• There are various reasons why the different organs of our body can start malfunctioning, and though the disease doesn’t manifest itself till some time, certain symptoms do surface before the disease begins its full-fledged onslaught.

    One such prominent symptom is the appearance of blood in urine which may be linked to different diseases. When an individual witnesses the presence of blood in urine, instead of dilly-dallying, he needs to seek medical help. The blood in urine symptom is a warning of serious conditions like kidney disease, kidney infections, sickle cell anemia, cancer of kidney, bladder or prostate, etc. However, before flying into a frenzy, the symptom of blood in urine can also suggest the presence of Urinary Tract Infections (UTIs).

    Here are some home remedies that are known to cure the blood in urine symptom, and that too, without any side-effects.

    • Spinach and coconut water- One of the most common causes of the appearance of blood in urine is UTIs. What one needs in such cases is a powerful diuretic that can flush out the bacteria from the body. Mix some spinach juice with coconut water and drink this mixture twice a day till the infection clears. Once the infection subsides, the blood in urine too will disappear.
    • Cranberry juice– Cranberry is known to possess antioxidants and is antibacterial in nature. It is instrumental in preventing the bacteria from sticking to the walls of the bladder. It is quite potent when it comes to cleansing the bladder from the bacteria which triggers the symptom of blood in urine. A glass of cranberry juice a day will help reduce the presence of blood in urine.
    • Baking soda- Baking soda works wonders in treating infections, especially of the urinary tract. It is antibacterial and is known to flush out the toxins from the body. Mix half a teaspoon baking soda in eight ounces of water. Mix it well and consume this potion regularly to avoid UTIs and fungal infections.
    • Pumpkin seed oil- If the blood in urine symptom surfaces due to an enlarged prostate, pumpkin seed oil is the perfect remedy to contain this condition. Research has proven that regular consumption of pumpkin seed oil has helped in controlling the symptoms of an enlarged prostate.
    • Vitamin C- When the blood in urine symptom surfaces, it can be majorly attributed to UTIs. In such cases, it is advisable to increase the consumption of Vitamin C since it works wonders in increasing the immunity and makes the urine acidic, which makes it harder for the bacteria to grow.

    So, try these home remedies when you spot blood in urine, and if it still persists, ensure that you visit a physician.

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  • It is a fact that many types bacteria live in our intestines. While most of these are beneficial for the human body, others may cause infections. One of the common types of infection-causing bacteria is the E. coli O157: H7.

    Some of the most common early symptoms of e coli infection include diarrhea, abdominal pain, and fever. In many advanced cases, you may also find the presence of e coli in urine that may account for severe UTI problems and other kidney infections. In severe cases, e coli in urine or the intestine may cause problems like dehydration, bloody diarrhea, and even kidney failure. To prevent the infection from developing, it is, important that we identify the leading causes of e coli in urine. E coli bacteria that cause infection can enter the system in many ways. Most of the common causes of e coli infection have been listed below.

    Unhygienic food handling
    Often, improper preparation, processing, and handling of food make it contaminated and inappropriate to consume. The contamination in food may begin due to unwashed hands, dirty utensils, infected cutting boards, and the like. Often, food that is not stored at the right temperature may also cause food poisoning along with e coli infection. Consuming raw, expired, and unfit food may also increase the risk of developing e coli in the intestine.

    Contaminated water
    E coli in urine can be caused by poor sanitation and contaminated water. Since poor hygiene causes water to contain bacteria from animal and human waste that increases the risk of developing e coli toxins. The infection can either be caught due to drinking contaminated water or swimming in it.

    Person to person contact
    Another common cause of e coli in urine stems from poor personal hygiene. E coli is likely to spread from one person to another if the infected person doesn’t wash his hands after a bowel movement. When an infected person with poor sanitation habits comes in contact with another person or with food, e coli infection is likely to spread. For this very reason places like schools, child care centers, and nursing homes are more vulnerable to spreading the infection through human contact.

