• Kicking the habit of smoking is usually easier said than done. It might take multiple attempts to succeed; however, the good thing is that now there are a variety of nicotine replacement therapies (NRTs) that make this ordeal much easier to face. At the moment, nicotine patches are the most popular forms of NRTs that can help one quit smoking. Nicotine patches were introduced back in 1992 and they were only available to use by prescription. Fortunately, the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) approved its over-the-counter sale by 1996.

    Continue reading to know more about NRTs.

    How does a nicotine patch function?
    Typically, a nicotine patch is like a small tan or a transparent bandage in a square shape. Its size varies across the brand and dosage levels. This patch should be applied to a fairly hairless part of the body, i.e., anywhere between the neck and waist. One should make sure that the part is sanitized and dry before the patch is applied to it. The patch has to be replaced daily and should be applied to a different area each time to avoid skin irritation. The nicotine patches are designed to be worn for 24 hours, but some people might remove it before sleeping as it could possibly trigger side-effects like insomnia or vivid dreams.

    Using a nicotine patch helps to quit smoking by rendering a consistent but controlled dose of nicotine to the smoker through the day. It allows the smoker to deal with the unpleasant symptoms of nicotine withdrawal, enabling the individual to gradually overcome nicotine addiction.

    These patches usually come in 3 dosage concentrations, i.e., 7mg, 14mg, and 21mg. However, the numbers stated can differ slightly across manufacturers. The 21mg patch is recommended for individuals who smoke more than 20 cigarettes a day. The user then slowly switches to lower doses of nicotine to maintain steady progress, until he or she hits the final phase of using no patch.

    What are the side effects of using nicotine patches to quit smoking?
    Usually, most smokers benefit from the use of nicotine patches. However, in certain circumstances, they could experience the following side-effects:

    • Skin irritation, i.e., burning, itching, or a tingling sensation on site of application. The good part is this only happens at the initial stage and often goes away on its own.
    • Digestive issues, such as diarrhea
    • Sleep problems, including insomnia or vivid dreams
    • Racing heart rate and dizziness
    • Headaches, nausea, and vomiting

    If one is dealing with side-effects like a racing heartbeat, dizziness, severe rash or swelling, or trouble breathing then the nicotine patch should be removed immediately. Likewise, the person should immediately notify their general practitioner regarding the same.

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  • Despite several efforts, you haven’t managed to kick the smoking habit? Well, don’t give up yet! Quitting smoking is the best thing to do as it not only interferes with the wellbeing of your health but of those around you too. It is true, giving up on smoking can very tough, especially, because of the nicotine withdrawal symptoms that include stress, weight gain, anxiety, and more. However, thanks to nicotine replacement therapy (NRT), the journey can be made smoother.

    One of the many tools of the NRT, nicotine patches are designed to release a dose of nicotine into the skin. Over time, this measured release aids in reducing the addiction to nicotine and reduces the grave effects of withdrawal. Nicotine patches are designed to be used for an entire day; however, most people prefer to take it off at bedtime.

    Here are notable reasons that make using nicotine patches great when trying to quit smoking.

    Nicotine patches, when combined with personal support, can prove extremely effective in breaking off from the smoking habit. The product is recorded to reduce the number of cravings, thus, helping smokers work toward beating the habit.

    There is no doubt that using nicotine patches to quit smoking is much safer than continuing the habit. These patches do not come included with harmful chemicals that are inhaled through the smoke from tobacco. Moreover, the nicotine dose delivered through the patch is absorbed much slower as compared with the nicotine in cigarettes. If a smoker ever slips and cannot resist a smoke, the patch does not carry the risk of a nicotine “overdose”.

    No addiction
    There is no evidence that points toward the dependence of a user to the nicotine patches. The body is rendered with far less nicotine delivery when using these patches and also the absorption is very slow. Using nicotine patches to quit smoking can be beneficial when used as directed by the physician.

    Low on cost
    Cigarettes are priced at quite a cost and using nicotine patches is not only useful to get away with the harmful habit but cheaper too. More importantly, they also aid in getting away with the need for nicotine, completely. Thus, one can save a lot of bucks.

