the organs in our body. Any disruption in the same can cause a lot of damage to the individual. Blood sugar levels, blood pressure, creatinine levels, cholesterol, etc. serve as a parameter which indicates whether the body functions to its full potential. Any discrepancies in these levels are a sign that the there’s something wrong with the body. Similarly, normal Thyroid-stimulating hormone (TSH) levels indicate a healthy thyroid gland.

    TSH is the kind of hormone that is known to stimulate the thyroid gland in producing the right amount of thyroxine (T4) and triiodothyronine (T3) hormones, that aid the process of metabolism. Any disruption in the normal TSH levels can lead to hypothyroidism (caused by more TSH) and hyperthyroidism (caused by less TSH). In order to prevent these thyroid-related conditions, it is imperative to maintain normal TSH levels. Here’s how one can achieve this feat.

    • Include iodine in your diet– People who suffer from thyroid-related problems are known to suffer from iodine deficiency as well. The thyroid gland requires iodine to process the hormones, and the insufficiency can add to the thyroid-related woes. Seafood is the ultimate source of iodine, and for maintaining normal TSH levels in the body, one needs sufficient iodine. A healthy thyroid gland ensures that you steer clear of hypothyroidism and hyperthyroidism.
    • Cut down on refined and processed foods- Unhealthy food doesn’t only affect the production of the thyroid hormone, it poses a great risk as a health hazard. In order to maintain normal TSH levels in the body, one needs to stop consuming refined and processed food.
    • Increase your selenium intake- Studies have linked selenium levels to thyroid health. To maintain normal TSH levels, and to ensure that the thyroid gland stays healthy, one needs to increase the intake of selenium. Include foods rich in selenium such as tuna, shrimp, brazil nuts, chicken, and turkey.
    • Add natural supplements to your diet- Thyroid health depends upon a lot of factors, and the right level of minerals in the body is one of them. Even if your diet is perfect, there are chances that you still might not be getting the right amount of minerals. So, consider taking supplements instead. Idoine, vitamin D, magnesium, B vitamins, and selenium supplements are instrumental in helping maintain normal TSH levels.
    • Coconut oil- Virgin coconut oil is known to boost metabolism. In case the normal TSH levels are disrupted, it will affect the production of thyroid hormone and this, in turn, affects the metabolism process. So, 2 spoons of virgin coconut oil will ensure a healthy thyroid gland.
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  • It is an accepted fact that our well-being depends on the proper functioning of our organs, a slight disruption of the same will culminate into a variety of disorders that can have a lasting impact on our health. Every gland is entrusted with a role which it has to perform to its full potential. Metabolism, one of the primary functions of the body depends on the thyroid hormone secreted by the thyroid gland which is situated in the front of the neck. Any disruption in the functioning of the thyroid gland can adversely affect an individual’s normal functioning.

    The proper functioning of the thyroid gland depends on the Thyroid-stimulating hormone also known as the TSH.

    What is TSH?
    The TSH is a pituitary hormone that is responsible for stimulating the thyroid gland to produce the hormone thyroxine (T4). This hormone has some degree of control on the body’s metabolism. However, it is the hormone triiodothyronine (T3), which is known to stimulate metabolism. The hormone T4 is converted into the hormone T3, and more than half this conversion takes place in the liver, whereas the rest occurs in the thyroid gland itself.

    Why is it essential to maintain normal TSH levels in the body?
    The thyroid gland requires TSH to stimulate the production of growth hormones in the body. When the TSH level in the body is disrupted, it affects the production of the growth hormone. Normal TSH level assures that the individual doesn’t face any hindrance in the growth process.

    The normal TSH levels as established by a majority of laboratories as 0.4 milliunits per liter to 4.0 milliunits per liter.

    How does the level of TSH affect an individual?
    As mentioned earlier, the TSH acts as a stimulant to the thyroid gland which prompts the secretion of the thyroid hormones. So, one can say that normal TSH levels determine the production of thyroid hormones in the body. In case the TSH level is disrupted it affects the production of the thyroid hormones and can result in the following conditions-

    • Hypothyroidism- Hypothyroidism is a condition which arises when the thyroid gland doesn’t produce enough thyroid hormone. Also, hypothyroidism is linked to high TSH levels in the body. A person suffering from hypothyroidism will show symptoms such as weight gain, dry skin, constipation, fatigue, frequent menstrual cycles, etc.
    • Hyperthyroidism- Hyperthyroidism, the condition in which the thyroid gland goes into an overdrive and produces a high amount of thyroid hormones, is linked to the low TSH level in the body. The individual suffering from hyperthyroidism shows symptoms such as- weight loss, irregular menstrual cycles, diarrhea, rapid heart rate, etc.

    To avoid such medical complications, it is imperative to maintain normal TSH levels.