    Other possible reasons
    Often, people who are likely to work with animals like goats, sheep, cows, and the like are at a greater risk of contracting the e coli infection. It is, therefore, necessary for people who work with animals to wash their hands compulsorily post work. While it is a fact that contaminated food and drink are the biggest reasons behind the infection, often some people are at a higher risk of contracting e coli than others. The risk of e coli in urine is particularly high in young children and older adults, people with a weak immune system, in hotter months of summer, and due to low stomach acid levels.

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  • Urine tract infection that is often called UTI, is the most prevalent bacterial infection that affects millions of people, primarily women, across the globe. UTI is caused when the e coli bacteria in the body produces toxins that interfere with the standard processes of the intestines and the urinary tract.

    E coli in urine, likewise, is a bacterial infection that most pregnant women, infants, older adults, and people with weaker immune systems usually develop. Most studies prove that the leading cause of the condition is due to poor sanitation and improper food habits. While most cases of minor e coli can be treated at home with proper diet and hygiene, in severe cases when the symptoms do not resolve within a week the patient requires serious medical attention.

    E coli or Escherchia coli is the bacteria that is the most common reason behind most urinary tract infections. Other cause of e coli in urine include Staphylococcus saprophyticus, pseudomonas aeruginosa, and Klebsiella pneumonia. E coli in urine can be identified easily by symptoms like a recurrent urge to urinate, hardly any urine to pass, burning sensation while urinating, pelvic pain, rectal pain, foul-smelling urine, pain in the lower back, hips, flanks, and abdomen, fever, chills, and, more. In severe cases of e coli in urine, patients also experience cloudy or bloody urine. While prescribed drugs can treat most of the symptoms of e coli in urine, often the infection worsens and becomes particularly dangerous if the bacteria enter the kidneys. Since an undiagnosed, untreated kidney may lead to permanent kidney damage and failure, it is important to treat the early signs of e coli in urine to effectively flush out the infection from the body.

    UTI that stems from e coli in urine often affects women more than men. Statistics show that about 50 percent of women suffer from UTI infections once a year. This may simply be because women have a shorter urethra that makes them more prone to contracting the disease.People with kidney stones, spinal cord injury, nerve damage, and those who often struggle from emptying their bladder completely too are more likely to get affected by the condition. Additionally, e coli in urine is common among men who have an enlarged prostate and women who use a diaphragm. Other common reasons behind the development of e coli in urine include anatomical abnormalities in the urinary tract, use of spermicidal condoms, drug resistance, and the like.

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  • Uric acid occurs naturally in the body as a result of a natural breakdown. When the kidneys process purine, a natural element found in foods, uric acid is produced. The acid is filtered out by the kidneys and is passed flushed out of the body through urine. A small portion may also be passed out during the bowel movement. However, when uric acid is produced in excess or cannot be normally flushed out with the blood, the levels increase and it poses a problem.

    When uric acid levels increase in the blood, solid crystal form in the joint. This condition leads to gout, a painful situation that makes it difficult to walk and carry out activities. If uric acids continue to increase, gout problem worsens and the crystals form like hard stones around the joints.

    Diagnosis of increased levels of uric acid and gout
    In case, one experiences pain and suspects symptoms of uric acid, the diagnosis will include several tests.
    Joint fluid test – This test involves the doctor piercing a needle into the joint to draw fluid from the affected joint. The fluid is examined under a microscope to show traces of urate crystals.
    Blood test – A blood test is an essential test as it indicates the level of uric acid in the blood. Although this test may not help in entirely understand the issue, it is an important test that helps the doctor understand the overall condition.
    Ultrasound – Ultrasound is used to detect urate crystals in the joints. This is a widely used test and is very reliable.

    Uric acid medication and treatment
    Uric acid medication is pivotal to keep the levels of the acid in control. The medications prescribed for uric acid is dependent on the severity of the condition.
    Uric acid blocker – These kinds of medications include the use of drugs that limit the amount of uric acid produced in the body. This reduces the risk of developing acute gout and kidney problems. This kind of uric acid medication includes febuxostat and allopurinol.
    Uric acid removal – There are some uric acid medications that are prescribed to help the kidneys in effectively flushing out uric acid. Consuming these medications help the uric acid pass out through urine and stools.