    It is imperative to understand that a nicotine patch or any of the NRT tools are not a cure. These tools are mere aids and can only help in the journey toward quitting smoking. The success or failure in quitting smoking ultimately depends upon the willpower of the smoker.

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  • Bumps are naturally present on the tongue, as evidenced by pictures seen online. These bumps help in sensing the taste and temperature of the food we eat and are quite minuscule in size, giving the tongue its rough texture. Problems arise when the bumps become enlarged. This may happen due to accidental biting or scalding of the tongue. If you look at tongue bumps pictures online, you will notice that these appear like tongue pimples. Allergic reaction to food or mouth-care products can also cause swelling of the tongue bumps. Viral infections, STDs, canker sores, and oral cancer are other plausible causes of enlarged tongue bumps. In such severe cases, tongue bumps appear like blisters, as evidenced from tongue bumps pictures that are available online.

    Enlarged tongue bumps heal on their own in a few days when they are caused due to injury or allergic reactions. Home treatments can be done to speed up the healing process. However, in case enlarged tongue bumps occur as a symptom of a serious health condition, medical intervention will be required. Tongue bumps occurring due to less severe cases, as opposed to those seen online, can be treated with the following home remedies:

    • Gargling with salt water
      A salt water gargle is one of the most effective ways of treating tongue bumps occurring due to allergies or injuries. Take lukewarm water in a glass and add half a teaspoon of salt. Stir the solution so that the salt completely dissolves in the water. For best results, use Celtic sea salt. Gargle for about 30 seconds and spit the water out. After every meal, rinse your mouth with the salt water. Ensure that the solution is a little warm. This treatment can be done until the tongue bumps go away.
    • Keep yourself hydrated
      Drinking plenty of water can help in reducing inflammation. This will soothe the discomfort caused by the enlarged tongue bumps. You can either drink eight to 10 glasses of water or natural soothing fluids.
    • Follow good oral hygiene
      One of the best ways to avoid and heal tongue bumps caused by infections and allergies is to maintain good oral health. Brush your teeth and clean your gums after every meal. Rinse your mouth thoroughly with a mouthwash. In case you want to avoid packaged mouthwash, use natural mouthwash. Natural mouthwash can be made at home by missing essential oils in lukewarm water. You can use thyme oil, lavender oil, peppermint oil, eucalyptus oil, or cinnamon oil. Check for allergic reactions before using these solutions.
    • Avoid foods that aggravate discomfort
      When you have enlarged tongue bumps, avoid foods that irritate or inflame your taste buds. Avoid eating foods that can potentially trigger allergic reactions. Acidic foods, foods containing fats, processed sugar, and dairy products should not be consumed.

    The best way to treat enlarged tongue bumps is to first know what caused the issue. If you are unsure, look at the various tongue bumps pictures available online to know what our case is and consult a doctor if required.

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  • The presence of bumps on the tongue is quite normal. Known as fungiform papillae, these tongue bumps are present on the sides and top of the tongue. The color of these bumps is same as the tongue, and they give a rough texture to the tongue. These bumps contain temperature sensors and taste buds, which help in eating food. If you look at normal tongue bumps pictures, you will notice that these are natural and quite essential. However, problems occur when the bumps become larger. Enlargement of papillae can occur due to various reasons. Here are some of the common causes of enlarged tongue bumps.

