• Stomach ulcers are also known as gastric ulcers. The sores in the stomach lining cause the pain. This ulcer comes under the peptic ulcer disease. Stomach and small intestine, both get affected in peptic ulcer conditions.

    Our stomach has a thick layer of mucus that prevents the stomach from getting affected by the acidic digestive juices. When this layer of mucus reduces or becomes thin, the acidic digestive juices start burning the tissues that from the lining of the stomach causing an ulcer. Although stomach ulcer is curable, if left untreated for long, it can lead to severe complication.
    Stomach ulcer is not a pleasant feeling hence it is important to know the causes:

    If there is an infection with the bacterium called Heliconacter pylori (H. pylori), it can lead to stomach ulcer.
    When someone prolongs the usage or intake of NSAIDs (nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs), it can lead to a stomach ulcer.
    Smoking cigarettes leads to stomach ulcers in most smokers. Ulcer caused by smoking can lead to much worse symptoms than any other cause. The complication could be ulcer bleeding, perforation and stomach obstruction.

    To identify if you have an ulcer or not, there are some stomach ulcer signs you should know about:
    Abdominal pain while an abdominal pain can be linked to many other diseases or health problems, some abdominal pain can also be due to ulcer. If the pain is felt between the breast bone and belly button, it could be a stomach ulcer sign. There will not be a constant pain that you will feel, it will come and go. Ulcer pain felt in the abdomen could feel like burning or stabbing.
    Increased indigestion Ulcer usually causes indigestion and gas pain. So, if you find yourself burping and hiccupping a lot, that is a sure stomach ulcer sign.
    Nausea You get the throwing up sensations when you wake up in the morning. It is due to the imbalance of digestive juices. Nausea can be mild to severe. If have this stomach ulcer sign, make you start with the treatment right away.
    Heavy stomach This is one of the most common stomach ulcer signs that you can come across. Due to troubles in the stomach, your abdomen or your tummy will feel heavy and full. Here, you usually don’t feel like eating or drinking anything heavy.
    You feel sick If you feel like you have a flu but there are no symptoms of flu, it could be a sign of stomach ulcer instead.

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  • Several gas-producing foods are a common source of discomfort and unease for many. While these cause bloating and indigestion in some people, it may give sleepless nights to those who are easily prone to stomach gas pains. Stomach gas pain is a cause of anxiety and constant worry for several individuals as it makes curbing the symptoms extremely severe. While frequent gas pain may be due to an underlying cause, people with occasional bouts of gas pain can benefit with some lifestyle changes and natural stomach gas pain remedies. Some of the common stomach gas pain remedies have been listed below.

    Allow the gas to pass
    Passing gas is a natural phenomenon that should not be allowed to be carried on in isolation. This helps keep the system free from trapped gas and helps reduce gas pain. Trapped gas is the major cause of bloating, discomfort, and pain that should surely be allowed to expel at regular intervals. Not suppressing passing gas can be one of the most effective stomach gas pain remedies.

    Move your bowels
    It is important that you have a bowel movement whenever you wish to. Curbing the urge can often lead the gas to get trapped. Often having a glass full of warm lemon water can speed up the bowel movement and help relieve gas.

    Try sipping hot green tea
    Herbal and green teas often have gas-relieving properties. Peppermint, anise, chamomile, or ginger tea can help alleviate gas and bloating. Many people find instant gas pain relief after sipping some warm green tea. If you are someone who is prone to diarrhea, it is better you avoid anise tea as it acts as a mild laxative.

    Chewing fennel seeds may help
    One of the best stomach gas pain remedies is eating about a teaspoon of fennel seeds. Often warm water and fennel can help relieve intestinal gas, pain, and bloating almost instantly. While having fennel in small amounts is safe, some studies prove that fennel should be avoided when pregnant or breastfeeding.

    Give hot fomentation a try!
    While hot fomentation provides great psychological comfort, the heat helps relax the muscles and curbs stomach gas pain sensations. Using a heating pad, a hot water bottle, or simply a hot water shower is one of the most effective stomach gas pain remedies. People more prone to gas pain attacks should keep heating pads handy at work.

    Try yoga
    Several yoga postures are designed to help pass gas. People with recurrent gas issues must find a yoga expert and learn the appropriate postures and form.

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  • Stomach gas is a common symptom that is caused primarily by the type of food we eat. While some food items contribute to the production of gas and acid in the digestive system, some food items are easily digestible and alleviate gas pains.