    Uric acid can also lead to kidney failure and kidney stones. This is why it is essential to control the levels of uric acid before it causes extreme complications. Regularly visiting the doctor and taking uric acid medication religiously is necessary. Also following self-care methods will help in keeping the disorder in control.

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  • We know we are in perfect health when our body can perform all its functions without any obstacle When all our organs are functioning at their level best, one can perform all his daily tasks with great ease. In case there is something seriously wrong with our body, the body sends out signals that there’s a disruption in one or the other function. If it goes undetected, it might be the author of many more health issues to come.

    A majority of men across the globe might have experienced the presence of blood in the urine and semen at some point in time. The blood in urine and semen is accompanied with excruciating pain which surfaces when men pass urine and ejaculate. The condition worsens over the period of time when it is neglected. The presence of blood in urine and semen might be the harbinger of some serious underlying disorders. Awareness of such conditions come in handy, and it prompts one to opt for immediate medical assistance.

    Reasons for blood in urine

    The presence of blood in urine is called hematuria, and can either result from some trivial issue or can indicate a serious medical issue. The causes of the sudden appearance of blood in urine are as follows-

    • Bladder infections are the most common causes of blood in urine. When a person suffers from a bladder infection, he may experience pain and irritation while passing urine. In addition to this, when the infection becomes severe, blood begins to appear in the urine.
    • The presence of blood in urine is indicative of some underlying kidney infection. This infection will be accompanied by fever and chills. Also, it can also indicate the existence of kidney stones or kidney diseases.
    • Vigorous exercises or enlarged prostates too can cause blood to appear in the urine.

    Reasons for blood in semen

    When blood appears in the semen, this condition is known as hematospermia. It doesn’t usually indicate a major health issue, but the presence of blood in semen must not be neglected. The causes of blood appearing in the semen are as follows-

    • Sexually transmitted diseases (STDs) are one of the major causes of the appearance of blood in semen. Unprotected sex or sex with multiple partners can result in STDs.
    • Presence of benign or malignant tumor in the prostate, testes, seminal vesicles or bladder is linked to the presence of blood in semen.
    • When cysts, hemorrhage, and other abnormalities are present in the seminal vesicles, blood appears in the semen.
    • Calculi, which is similar to kidney stones, is also known to cause the appearance of blood in semen.

    The presence of blood in urine and semen is not to be ignored. Seeking timely medical treatment can detect the underlying medical condition as well.

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  • Our body gives out indications when something interferes with its normal functioning. When these signs are neglected, they give rise to even serious medical conditions which might be too difficult to cure. Anything out of the normal has to be attended to immediately. A sudden drop in the blood pressure or incessant chills is the harbinger of the grave disease that is about to ail you. Similarly, the presence of blood in urine and semen indicates various underlying health issues that cannot be neglected at any costs.

    The presence of blood in urine can be traced back to urinary tract infections, or infection in the prostate, and sexually transmitted diseases might result in the presence of blood in semen or abnormal growths in the prostate or seminal vesicles. Whatever the cause of the presence of blood in the urine and semen, it has to be treated immediately. Here’s how.

    Treatment methods for blood in urine

    • Stay hydrated– In order to maintain a healthy urinary tract, one needs to drink a lot of water and stay hydrated. Water is known to flush out all the bacteria and other toxins that are known to create problems. So, stay hydrated and drink plenty of water.
    • Cranberry juice– Cranberry is loaded with antioxidants can be and is highly antibiotic in nature. It prevents the bacteria from sticking to the urinary tract and flushes it out of the system.
    • Spinach juice and coconut water– Spinach juice and coconut water mixed together creates a powerful diuretic. It is the function of the diuretic to get rid of the bacteria that affect the urinary tract and causes blood to appear in the urine.
    • Vitamin C- Vitamin C is known to increase the acidity of the urine, which will prove to be a hostile environment and hinder the growth of the bacteria that affect the urinary tract.