    • Tongue injuries
      The tongue can be injured due to accidental biting or due to burning caused by the consumption of hot liquids or foods. The tongue may swell, and the bumps may become enlarged for a few days. The tongue may feel or look bumpy. This type of tongue bumps heals naturally in three-four days, and no external treatment is required. Home remedies such as rinsing with salt water or eating cold soft food can help in alleviating the discomfort.
    • Canker sores
      These sores usually grow on the inside of the lips. In some cases, canker sores may appear on the tongue as well. The bumps on the tongue become larger and may feel painful and raw. If you look at tongue bumps pictures, you will notice that the sores appear to be yellow, red, or white. Similar to bumps caused by tongue injuries, bumps caused by canker sores heal on their own. however, if the discomfort and pain persist for a long time, medical intervention may be required.
    • Oral herpes
      Contracted by touching infected saliva, mucous membranes, or skin, oral herpes lead to the formation of blisters on the gums and tongue, and around the mouth and nose. These blisters cause the bumps on the tongue to enlarge. You will observe cold sore blisters on the tongue if you look at tongue bumps pictures of patients with oral herpes. The blisters are extremely painful, and the bumps may remain enlarged for a week or two, as evidenced by tongue bumps pictures of oral herpes online.
    • Tuberculosis
      Enlarged tongue bumps are rarely caused by tuberculosis. However, if they do occur, the bumps may appear in the form of tongue lesions. These tongue lesions are often the initial symptoms of tuberculosis. If you search online for tongue bumps pictures of people infected with tuberculosis, you will see that they appear as deep tubercular ulcers filled with thick mucus substance.
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  • Gums, as we know and believe, are important of the oral health but that’s the half-truth. Gums are not just responsible for your oral health, they are responsible for your overall good health. When the food particles are not removed from the teeth after a meal, they can turn into plaque and that can cause harmful toxins that irritate and inflate gums. This can eventually give you a periodontal disease. Periodontal diseases are infections in parts that surround our teeth, such as, gums, the cementum that forms the outer covering of root, the periodontal ligament and alveolar bone. People with periodontal diseases have the higher risk of developing cardiovascular and respiratory infection according to medical researchers.

    Smokers should know that their smoking habit can lead to receding gums. If a smoker already has gums that have started receding, then it can speed the process and could lead to a situation where it will not be possible to reverse receding gums situation and the person will have to opt for surgeries to fix the problem. Not to mention the surgeries are usually expensive.

    People who grind and clench their teeth a lot are more prone to receding of gums. If you are used to this habit, then try to break it on a conscious level at first until you are habituated to not clench and grind your teeth often. Stopping this habit immediately will be one big step toward reversing receding gums.
    At time, and in most cases, it can be due to genetics that someone faces gum recession and there are ways to reverse receding gums that involves taking good care of your teeth, staying away from foods and habits that can cause your teeth and gums to weaken and indulging in healthy diet.

    If you do not take good care of your oral health, then you are at risk of getting receding gums. Good oral care includes: brushing twice a day, flossing, rinsing your mouth with water after each meal and after you eat or drink anything, proper brushing technique and brushing for at least two minutes.

    Visiting your dentist on regular intervals is good for your oral health. Do not shy away from visiting a dentist if there are no issues you are facing for you only feel the need to see the dentist when the prevention period is over. Visiting dentists regularly will help you identify if you have any oral diseases or infections coming up and helps you reverse receding gums if they are occurring.

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  • When the tissues that surround or hold the teeth pull back and start fading away, the process is called gum recession also known as gingival recession. When there is gum recession, teeth are more visible as they lose their gum covering. It is a dangerous condition for the health of your teeth and jaws. If receding gums are left untreated, tissues that are supporting the bone structure can get damaged severely and you may lose your teeth. Receding of gums is a common problem and can also be reversed if cared for in time.

    Quit smoking
    If you smoke and face this problem, then one of the most effective ways for you to reverse receding gums is quitting smoking. You are probably already aware of how dangerous smoking can be for your teeth and oral health, it can also speed up the decay and gum recession process in your teeth.

    Green tea
    Consumption of green tea has many health benefits including good oral health. Routine intake of green tea can help you reverse receding gums. Green tea also reduces your chance of getting oral cancer. Green tea will be more beneficial if you start consuming it in the initial stages of your gum recession.

    There are surgeries possible that reverse receding gums. One of them is called gum tissue graft where there are three procedures follow: connective-tissue grafts, free gingival grafts, and pedicle grafts.

    In connective tissue graft, a thin layer or flap of the mouth’s palate and tissue of that flap from its bottom is removed and stitched to the gum tissue so it surrounds the exposed root. Once the procedure is done, the flap that was taken from the palate for its tissue is stitched back.

    In free gingival grafts, removal of the flap is avoided and the tissue is directly taken from the roof of the mouth. The tissue is then used in place of receded gums just like the earlier procedure.
    In pedicle grafts, the tissue is grafted directly from the gums and stitched on the receded gums. This procedure is possible when gums still have plenty of tissue near the tooth.