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  • Certain disorders have become quite common across the globe, blame it on the lifestyle choices or the faulty gene we inherit from our family. Whatever the reason for suffering from the disorder, the truth remains that one needs to take measures to lead a normal life despite being afflicted by the disorder. More than half the population of the world suffers from the repercussions of a malfunctioning thyroid gland.

    The thyroid gland is situated at the front in the lower part of the neck and secretes the thyroid hormone that is primarily responsible for metabolism. When the thyroid gland secretes more thyroid hormone, it results in a condition called hyperthyroidism, and if it secretes less of this hormone, it is called hypothyroidism. One can refer to the thyroid level chart in order to determine which of these thyroid conditions they suffer from.

    The nodules that appear on the thyroid gland vary in sizes, and the bigger ones are known to cause trouble. The nodules on the thyroid are known to cause pain and swelling in the throat, breathing problems, trouble in swallowing the food, etc. and in some cases, these thyroid nodules turn out to be cancerous.

    Here are some effective home remedies that can curb the effects on these thyroid nodules.

    • Seafood– With certain alterations in one’s diet, the thyroid nodules can be controlled. It is advisable to include seafood in your daily diet since it is a major source of iodine. When the thyroid gland receives the required amount of iodine, it can produce the right number of thyroid hormones that the body needs. This results in the shrinking of the nodules on the thyroid gland.
    • Ginseng– Ginseng is an ancient Chinese herb that is known to possess anti-inflammatory properties. Also, it is an abundant source of iodine and can effectively reduce the soreness and unease caused by the nodules on the thyroid gland.
    • Coconut oil– If the individual is already suffering from the impacts of thyroid nodules, then consuming polyunsaturated oils can worsen the matter. Instead, use coconut oil for cooking or consume 2 spoons of virgin coconut oil daily. Since the presence of nodules on thyroid affects the metabolism, coconut oil will aid the process of metabolism and reduce the effects of the nodules on the thyroid gland.
    • Sargassum– Another Chinese herb that is widely used for curbing the effects of thyroid nodules is Sargassum. Sargassum is rich in its iodine content and is quite effective in treating patients with thyroid nodules. Iodine deficiency has been identified as one of the causes of thyroid nodules, and Sargassum will ensure that the body receives the required amount of iodine.

    Citrus fruits, fulvic acid, bentonite clay, etc. are also amazing home remedies for treating nodules on the thyroid gland and maintaining the right thyroid hormone level as established by the thyroid level chart.

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  • There’s a variety of disorders that can affect a person’s normal bodily functions, and controlling them is what allows people to lead a normal life. When every organ in our body performs functions as instructed by the brain, everything works just fine. However, a faulty functioning gland can create a lot of health-related problems, like weight-gain, weight-loss, intolerance towards certain substances, etc. The most common gland-related problem that affects 3 in every 5 Americans is the thyroid-related problems.

    The malfunctioning of the thyroid gland results in either hypothyroidism or hyperthyroidism, each of the condition caused by the less secretion and oversecretion of the thyroid hormone respectively. The right level of thyroid hormones in the body is mentioned in the thyroid level charts. However, this isn’t where people’s thyroid woes end, another common problem that people face is the appearance of nodules on thyroid.

    What causes the appearance of nodules on thyroid?

    • The actual cause of the appearance on thyroid remains unknown. However, studies indicate that the nodule on thyroid is the result of being exposed to some kind of radiation.
    • Like hyperthyroidism and hypothyroidism runs in the family, thyroid nodules can also be hereditary. If the individual’s parents or someone in the family have it, it can be passed on from one generation to next.

    What are the symptoms caused by the appearance of nodules on thyroid?
    Usually, these nodules on the thyroid are harmless, and people might never know that they have nodules on the thyroid gland. These nodules vary in sizes and bigger the nodules that appear on the thyroid gland, the more trouble it can cause. The following symptoms accompany bigger thyroid nodules.

    • The nodules on the thyroid might cause pain in the throat.
    • The bigger the nodules on the thyroid gland, the more troubles the individual will have swallowing food.
    • The nodules on the thyroid gland can increase or decrease the production of the thyroid hormone, and in such cases, it replicates the symptoms of hypothyroidism or hyperthyroidism.
    • People who have bigger nodules on the thyroid gland are known to have trouble breathing.

    How are thyroid nodules diagnosed?
    When a person shows the symptoms mentioned above, the doctor might ask the individual to undergo few tests to confirm the presence of nodules on thyroid. Usually, these nodules on thyroids are quite harmless, but there are instances when it turned out be cancerous. In order to check the nature of the nodules on thyroid, the doctor will advise the individual to undergo a thyroid scan or thyroid ultrasound, just to be on the safe side.

    Though these nodules on the thyroid gland are harmless, timely detection and treatment will keep other problems associated with it at bay.

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