    Treatment methods for blood in semen

    • Sepia– The homeopathic drug sepia does a commendable work of preventing blood from appearing in the semen. Also, it reduces the pain caused in the groin area because of the presence of blood in the semen.
    • Cut back on calcium supplements– Too much of calcium causes calcium deposits to appear in the urethra or seminal vesicles. So, it is advisable to cut back on calcium supplements for some time.
    • Vitamin D– Vitamin D enhances the absorption of calcium into the blood, and this prevents calcium from being deposited in other regions. So, no calcium deposits in the urethra or seminal vesicles, no blood in the semen.
    • Cranberry Juice– Cranberry juice has been used as a treatment for stopping blood from appearing in urine and semen. It can effectively treat infection in the urethra or the prostate region, which usually leads to the presence of blood in urine and semen.
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  • Proteinuria or protein in urine is an indicator of bad kidney health. Most people who suffer from kidney diseases are likely to be affected by this condition. Normally, protein is present and circulates in the bloodstream of the body. However, when the kidneys are unhealthy and its filters do not carry out their function efficiently, the proteins pass through the filters and enter into the urine.

    Protein in the urine exhibits in the form of foamy urine. This condition is proven to be triggered by diseases such as diabetes and hypertension. In order to prevent further damage, it is necessary to medically control the kidney disorder. However, protein in your urine can be naturally minimised using the following home remedies:

    Fish oil – Fish oil is an ingredient that is extremely beneficial for people who suffer various diseases and comes with a ton of health benefits. The omega-3 fatty acids present in the oil soothes inflammation and aid in the well-being of the kidneys. It decreases the protein in urine and is also known to balance blood pressure levels.

    Diet control – As the name suggests, proteinuria is caused by excess protein in the urine. Thus, keeping a control one’s diet by limiting the intake of too much protein can help. Also, when consuming protein filled foods, the right of protein-foods should be made a part of the daily meal. Consuming fruits, vegetable and fish will have a good effect and aid in fighting the condition. Also, add ginger and garlic to your diet as these herbs aid in digestion.

    Cut on salt – Sodium in the body can increase the level of protein in your urine. According to studies, a decrease in salt intake has a direct impact on proteinuria. It reduces the blood pressure level and also helps in improving the functioning of the kidneys. One who suffers from protein in urine should minimise the intake of salt in their daily diet.

    Flaxseed – Flaxseeds pack with it high-levels of omega-3 fatty acids. Also, the lignans and other acids present in these seeds help in the smooth functioning of the kidneys. It has the ability to decrease the levels of protein in the urine. Whether or not one suffers from proteinuria, flaxseeds can also effectively prevent the occurrence of the condition in the future.

    Exercise – Exercise is an activity that is essential not just to keep your body fit, but your kidneys too. It aids in strengthening the immune system and reduces the ill-effects of protein in urine. However, for who suffer from other diseases, it is advisable to talk to one’s doctor before indulging in any kind of heavy exercises.

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  • Protein is present in the bloodstream of every individual. This protein is necessary for the healthy functioning of the body. It promotes the growth and aids in the building of muscles and bones while carrying out other important functions such as controlling the excess formation of fluid in the body. However, when the kidneys do not function well, the protein escapes the filters and enters into the urine. This condition is known as protein in urine or proteinuria.

    People who suffer from diseases such as diabetes and high blood pressure are at a greater risk of having protein in urine. However, an individual who has a family history of kidney disease too can be affected by the condition. A weak kidney system can trigger this problem too. If one notices indicators such as foamy urine and abdominal swelling, the doctor will suggest undergoing a protein in urine test. In some cases, a patient may also be asked to undergo a protein in urine test in case of abnormal kidney functioning or urinary tract infection (UTI).

    A protein in urine test measures the amount of protein in the urine. During the urine test, a doctor may examine a one-time sample or a sample that is collected over a duration of 24 hours.
    A one-time sample test can be undergone at home or at the doctor’s clinic. During this kind of test, you will be asked to collect a sample of your urine in a container that will be provided. Do ensure that you do not touch the inside of the container or the test sample can get contaminated.
    A 24-hour protein in urine test is carried out after the one-time sample test detects the presence of protein in the urine. Urine must be collected in a collection container over a period of 24 hours. This activity can be performed at home post which the sample has to be returned to the clinic for testing.