    Regeneration treatment
    If the gums have receded beyond repair and the bones have been affected, then the doctors use the regeneration therapy that helps in restoring the lost bone and gum tissue. This surgery is done when it is too late to reverse receding gums. Though it is an effective surgery, it can leave patients in pain afterwards.

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  • Smoking can start as a one-off thing and slowly become an addiction. There comes a time after which even quitting can seem a distant thought, which is why the following remedies should be tired out as effective treatments to quit smoking.

    Acupuncture: Acupuncture can control your cravings for a cigarette. Medical professionals will manipulate pressure points by inserting needles around your ear lobes, which is alternatively referred to as auricular acupuncture. There are many pressure points on your body which can be manipulated to get a desired response or reaction which is auricular acupuncture has proven somewhat an effective treatment to quit smoking to help gums also.

    Change your routine: Smoking is a habit, but it is also influenced by a number external of factors and your schedule mainly. Changing your place once in a while, your sitting position, where you have your morning coffee, who you meet, everything combined can influence your smoking habit.

    Visual therapy: Visual influencers can prove to be a very effective treatment to quit smoking, help gums and promote healthy oral care. Make a list of all the possible and horrible side effects of smoking on a regular basis. Write it down every day to condition your brain that smoking is bad for you, hang a copy of this list at your desk in the office.

    Whenever you feel the temptation or urge to light one up, take a look at the list and contemplate on the number of health problems that can arise due to smoking. Positive conditioning will not only make you quit but also will provide you with the confidence and strength to not fall back into the habit.

    Create a barrier around you: Make up your mind that you will not hang out with people who smoke or urge you to have a cigarette. Even if it means shutting out your loved ones who smoke or your best friend. Creating a no smoke barrier around you will help get rid of this disgusting habit and also might help condition the people who smoke around you. Conditioning therapies have proven to be one of the effective treatments to quit smoking and help gums recover from the bad exposure over time.

    Take a game break instead of smoke break: Tempted to take a smoke break? Take a game break instead. You don’t have to be a die-hard fan of playing RPG and strategy games, but surely a game of solitaire or even chess might help take your mind off that smoke break you need badly.

    Changing your actions: Smoking requires the same repetitive action to take a drag, let out and follow the process. Switch your cigarettes for a pack of peanuts or snacks that might keep your hands busy and take your mind off those cigarettes instead. This activity will at best mimic the actions and oral sensations that you get from smoking.

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  • Smoking is a bad habit, which in some cases can become an addiction. There are people who smoke occasionally and people who have to smoke on every other occasion. You might be a chain smoker or just happen to enjoy a few cigarettes a day, it doesn’t matter. Be it one or one whole pack; smoking affects your oral health mainly your teeth and gums.

    Some of the noticeable dental and gum problems due to smoking include:

    • Bad breath and discoloration of your teeth.
    • Inflammation on the roof of your mouth, where the salivary glands are located.
    • Risks of developing oral cancer due to nicotine in the tobacco.
    • Delays in the healing process after medical procedures. Common surgeries, teeth extraction is all done periodically, and you will experience the effects of smoking.
    • The success rate of dental implant procedures will depend on your oral hygiene, which is hampered and affected badly due to smoking.
    • Smoking can increase the risk of developing leukoplakia, which is a condition that causes white patches to develop inside the mouth.
    • Loss of tooth can be due to gum diseases developing, which causes the roots to weaken and lose grip. Another major side effect of excessive smoking.
    • Plaque and tartar are some of the biggest enemies for perfectly white teeth which can be avoided even if you manage to take good care of your teeth. This condition is however aggravated due to smoking which not only causes discoloration of your molars but also leads to a buildup of unhealthy plaque and tartar.

    There are treatments to quit smoking and help gums recover, however, willpower on your part coupled with restraint is the best way to start some of these treatments.

    Smoking weakens the body’s immune system which is needed to fight off gum diseases and related oral infections which might be the cause of the same. Kicking the habit is a start, but maintaining proper oral hygiene after that is one of the treatments to quit smoking and help gums recover quickly.

    Smoking increases the risk of periodontal disease which affects the alveolar bone where the teeth is embedded, the periodontal ligament which supports the root of the teeth and the cementum which is the surface that connects the teeth to your alveolar bone. It might be very difficult at first to kick the habit, but nicotine patches have proved to be quite an effective treatment to quit smoking and help gums recover from months or even years of unhealthy exposure to tobacco.