    The trigger foods for gas vary for every individual. It is therefore essential to identify the foods that may cause indigestion, gas, and acidity to be able to get quick relief. Here is a list of some of the popular stomach gas pain remedies that help curb discomfort by providing instant relief.

    Change your dietary habits
    Often bringing a change to one’s dietary habit is enough to relieve gas and its underlying symptoms. This can be done by firstly identifying the kind of foods that may cause stomach gas pain. Foods with high-fat content, carbonated beverages, highly fibrous foods, beans, lentils, dairy products, and the like are known to be the main culprits of stomach gas pain. Eliminating trigger foods from the diet is one of the best stomach gas pain remedies that can effectively help relieve the symptoms.

    Include some peppermint in your diet
    Several studies show that mint tea and peppermint symptoms are known to reduce most IBS symptoms including stomach gas pain. While incorporating peppermint in the diet is one of the best stomach gas pain remedies, it is important that people on medication consult their doctor before using supplements.

    One of the best stomach gas pain remedies is to get engaged in a kind of physical activity. Exercising is an excellent way to release trapped gas and get rid of the gas pain. Walking after meals is a good method to avoid gas, acidity, and indigestion. Activities like skipping rope, running, jogging, and brisk walks can help ease the gas pain.

    Herbal tea
    Often herbal green teas, mint tea, and chamomile teas are known to ease stomach inflammation, trapped gas, bloating, and indigestion. Drinking chamomile tea before meals and while going to bed is one of the most effective stomach gas pain remedies.

    Apple cider vinegar
    While apple cider vinegar is a potent aid that facilitates weight loss, it is also popular as one of the most efficient stomach gas pain remedies that should religiously be consumed before every meal to reduce trapped gas symptoms.

    This is a herb that most Asian people use in cooking. Clove oil is known best to reduce gas pain and bloating effectively. Adding a few drops of clove oil in about a glass of water helps relieve post meal gas pain and indigestion.

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  • Infant constipation is not very common. However, babies who are bottle-fed are more prone to get constipation than the ones who are on breast milk. This is because some babies might be allergic to some of the ingredients or nutrients in the formula milk. Therefore, it is important that the parents are careful if the baby has an improper bowel movement.

    Doctors often suggest parents give baby food when the baby is around six months and more. There are a number of foods that cause constipation in babies. For instance, too much of banana, cereal, etc. can trouble the bowel movement of your baby. On the other hand, if you are looking for the culprit that is causing constipation in babies, it is difficult to pick the same when you have started introducing table foods.

    Here are some of the causes of constipation in babies:

    A change in the diet of your baby is one of the main causes that can make her bowel movement unstable. If this is the case with your baby too then, it is advisable to consult the pediatrician. As per some of the pediatricians, the introduction of cow’s milk protein can upset the baby’s stomach and cause other intestinal problems.

    Check if your baby is ill
    Infant constipation can result from an illness as well. If your baby is not feeling well and isn’t eating properly, then there is a possibility that he or she can have a problem in the bowel movement. In such a case, your baby’s doctor would suggest some medications that can stabilize the intestinal system of the baby.

    Medications can also cause infant constipation
    There are some medications that the doctor might suggest for the baby. These can be iron supplements, but a high dose of the same can lead to an improper bowel movement. It is best to consult the doctor if the baby is suffering constipation from any of the medications.

    It is seen that premature babies are often susceptible to constipation. This is because the digestive system of a premature baby is not fully developed and so the problem of proper bowel movement arises.

    • Babies and constipation Some simple treatments

      Apple and prune juice can be a great relief to your baby, whenever he or she is suffering from constipation
    • For babies who eat solid foods, try giving vegetables such as broccoli, apricot, peaches, skin-pealed apples, to name a few

    Keep these nuggets of information for babies and constipation handy so that next time when your baby is having trouble with bowel movement you know the cause and quick cure.

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  • Have you ever felt that fatigue along with pain in the chest and upper abdominal pain? It could be one of the stomach ulcer signs. It is not always easy to identify the stomach ulcer as the signs could also be of acidity or other similar common stomach related problems. Another name for stomach ulcer is the peptic ulcer.

    If you have found out that what you have are stomach ulcer signs, there here are some ways to cure stomach ulcer naturally and at home.

