• Pain in the leg is quite common these days. Some might have this pain due to an injury and some might for their weight or due to overexertion of the legs. Most of the time, this pain dies down after a short period of time and, in some cases, it can be eased up with some home remedies. However, if you are having chronic leg pain then you should consult a doctor. Sometimes, severe and persistent leg pain can be an indication for an underlying medical issue, though there are some possible causes behind chronic leg pain. Let’s have a closer look at them.

    Muscle Strain
    It is one of the more common causes of chronic leg pain. Due to overstretching of a certain muscle, the fibers in it tear, which results in the excruciating pain the leg. Mostly, this happens on the muscles that are larger in size. Calves, quadriceps, and hamstrings are some of those muscles that are prone to muscle strains.

    Tendons are those thick chords that connect bones to muscles. Tendinitis occurs when these tendons become inflamed. This inflammation makes the movement of the affected joint difficult. The tendons near the heel bone or hamstrings are more prone to tendinitis.

    Atherosclerosis is that condition in which the arteries get narrow and hard due to the accumulation of fat and cholesterol. The blood rich in oxygen gets carried by the arteries. If there is any blockage in it, the blood flow will reduce in various parts of the body. When the tissues in your legs don’t receive the required oxygen, it will result in pain and this could be one of the factors for your chronic leg pain.

    Arthritis affects the joints in the hips and knees. It is an inflammation of these joints and will cause redness in the affected area, pain, and swelling. One of the primary causes of chronic leg pain is arthritis.

    Gout is also a type of arthritis. It mainly happens when there is an excess amount of uric acid in the body. It will have the same effects as arthritis but on the lower part of the leg.

    These are some of the medical conditions and injuries that could be the reason for chronic and severe leg pain. You can also consult your doctor to confirm that there is no underlying medical issue.

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  • Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) is an incurable disease. However, the treatment options help reduce the symptoms of the disease. Inhalers work wonders when it comes to soothing and relaxing the lungs. It helps you to breathe better and easier as the muscles in your airways are relaxed. There are several other medications which may come along with your inhaler to provide for extra comfort and ease the symptoms of the disease. The medications are directly delivered to the lungs and that is the main purpose and biggest benefit of using them. When used properly, there is no better solution to help in easing the symptoms of the disease than COPD inhalers. Here are the different types of inhalers and how they help.

    HFA inhalers
    HFA inhalers consist of a liquid medication which is delivered to the lungs through an aerosol spray. The medicine is stored in a pressurized canister. To use the device, close your lips around the mouthpiece and press down on the inhaler. Breathe in slowly and take in the medication. Using a spacer is another option. It makes the process of getting a full dose of medication to the lungs much easier.

    DPI inhalers
    A DPI inhaler suffices the same purpose as an HFA inhaler but releases a puff of dry powder instead of a liquid mist. Place your lips around the mouthpiece and inhale the medication steadily and rapidly. An important tip to keep in mind is to keep the device away from the mouth when exhaling. This will prevent humid air from entering into the device and clamping the powder medication.

    SMI inhalers
    SMI inhalers are a new type of inhalers that do not require you to breathe in fast or slow to deliver medicine to your lungs. A pre-measured amount of medicine is delivered to the lungs in a slow mist when you inhale the medicine. All you have to do is place your lips around the mouthpiece and press the button. This is one of the best COPD inhalers on the market.

    Nebulizers suffice the same purpose as COPD inhalers but they have a significant disadvantage – they are not portable. Both these machines are available by prescription only. You may see bronchodilator inhalers being sold over the counter but restrain from using them. They could be risky for people with a history of certain health problems including heart diseases. If you are suffering from COPD, do not look beyond COPD inhalers as they indeed are the best option for COPD symptoms easing.

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  • Dental care is a necessity. Processed food and food items high on sugar have a telling impact on our body and teeth. While many of us maintain good oral hygiene, quite a few do not. Whatever be the case, we do require regular appointments with the dentist to check on the health and status of our teeth. A dental implant costs a lot, and dental care as a whole is very expensive. Some of the economically less fortunate cannot shell out extravagant sums of money for the same. This does not mean that they have to sacrifice the health of their teeth. There are several fantastic dental clinics that provide free of cost services! Find below a few of the best free dental clinics in the country.

    Best Free Dental Clinics in the Country

    • North End Community Health Committee Inc.
      Located in Boston, North End Community Health Committee Inc. is one of the best free dental clinics in the country, it provides a wide range of services for adults and has been providing comprehensive, affordable and quality dental care and services since 1977. Their team is highly experienced and professional. To qualify for the sliding fee discount program, you have to show the proof of annual income of all family members living in the house. You need to provide a copy of any of the accepted forms of income verification. You are required to mention all sources of income before taxes. Do not hesitate from visiting this clinic as it truly is one of the best in the business and provides free care if you qualify for the program!
    • HealthCare Choices
      Located in Brooklyn, HealthCare Choices is, without a doubt, one of the best free dental clinics in the country. Their sliding scale program encompasses all those individuals who are unemployed, do not have medical insurance or are uninsured. The care depends on your gross annual salary. The clinic offers integrated services and high quality of dental care. They are open only on four days: Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, and Friday.