    Preparation of a protein in urine test
    Before taking a test, the doctor must be informed of the of medications being taken or medical conditions that one suffers from. Some medications that you take can have an effect on the protein levels in urine, thus, the doctor may ask you to pause consumption a few days before the test. Also, urine tests require one to be well hydrated. A dehydrated body produces urine that may give out inaccurate results.

    It is a good idea to undergo the protein in your urine test in at least two different labs as this will give you absolutely accurate results for you to be sure.

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  • Urine color is an important indicator of your health and hydration; different colors define how good or bad the condition of your urine is. This defining chart is called the urine color chart. A urine color chart shows different shades of yellow and defines the health of your urine through the intensity of the color. Urine colors usually range from transparent to pale yellow to dark amber. Urobilin or urochrome is the pigment that gives your urine the yellow color and its presence or absence is what defines the shades of your urine.

    The urine color chart does not cover all possible aspects of change in urine color, in some cases, the color of your urine could change due to your diet or the pigments in certain food products. For example, eating beetroot, carrots or asparagus could bring about a change in the color of your urine. Apart from the food products, some medicines might also influence the color.

    When must you consult a doctor?

    • An unusual color of your urine could be a reason for you to visit a doctor and possibly get some medication. If you find your urine to be a dark shade of brown or a deep red, then it might be a case of porphyria. While a dark shade of yellow or orange urine could indicate a condition of your liver malfunctioning.
    • If you find blood in your urine, you must consult a doctor at the earliest. Bloody urine can also cause a burning sensation when you urinate. Blood in the urine usually indicates a kidney stone or a urinary tract infection.

    What factors put you at risk of medical conditions affecting your urine color?

    • Age: As you grow older, the risk of attaining a kidney disease or a urinary tract disease increases. Once you cross the age of 50, your prostate gland enlarges. As read above, you might see a change in the urine color or bloody urine due to these diseases.
    • Sex: Your sex could also be a reason for you to witness a change in your urine color, more than 50% women are prone to a urinary tract infection at some point in their life. While men are prone to kidney or bladder stones.
    • Arduous exercise: If you exercise aggressively on a regular basis, then you might find some blood in your urine.
    • Hereditary diseases: If there is a case of kidney problems that run through your family, there is a high probability that you could also suffer from a kidney disease or a kidney stone. These diseases could lead to bloody urine or a change in the color of your urine.
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  • Talking and discussing urine among people is unacceptable in most cases, but it is your urine that tells you a lot about your health and hydration levels. Urine has multiple colors, and they are defined in a ‘urine color chart.’ A urine color chart helps you identify your hydration levels from the color of your urine. Here are eight urine colors and what they mean:

    No color/ transparent: This means that you’re drinking more than the required amount of water for your body to be well hydrated, you can cut down a little on the amount of water you consume.

    Pale color: This color is a good sign for you; your body is well-hydrated, and you are healthy.

    Dark yellow: This color usually indicates that you are there with the normality, but you must increase your intake of water

    Amber: This means that you are not giving your body enough water, you need to increase your intake of water.

    Brown: This indicates that you might have a liver disease or severe dehydration, you must consult a doctor if it persists.

    Light Orange: This means that you might not be drinking enough water or you might be exposed to a liver disease, it could also be a case of food dye. It also means that you could be prone to issues in your liver or bile duct problems.

    Orange: A darker shade of orange can be caused due to some medications like rifampin or phenazopyridine. You must consult your doctor in any case.

    Blue or green: This is not a standard color for your urine, it is not generic, but it could also just happen because of some food dye. It could also happen because of certain medication or some bacteria in the urinary tract. Even if this might not be fatal, you must visit a doctor in such a case.

    Foaming: This could happen because of a hydraulic effect, but it isn’t harmful if it is occasional. It usually indicates a high amount of protein in your diet or a kidney issue. You must consult a doctor if the foaming happens on a regular basis.

    Red:  The red color of your urine can be seen if there is a slight involvement of blood. This could also happen due to food dye in your urine; in any case, red urine requires you to visit a doctor as soon as possible.

    These types usually can tell your health from the healthiness of your urine. You could also take some medication, laxatives or drugs that can help you if you have any issues identified from your urine colors. You must consult a doctor before taking up and drugs or medication.

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