    Okra can help with your stomach ulcers: This green vegetable is highly nutritious and full of vitamins, minerals and fiber. When you have stomach ulcers, anti-oxidants, vitamin B, calcium, magnesium, iron and manganese help with the treatment and okra has all these essential nutrients.

    A healthy stomach has a thick mucus lining that protects the stomach walls from strong acids that are there to digest food. When there is ulcer in the stomach, the mucus wall becomes thinner and weaker allowing the acids to cause harm to the stomach walls. This is when you feel the pain due to stomach ulcer. Drinking raw cabbage juice will help heal or repair the stomach lining.

    Drinking pro biotic drinks can also help in building the damaged stomach lining.

    Add garlic to your diet as it has anti-parasitic and anti-microbial properties. You should also add ginger to your diet for its anti-inflammatory properties.

    Other way to heal stomach ulcer or preventing it from happening is by watching your eating habits and making necessary changes where ever required. Even if you are having the right diet, a lot can go wrong in your stomach and give your stomach ulcer signs if you are not eating the right things at the right time. Do not snack at the night time as your digestive system also needs to rest at night. Late night snacking can also lead to nocturnal acid secretion that can lead to stomach ulcers.

    Make your diet rich in fiber and low in sugar as that helps in keeping the livelihood of getting an ulcer.

    If you are facing painful stomach ulcer signs and want an immediate relief from medicines, there are these medicines you can have for the relief:
    Amoxcillin oral
    Biaxin oral
    Clarithromycin oral
    Flagyl oral
    Metronidazole oral

    These medicines can be taken if you get peptic ulcers due to bacteria Helicobacter Pylori.

    Additionally, avoid smoking and drinking if you do. Coffee, chocolate, chilies and hot peppers, high-salt diet and deep-fried food should also be avoided while you have stomach ulcer. Avoiding these foods on a general level is also a step towards healthy body and life.

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  • Babies and constipation is a dread for all parents. If your baby seems to be straining or you can find hard pellets on the baby’s diaper, then it is assign of constipation. In such a case, make sure first to consult the doctor immediately. On the other hand, there are several remedies that can offer relief to your baby.

    Here are some of the remedies if your baby has constipation:

    Once you observe any of the above symptoms of constipation in babies, remember to resort to these remedies.

    A proper bowel movement can help your babies during constipation. Make sure to massage the lower abdomen and stomach of the baby. This will help to stimulate the bowel movement. Do a number of massages every day till your baby has a smooth bowel movement.

    Exercise helps digestion
    It is a known fact that movement helps in speeding the digestion process. This is why it is important that you help your baby moving with some or other kind of exercises. If your baby is not walking yet, then simple exercises like leg bicycles can be helpful in digestion.

    Increase water consumption
    Dehydration or lack of water consumption can lead to improper bowel movement and constipation. Even if your baby is breast or bottle fed, signs of constipation can be due to lack of water consumption. If the symptoms continue, then try giving your baby two to four ounces of water after each feeding. This will help in smoothening the bowel movement.

    Try switching up the milk
    In case your baby is exclusively breastfed, then you can always consult the doctor and adjust your diet plan. There may be a possibility that your baby is allergic to some of the ingredients, which would be hampering the bowel movement of your baby.

    In case your baby is exclusively breastfed, then you can always consult the doctor and adjust your diet plan. There may be a possibility that your baby is allergic to some of the ingredients, which would be hampering the bowel movement of your baby.

    On the other hand, bottle-fed babies would benefit by changing the formula of the milk. Constipation in babies is not always the reason for what they eat or drink but also what the mother eats.

    Pureed food can be of significant help
    In case your baby has not yet switched to solid foods, you can try pureeing vegetables and fresh fruits. Include broccoli, prunes, peaches, skinless apples, to name a few in the diet of your baby.

    In case your baby has not yet switched to solid foods, you can try pureeing vegetables and fresh fruits. Include broccoli, prunes, peaches, skinless apples, to name a few in the diet of your baby.

    So, next time when your baby is having troubles in the stomach, do not panic. Keep these simple home remedies handy, and you will see that your baby has a smooth bowel movement.

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  • Gastritis is caused by the inflammation of the stomach lining. The immediate effect of this is upper abdominal pain or discomfort, which can be occasionally accompanied by vomiting, nausea, or stomach bleeding. Gastritis can range from mild to severe. Mild cases of gastritis go away in a day or two with self-care, which involves being mindful of gastritis foods to avoid and eat. Severe cases may last for longer periods and require medical attention.