    Do not hesitate to seek dental care at the free dental clinics. Maintaining good, healthy teeth is necessary for good health. The above-mentioned clinics provide quality care at minimal prices, so avail their offers today!

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  • Getting a cold is one of the most frustrating things. You have to deal with a runny nose and a constant series of sneezing. Moreover, a cold may be accompanied by a cough or vice versa. It makes things worse when you have to go to school or office. You may end up contaminating the workplace and infecting a whole lot of other people. We sometimes confuse an allergy for a cold as an allergy too causes congestion in the nose and leads to a runny nose. If you are sneezing and coughing, the first thought that comes to mind is a cold. These symptoms could be a sign of an allergy as well. Confused whether it could be cold or allergies symptoms? Read on to know about the similarities in both conditions.

    Similar cold and allergy symptoms
    An allergy occurs when the immune system has an adverse reaction to a substance or a series of substances. When you are exposed to an allergy trigger (which varies from person to person), your immune system releases histamines. The release of histamines to counter an allergen leads to the symptoms of an allergy. While allergies and colds do share some common symptoms, they are entirely different. Wondering if there are any common cold or allergy symptoms? Yes, indeed there are. Here are a few symptoms that occur in both cases:

    • Watery eyes
    • Nasal congestion
    • A runny nose
    • A sore throat
    • Coughing
    • Sneezing

    A common cold may cause some other symptoms, but it is not accompanied by rashes on the skin or a sensation of itchy eyes. Over 50 million Americans experience allergies every single year. Some of the most common allergens in the country are tree grass and weed pollen. These are seasonal allergens and may be difficult to detect at times. Other year-round allergens include the following:

    • Certain food items like eggs, peanuts, tree nuts, and milk
    • Dust mite
    • Animal saliva or dander (house pets like cats or dogs may cause this)
    • Mold

    If you are suffering from cold or allergy symptoms, visit a doctor immediately to figure out whether it is caused due to a cold or due to an allergen. It is best to determine what you are allergic to as soon as possible to avoid going through these episodes on a regular basis.

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  • Bell’s palsy is a sudden muscle weakness on one side of the face causing the face to paralyze or become weak. The condition also causes one side of the face to droop and become stiff.  The condition is generally temporary and limited to a few months. Here are some of the Bells’ palsy treatment options, procedure, and more. Read on.

    What is the Right Treatment for Bell’s Palsy?
    Bell’s palsy is chiefly caused due to the weakness of muscles. Some of the symptoms and signs such as difficulty in making different facial expressions, facial droop, changes in the amount of saliva and tears, pain behind the ears and jaw, and a decreasing ability to taste. It is important to consult a physician immediately if the signs become evident. This condition generally resolves on its own within a span of six months. Nevertheless, Bell’s palsy treatment will help in quicker recovery. Moreover, only in a few rare causes does the condition affect the nerves on both the sides of the face.

    The Treatment Procedure
    Doctors diagnosing the condition generally observe the movement of the face muscles such as frowning, closing the eyes and lifting the eyebrows. Patients might be asked to undergo tests such as undergoing scans and electromyography. These are the tests that confirm the severity of the condition and nerve damage. Bell’s palsy treatment generally involves medication such as anti-viral medicines and corticosteroids.

    Corticosteroids are basically anti-inflammatory medicines that help reduce nerve inflammation. These should be taken immediately after the symptoms of Bell’s palsy are diagnosed. Another effective treatment is physiotherapy. This is needed because the paralyzed muscles might shorten and shrink, resulting in permanent contractures of the muscle. There are different exercises of the facial muscles, which help avoid Bell’s palsy. Occasionally, plastic surgery might also be recommended to correct facial nerve problems.

    Recovery Time
    The signs of Bell’s palsy generally improve within two weeks and might take three to six months to go away completely. However, recovery might take longer in people suffering from severe Bell’s palsy. Some people might experience facial sagging for a very long time mainly because of the weak facial muscles.

    The condition might be severe is some cases but there are cases wherein the symptoms of the condition have gone away without any treatments.

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  • Spinal stenosis is a condition characterized by the narrowing of the spinal column, which compresses the spinal cord or nerve roots. The condition often results in local pain in the back or neck and piercing pain in the connected extremities.

    The most common cause of spinal stenosis is the natural deterioration of the spine due to aging. Since the reason is natural, there are some tips that you can observe to prevent the occurrence of the condition.