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  • A sore tongue may not sound like a very big deal but the condition brings with it great discomfort and a lot of pain. Not just while eating meals, blisters and a thrust on the tongue can be distressing even while speaking. The tongue is very sensitive and certain abnormalities and infections can appear in the form of blisters and small raised areas on the tongue. A person who suffers from a sore tongue may experience a burning or inflamed sensation.

    There are several causes that can cause sores on the tongue and these include certain foods, biting the tongue accidentally, medication and more. Sores on the tongue is not a harmful condition, however, the pain can worsen leading to a tongue canker sore and other mouth diseases, if left untreated. The following natural remedies for thrust and sores are effective and can bring about great relief, easing the pain of sores on the side of the tongue.

    Salt and water – Salt is one of the most widely used home remedy for mouth ulcers and gum bleeding. It is also used to help in drying out sores on the side of the tongue. The ingredient has properties of a natural antiseptic that has the ability to reduce inflammation and thus, reduces the pain. Salt can be directly added to the affected area, however, this is likely to send down a sting around the tongue. You can also add one teaspoon of salt to a cup of lukewarm water. Use this mixture to gargle at least 3-4 times a day until you feel relief.

    Coconut oil – Coconut oil can never fail! This oil packs with it anti inflammatory as well as antimicrobial properties. Applying this oil to the sore on the tongue can bring about great relief. The oil can be applied to the affected area using your fingertips or a cotton swab. Ensure that the coconut oil is organic and pure.

    Aloe Vera – Aloe vera is well renowned for its healing properties and can effectively reduce inflammation. Applying the flesh of the plant is extremely beneficial and will bring immediate relief. Scoop out some aloe vera gel from the leaf and apply the same to the sores on the sides of the tongue. Repeat this process as many times as you wish. The juice of the plant too can also be dabbed on the sore.

    Remember, if the pain and uneasiness continues, it is essential to visit the doctor for thrust treatments. It is highly likely that there can be underlying issues which should not be ignored.

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  • Although small, the tongue plays a substantial role in the normal functioning of your everyday life. Not just enjoying your meals, a healthy tongue is necessary in order for one to have a clear speech. The tongue’s color and texture can denote a lot about the health of the overall body. And while an injury or thrust on the tongue may not seem like a very big problem, we will admit to it being extremely painful and inconvenient.

    A sore on the side of the tongue can bother one when eating and speaking, but in most cases does not indicate a very serious problem. There are several causes that can trigger the eruption of blisters or tongue canker sore and here are some of the most common reasons:

    Smoking – Smoking is not only bad for the lungs but can traumatize the tongue too. The habit of smoking tobacco and any other substances puts the tongue at the risk of developing sores and blisters over time. On the other side, if an individual has been smoking for a very long period, quitting smoking too can lead to sore on the side of the tongue.

    Medications – Certain medications may not go down too well with your tongue. Anti-inflammatory drugs especially can have side-effects and commonly show up as sores on the side of the tongue. Also, there are mouthwashes that can cause irritation around the tongue and further lead to the formation of blisters or thrust.

    Injury – Injuries such as biting down on the tongue when chewing can be extremely painful. If there is a wound that is formed on the surface, the tongue becomes sore and there is difficulty while chewing and speaking. Also, in case one has consumed something very hot, blisters are likely to form instantly and send down severe pain. However, this soreness decrease after a few days.

    Infections – Developing infections on the tongue is very common. These infections lead to white or red bumps forming on the surface of the tongue and thus affects your taste buds. Although these are painful they do clear up completely after a few days or weeks.

    Food sensitivity – The tongue may be sensitive to some kinds of food that make the side of the tongue sore. While the condition for some people may be caused by vegetables, others may experience this sensitivity and soreness by eating nuts. This allergy is likely to be seen in younger adults or kids. An itchy throat, swollen tongue and lips too are associated with food sensitivity.

    There are several natural remedies for thrust and sores that you can perform at home. However, if the condition gets worst, do visit the doctor and undergo thrust treatment.

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