    Whether a person is suffering from a mild case of gastritis or a severe case, taking care of the diet can help to alleviate a lot of symptoms and prevent further aggravation of the condition. There are certain foods that may cause bloating, stomach discomfort, or heartburn. These may make gastritis worse. Anything that causes discomfort should be avoided when gastritis strikes. Here are a few gastritis foods to avoid:

    • Dairy products: The consumption of dairy products has different effects on different people when they have gastritis. For some people, the lactic acid and amino acids of milk and dairy products may worsen the symptoms of gastritis. Dairy products are some of the gastritis foods to avoid in this case. However, for some people, eating dairy-based products, especially probiotic-based products, may cause no discomfort at all.
    • Tomatoes: Tomatoes are acidic. Their consumption may irritate the already inflamed stomach lining. Tomatoes in raw or cooked form and any tomatoes-based products should be avoided. A little amount can be alright, but if any discomfort is experienced, it is best to avoid eating tomatoes completely.
    • Citrus juices and fruits: Fruits such as oranges, limes, lemons, and grapefruit have high acidic content. Eating these fruits or their juices can cause pain in the case of gastritis. They aggravate the inflammation and may cause stomach ulcers.
    • Caffeinated beverages: Caffeine-based beverages worsen gastritis symptoms. Beverages such as tea and coffee can trigger stomach pain and increase burning sensations. Some people have bad reactions to caffeinated beverages. However, beverages with minimal caffeine content such as green tea can soothe the inflammation. It is recommended to have green tea whenever there is any caffeine craving during a bout of gastritis.
    • Alcohol-based drinks: This is one of the best gastritis foods to avoid. An excess consumption of alcohol can increase the inflammation symptoms and erode the lining of the stomach further. However, it has been observed that a moderate consumption of alcohol often helps to avoid the occurrence of gastritis in some cases.
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  • Often mistaken for indigestion, gastritis is a more serious version of stomach disorder. Although the symptoms of gastritis are similar to those of indigestion, it is caused by a bacteria known as H.pylori as opposed to a diet that may cause indigestion. However, diet can aggravate the symptoms of gastritis. So, it is necessary to take care of gastritis foods to avoid and be mindful of food that is eaten during a bout of gastritis.

    The H.pylori bacteria causes inflammation of the stomach lining leading to gastritis, which in extreme cases may lead to stomach ulcers. The effects of this are abdominal pain, discomfort, burning sensation in the abdomen, nausea, and so on. Acute symptoms of gastritis go away in a couple of days by following a careful diet. However, if the symptoms persist for a longer duration and the discomfort continues, it is best to consult a doctor.

    Here is a list of gastritis foods to avoid and foods to eat:

    • Eat broccoli: Broccoli contains sulforaphane. It has anti-bacterial properties that help to deal with H.pylori bacteria that causes gastritis. Broccoli sprouts can help to provide relief from gastritis symptoms. You can add them to salads, sandwiches or just stir-fry them. If you want to try something different, you can add them to smoothies as well.
    • Stay away from citrus fruits: Citrus fruits such as grape fruit, orange, lemons, and limes are high in acidic content. Eating these fruits or juices of these fruits can increase the inflammation of the stomach lining. This can aggravate the abdominal pain and other symptoms of gastritis.
    • Add yogurt to your diet: The presence of active cultures of good bacteria in yogurt makes the gut healthy and helps to fight against the symptoms of gastritis. Eating a bowl of yogurt every day helps to strengthen the immune system and prevents gastritis in the body. Fat-free organic yogurt without any flavor is recommended for effective gastritis relief.
    • Avoid spicy food: A group of gastritis foods to avoid the most is spicy foods. Spices such as chili, garlic, black and red pepper, and jalapeno may cause further inflammation of the stomach lining leading to stomach cramps and pain. The burning sensation will be aggravated.
    • No processed or refined foods: This is another group of gastritis foods to avoid to get relief from painful symptoms. Avoid eating anything with trans fat or food cooked in refined vegetable oils. It is best to avoid pasteurized dairy products, pasta, bread, food with added sugar, greasy fried food, and factory-farm poultry products.
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  • Constipation is a condition of the digestive system due to which an individual faces difficulty in bowel movements. It generally means tougher or lesser bowel movements than normal. Causes of constipation can vary. Generally, when the food we eat passes through the digestive tract, the colon absorbs more water from the food. As a result, the stool becomes dry and hard. Constipation is the state when it becomes difficult to excrete such a stool.