    How to Prevent Spinal Stenosis
    There is no way to stop aging and, thus, prevent the development of spinal stenosis. However, researchers have found out that certain lifestyle choices and tasks can largely defer the progression of the condition and reduce its impact on people’s lives. Here are a few tips that can promote your overall spine health and prevent the condition.

    • Stay Active
      Performing exercise regularly is crucial to fortify the muscles which support the spine. Furthermore, it helps in increasing spinal flexibility and keeping body weight under control. All these factors decrease the amount of pressure exerted on the spine, thus delaying the onset of spinal stenosis.
    • Do Not Sit for Protracted Hours
      When you stand, your legs act as shock absorbers for your spine. On the other hand, when you sit, these shock absorbers relax and all your body weight is shifted to the spine. Therefore, it is important to not sit for long durations. Make sure to take a small walk after every 30 minutes.
    • Take Driving Precautions
      Wrong driving postures can also lead to the quick progression of spinal stenosis. Therefore, make sure when you are driving, your seat is angled at 100 degrees so that it properly supports your back.
    • Sleep Smart
      Sleeping on the right mattress is vital if you want to prevent all kinds of back problems. If you regularly wake up with a stiff back or neck, it may be a sign that your mattress is worn out and needs replacement. You can use a mattress that is firm and properly supports your spine as a solution to this.
    • Use Accurate Lifting Techniques
      Lifting heavy objects can often result in a back pain. However, sometimes you can also hurt your back by lifting small and light objects if you try to bend or reach them improperly. It is advisable to perform squat lifting for heavy objects.

    All these general healthy lifestyle habits will help in preventing the condition of spinal stenosis. Follow these steps to live a healthy life.

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  • Neuropathy in feet is a condition which leads to the feeling of little to no sensation in the feet. Damage to your peripheral nerves leads to a feeling of numbness, weakness, and pain. You may touch a hot or cold appliance and feel no sensation at all. In many cases of the disease, your symptoms can improve with time. The treatment for neuropathy in feet is aimed at reducing the pain involved with the disease. It is advisable to seek medical attention if you experience the symptoms of this disease. Read on to know the options for the best treatment for neuropathy in feet.

    Treatment for neuropathy in feet
    If you are suffering from progressive pain and numbness in your feet, it is quite likely that you are having trouble standing and walking. Imbalance issues are one of the major causes of concern with respect to this disease. Working with a physical therapist could go a long way in helping you discover lost balance. While carrying a can may not be appropriate according to your age, prevention from further injury is always the best option. You can improve blood circulation to the affected nerves by performing some basic exercises. Seek other treatment for neuropathy in feet as well, to avoid further development of the disease as it increases the likelihood of falling, tripping and hurting yourself. Treating the underlying cause of the disease is necessary and this can only be determined when you undergo a medical check-up. Here are a few tips you should keep in mind to help you on a day to day basis:

    • Try wearing shoes that fit your feet well. This protects your feet and prevents them from suffering from further wounds.
    • Place a mirror on the floor or at a lower altitude to inspect the soles of your feet regularly.
    • Inspect your feet for cuts and wounds regularly.

    Neuropathy in feet should be taken seriously as its progression could lead to serious consequences; numbness in the feet is also a serious matter. The most common underlying cause of the disease is diabetes. If you are suffering from neuropathy in feet as a result of it, it may last longer than usual. Seeking immediate medical attention is the best way forward. You may also follow the treatment for neuropathy in feet options mentioned above. Remember, early treatment can go a long way in reducing pain and helping you recover.

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  • A bruise or contusion appears when tiny blood vessels get damaged or break due to injury. It is a medical condition where blood from the damaged vessels remains accumulated beneath the epidermal layer. The skin becomes discolored and leaves a bluish or blackish mark. You can get a bruise when you bump into hard objects, during rigorous exercise, while playing body contact games or due to bleeding disorders. In most of the cases, this injury of the skin results in inflammation and pain. For quick recovery from the injury, use one of these easy treatment methods to cure bruises.

    • Cold compress
      It is one of the most effective ways to manage bruises. Take some ice-cubes in a plastic bag, and place it on the injured area for 20-30 minutes to reduce the inflammation and pain. Do not apply the ice-cubes directly as it may cause frostbite. The cold treatment reduces the blood flow and stops any internal bleeding due to the bruise. Alternatively, you can use commercial ice packs available at the pharmacy store, which can be frozen and re-used.
    • Apply tincture of arnica
      Massaging the area with a tincture of arnica or arnica gel is another easy treatment method for bruises. It reduces the soreness associated with the bruise.
    • Place the injured area in a raised position
      This easy treatment method for bruises involves keeping the injured area in a raised position. This method works if you have bruises on your hands or legs. It decreases the blood flow to the site and promotes clotting of the damaged vessels. The heart cannot pump much blood into the area since it is above the body level. Thus, the fluids drain away from the injured area.
    • Pain-relieving medicines
      If you experience intense pain in the bruised area, consult a doctor and ask them to prescribe a pain-relieving oral medication or topical cream. In most cases, Acetaminophen helps to improve the condition. Avoid taking aspirin or ibuprofen as it delays the clotting of the wound.
    • Hot press
      After two days from the occurrence of the injury, you can apply a hot press to the bruise. Heat a small cloth over an oven and place it on the wound for 10 minutes, two to three times a day. It increases the blood flow and helps the skin heal quickly.

