• Ringworm infection is not caused by any kind of worm or a living parasite. It is in fact caused by a type of fungus called as tinea. This type of fungus lives under the dead skin cells and tissues that include hair and nails.

    It causes a red, scaly patch on the skin. As the infection spreads it takes the form of a circular or a shape of a ring, which is why it is called as ringworm infection. Most commonly found on the arms as well as the scalp, it is also found in the face or the groin area. Ringworm infection in the groin area is called as jock itch.

    Ringworm infection does respond to home remedies. Here are some home remedies for ringworm treatment.

    • Soap and water
      When suffering from a ringworm infection, it is very important to keep the area clean and hygienic. This prevents the further spread of the infection and keeps the infected area under control. Wash the affected area with an anti-bacterial soap. Dry the area thoroughly with a cloth, as moisture makes the infection spread easily. Use of pine and coal-tar soap is also suggested but make sure that you are not allergic or sensitive to them.
    • Tea tree oil
      Tea tree oil is a kind of home ringworm treatment that has been conventionally used for its antifungal and antimicrobial properties. It can be used for treating several skin fungal infections. You can apply tea tree oil to the affected area two to three times a day using a cotton swab. Using coconut oil with tea tree oil can help dilute the solution, as coconut oil has its own antifungal properties.
    • Turmeric
      Turmeric is one of the most commonly used home ringworm treatment. It is known for its antibacterial and anti-inflammatory properties. Turmeric’s antifungal growth inhibits further growth. Ground a turmeric and add a small amount of water to make it into a paste. Apply it onto the skin and leave it to dry. You can also add turmeric powder in lukewarm water and drink it first thing in the morning to get internal benefits.
    • Powdered licorice
      Put 8 teaspoons of powdered licorice in a cup of water and bring it to boil. Once boiled, heat it until it gets simmered. Stir the solution in the form of a paste. When to paste has cooled down, apply it to the affected area twice, daily. Leave the paste for at least 15 minutes before washing it away.
    • Aloe Vera
      Aloe vera is known is known for both of its antifungal and antibacterial properties. One can use aloe vera to soothe the symptoms of itchiness, inflammation, and discomfort caused due to ringworm infection. There are ointments available in the market that contain aloe vera. Apply these ointments in the affected area directly three times a day.
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  • A contagious fungus, ringworm can be a tedious thing to get rid of. Although most of us would neglect this, this disease does require some serious attention or else can worsen. If you do not have a doctor handy or have skipped an appointment, then here are some of the simple and easy-to-use home treatments for ringworm.

    Ringworm is not just limited to human skin infection. Pets such as cats and dogs can also carry these fungi. In case you come across horse, sheep or cattle that are infected by ringworm, be careful around them and avoid contact. Apart from spreading ringworm through animals and pets, it can also be caught from the soil.

    Ringworm is common and appears on the surface of the body. It is a known that ringworm is contagious and this is the reason we should not neglect to cure it as soon as possible. Due to the contagious nature of ringworm, it can appear almost on any surface of the body. Check out these shortlisted five simple home ringworm treatments that can come handy any day.

    Application of apple cider vinegar
    Known for possessing anti-fungal properties, apple cider vinegar is one of the popular choices for home ringworm treatment. Apply it directly on the skin and it will offer an acidic environment to the fungi of ringworm and create a non-conducive environment for them. Regular use of apple cider vinegar can be helpful in eliminating the fungi completely.

    Tea tree oil
    One of the best choices for antiseptic and anti-fungal agent, tea tree oil is considered amazing for ringworm treatment. It is extracted from Melaleuca Alternifolia, which is proved to show definitive results in curing ringworm fungus.

    Licorice paste is known for treating fungal infection. In case you are looking for home treatments for ringworm, direct application of licorice paste is one of the popular choices. One needs to apply the paste on a regular basis to eliminate the infection completely.

    Aloe Vera
    Aloe Vera is considered as a perfect solution for anti-fungal, antiseptic, and anti-microbial conditions. It helps to gently heal different skin conditions, including ringworm. Aloe Vera gel provides a soothing effect to the skin and also cures any skin rash or itchiness.

    Coconut oil
    Extremely safe and effective, coconut oil can be used as a home ringworm treatment. Coconut oil contains Lauric acid, which is a strong anti-fungal agent. It helps in killing the ringworm fungus and healing the skin effectively.

    Keep these five simple and effective home ringworm treatments handy.

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