    Apart from this, there are various other common factors that might cause constipation. Here are a few reasons that cause constipation.

    Fiber deficiency in diet
    The lack of fiber enriched food in a person’s diet is one of the basic causes of constipation. A person who eats lots of fiber rich food in his or her diet is less likely to feel constipated than a person who doesn’t.

    Less physical activity
    Physical inactivity is another common cause of constipation. Physical activities boost a person’s’ metabolism. Hence it makes it easier for the food to digest and exterminate from the body.

    Intake of certain medicines
    The intake of narcotic pain drugs, antidepressants, anticonvulsants, aluminum-containing antacids, and diuretics can cause constipation in certain individuals.

    Milk intolerance
    Intolerance to milk and dairy products are also a common cause of constipation.

    IBS or Irritable Bowel Syndrome
    People suffering from IBS or Irritable Bowel Syndrome are at a high risk of suffering from constipation.

    Expectant mothers
    Expectant mothers are vulnerable to constipation due to various hormonal changes during pregnancy.

    Old age
    Metabolism slows down in older people. This results in lesser intestinal activities. The muscle of the digestive tract fails to function well.

    Interchanging daily schedules
    A sudden change in the daily activities of a person might also cause constipation. For instance, a change in eating, traveling, and sleeping schedules.

    Misuse of laxatives
    Laxatives are helpful in bowel movements. However, the dosage of laxatives needs to be increased to get the desired results. An over usage of laxatives can be highly addictive. So, there is a high risk of constipation when a person stops the intake of laxatives.

    Ignoring the urge to excrete
    When an individual ignores the urge to excrete, the urge gradually subsides. This might lead to dry stools and hence constipation.

    Lack of body fluids due to dehydration is a very common cause of constipation.

    How to treat constipation?
    Although constipation does not have any health risks, it is too difficult to tolerate the inconvenience. Constipation problems mostly cease itself without any medical attention. However, to keep the problem of constipation at bay, a person can monitor the following things in their day to day activities.

    1. Change your lifestyle.
    2. Include more exercise, eat more fiber rich food, and drink lots of water.
    3. Use laxatives only under a registered medical practitioner’s prescription.
    4. Find out the reason of your constipation by observing the occurrence.
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  • Constipation occurs when you face difficulty with bowel movements. Under constipation, your bowel movements are tough and happen less frequently. It is not a serious medical condition, but can make you feel uncomfortable during the course of the day.

    Why you need to address the problem
    Apart from the discomfort associated with constipation, there are other problems that you’ll face. If you’re unable to pass stool for more than two days or you’re passing only a small amount of stool, it’s a matter of concern.

    Your stomach will always feel heavy and bloated. You might also see blood when you try too hard to pass stool. Your entire digestive system will get affected and you won’t feel like eating too.

    There are many causes of constipation. Knowing the causes makes the treatment easy. Some common causes of constipation are:

    1. If you change your diet suddenly. If you suddenly start eating less or eating irregularly, constipation will set in. Make sure the fiber content in your diet is high. This ensures a smooth bowel movement.

    2. If you change your daily activity schedule. Suppose, your body is used to a lot of physical work and you suddenly put an end to it. The reverse is also true. In other words, a sudden change in your normal activities and work schedule will upset your metabolism.

    3. A person having irritable bowel syndrome is likely to suffer from constipation. It’s a condition associated with frequent and unexpected changes in bowel movements.

    4. High consumption of dairy products, laxatives, or pain-killers, influences your metabolism in many.

    5. Medical conditions such as stress, thyroid, pregnancy, or neurological disorders are the other causes of constipation.

    Treatment for constipation
    Bloating or swelling of stomach and an urge to throw up are common symptoms associated with severe constipation. A more obvious sign is the inability to pass stool for over two days. You can follow the given steps to reduce these symptoms:
    – Drink lot of water during the day
    – Drink a glass of warm water or green tea in the morning
    – Eat fruits and vegetables as they are rich in fiber like spinach, broccoli, lentils, peas, etc.
    – You can take laxatives but avoid taking more than once a week

    If nothing of this helps and when you experience severe stomach pain, call a doctor. The problem will aggravate if you exert pressure to pass stool. You will notice blood and feel dry pain in the anus. It is important to avail treatment at the earliest to avoid any serious health problems later.

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