    If you’re looking for an easy and convenient way to treat bruises, you can choose any of the methods mentioned above.

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  • Clostridium difficile is a bacterium that causes many diseases that could be life-threatening. This bacterium mostly affects old men and women who are in the hospital or long-term healthcare facilities. It generally happens after the use of antibiotics. However, according to some recent studies, there is a huge growth of Clostridium difficile or C diff infection among those who are not considered to be at such high risks as these individuals, are younger and healthier, have no medical history of antibiotic use or have not been exposed to healthcare facilities. Every year, almost half a million people get affected by the C diff bacterium and with each passing year, the Clostridium difficile infections are becoming more and more severe and difficult to handle.

    Here are some of the C diff symptoms that might help identify its effects on the body.

    There are many people who carry C diff bacterium in their intestine. However, they never fall ill because of it. The C diff symptoms will start to appear within 5 to 10 days from the start of the antibiotic course. However, there are occasions when its symptoms start appearing after months of finishing the antibiotic course.

    When the Infection is Mild to Moderate
    Some of the C diff symptoms that appear when the infections are mild to moderate are:

    • Watery diarrhea that may occur three or more times in a day for a minimum of two consecutive days.
    • You can also get some mild abdominal cramping and tenderness as a symptom of Clostridium difficile infection.

    When C Diff Infection is Severe
    When C diff infection becomes severe, people affected might get dehydrated and need to be hospitalized. Clostridium difficile might cause the colon to become inflamed and because of this it may form patches of raw tissues that might bleed or produce pseudomembranous colitis. Some of the C diff symptoms in such cases are:

    • Dehydration
    • Nausea
    • Weight Loss
    • Loss of Appetite
    • Swollen Abdomen
    • Fever
    • Rapid heart rate
    • Diarrhea 10 to 15 times per day
    • The increment in the white blood cell count

    Shortly after finishing the antibiotic course, you might have loose stools. This happens mostly because of Clostridium difficile. If a person has watery stools three to four times a day for two days or more, then it is necessary to consult the doctor, as this is one of the primary symptoms of C diff infections.

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  • Pain in the gums is an annoying issue that can occur for several reasons such as canker sores, brushing too hard, and wearing dentures, braces, or retainers. In the case of women, pregnancy, hormonal changes, and menopause can be some of the reasons. Other than these, due to certain oral health issues such as thrush, periodontitis, or gingivitis, you may suffer from severe gum pain. Here is a list of some easy and effective gum pain remedies that you can employ at home. Until you can see a dentist, these home remedies will help you to deal with the severe gum pain.

    You can use either a cold or a hot compress to reduce the pain. For a hot compress, soak a cloth in hot, but not boiling, water; then squeeze out the excess water and press it gently on the face near the affected area, but do not apply directly to the gums. For the cold compress, wrap a pack of ice in a cloth and apply it in the way mentioned above.

    Saltwater Rinse
    Rinsing with salt water is one of the most effective gum pain remedies that help in preventing the bacterial growth in the mouth. Also, it helps in reducing the bacteria on the gums, which may be the reason behind the swelling gums.

    Get tea that is high in the astringent tannins, like green tea, black tea, or hibiscus tea to deal with the pain. Ginger or herbal mixed tea is one of the most useful home remedies.

    Herbal Poultice
    Spilanthes and clove are pain-relieving herbs. Also, powdered turmeric comprises the anti-inflammatory properties and is used in making the ultimate gum pain remedies at home. You simply need to mix any of the powdered herbs with warm water until a paste consistency is there. Now, apply this paste directly to the gums. Until the pain subsides, you need to apply it. Then, rinse the mouth with clean water.

    Homemade dental spray
    To address with the pain in the gum, another popular way is to apply a dental spray that has been made in a natural way by diluting essential oils.

    Other than all the aforementioned natural gum pain remedies, different painkillers and oral anesthetic gels are available in the market. However, before taking any medications, it is always advisable to consult a dentist first as these medications might have side effects. Until you manage to get an appointment with the dentist, these home remedies will be helpful to keep the gum pain in the control.

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