• Heart health should never be taken lightly. Today, there are a number of factors that contribute to people developing stress, anxiety, hypertension, blood pressure, high levels of cholesterol, all which lead to one or the other symptoms of developing heart diseases.

    What works for men’s health, does not have to necessarily work for womens health. Often this logic is overlooked which results in symptoms of developing heart diseases being misdiagnosed since the data which is used for diagnosis is sourced from what has been researched for men’s health. For a proper diagnosis and effective treatment option, research for womens health should be conducted separately.

    Here are important heart health facts every woman should be aware of:

    The severity of symptoms: Heart disease symptoms experienced by women will be more subtle than what men experience during a heart attack. Early signs of a developing attack for women include anxiety which might be coupled with stress. Noticeable signs will include experiencing discomfort in your chest, difficulty in breathing normally, persistent feeling of fatigue, pain below the left shoulder blade among others. Men will have a more dramatic and severe experience of the first signs compared to women, which is why symptoms often go misdiagnosed for women.

    Impact of heart problems: Symptoms of the heart attack might be subtle, but the impact is much more severe than what men would normally experience during or after the episode. Health conditions which eventually lead to heart attack will worsen as a person ages thus affecting overall womens health, far more than what men might go through.

    Estrogen levels: Estrogen levels in women are high during their childbearing years which keep the cholesterol in check. However, these levels tend to drop after menopause and increases the chances of developing symptoms mainly contributing to increasing levels of bad cholesterol, alternatively known as low-density lipoprotein (LDL).

    Size of the heart: Size, in this case, makes a difference since a smaller heart size means smaller artery walls which increase the chances of clogging due to high cholesterol levels. Womens heart muscles are not as strong as the organ in their counterparts which is why womens health is severely affected during and after an episode of a heart attack.

    Angina: Angina is a heart condition both men and women experience, which comes and goes depending on the anatomy of the person affected. However, womens angina often gets misdiagnosed for gastrointestinal problems due to the subtle angina attacks, unlike the sudden and dramatic angina attacks men experience.

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  • A heart attack is one of the most fatal attacks to happen to a human body. None of us are warned about a heart attack as it can occur at any given time, here are 10 heart attack symptoms:

    • Chest pain

    The human heart is located to the left the chest; a chest discomfort could easily be one of the strongest symptoms of a heart attack if it stays for more than a few minutes. Make sure to consult a doctor at the earliest or call the emergency helpline.

    • Nausea, indigestion, heartburn or stomach pain

    These are another set of common heart attack symptoms and have been observed in many people suffering from a heart attack. These symptoms could also lead to vomiting in some cases and are more generic among women.

    • Chest and arm pain

    The pain of a heart attack in your chest can be caused due to a blocked artery; this pain is also set to spread to your arm if it gets too intense. This is a clear sign of a heart attack.

    • Dizziness

    If you suddenly feel dizzy or lightheaded it could be because your heart rate has dropped as your heart is not able to pump blood at its regular pace. You must consult a doctor, right away!

    • Easy exhaustion

    If you feel exhausted after doing activities that you completed efficiently in the past, you might be prone to a heart attack. Unexplained weakness could also be a symptom of a heart attack.

    • Persistent cough

    If you have a cough for about more than a week or two, it can be a symptom of a heart trouble. This can be considered only if you have a heart disease or have had one in the past. If that’s the case, you must focus on this possibility.

    • Intense sweating

    Excessive perspiration is a sign of heart attacks. If you are facing cold sweats for no defined reason you must consult a doctor as it could be a sign of a heart attack.

    • Swollen legs, feet, and ankles

    Swelling occurs when the vein is unable to execute efficient blood flow, this can happen if your heart is not pumping blood at a stable rate.

    • Irregular heartbeat

    Irregular heartbeats are not uncommon, but if this happens on more than one occasion, it could be a cause of concern for your heart.

    • Loud snoring

    Snoring loudly or choking while you are snoring could be a sign of sleep apnea, this happens when you stop breathing for small moments adding excess stress on your heart.

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  • When you surf the internet, you are prone to come across blogs that talk about “10 heart attack symptoms” or “most common heart attack symptoms,” but these are the ones we expect and are warned about in advance. Mentioned below are 10 heart attack symptoms that are uncommon:

    • Achy arms

    Achy arms refer to persistent pain in your arms that lasts for about a week or two. This can be a reason for a heart attack only if the pain is undefined.

    • Jaw pain or a toothache

    A prolonged pain in the jaw and gums paired with a slight headache can be a sign of heart attacks. This sign is said to be more common among women.

    • Cankles

    Cankles refers to swollen ankles that can be caused due to fluid retention. If you have a case of bloated ankles without any particular reason, you must get them checked with a doctor.

    • Neck circumference

    If your neck circumference is greater than 16 inches as a man and greater than 13 inches as a woman; it might be a sign of high blood pressure and you might want to get it checked.

    • Erectile dysfunction

    As a man, if you have an erectile dysfunction, it could also be a sign of a heart attack as the heart might not be pumping blood at the standard speed.

    • Fainting

    An individual can faint if their blood pressure goes down as the heart is unable to pump blood to the brain. In such a case, you must visit a doctor.

    • Sudden swelling on stomach

    A swelling on the feet and ankles is much talked about in the heart attack symptoms, although if there is an unexplained swelling on your stomach, it could be a red flag too.

    • Anxiety or fear of death

    A fear of death could lead to a rise in your blood pressure which is one of the primary reasons for a heart attack.

    • Flu symptoms

    Doctors often report flu like symptoms about a week or two before a heart attack. The symptoms could include clammy skin or lightheadedness.

    • Back pain

    Undefined and persistent pain in the lower back could be a cause of concern as it can indicate a stress on the heart muscle.

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  • How does one tell if he or she is having a heartburn? Read on to know more.
    Although heartburn can be traced to different causes, almost everyone experiences the same kinds of symptoms. It’s important to know what a heartburn is to identify and cure it. Knowing the causes 0f heartburn and accurately identifying the symptoms can help in the treatment.

    What is a heartburn?
    As the name suggests, the easiest and most accurate way to describe a heartburn is by an uncomfortable or a painful “burning” sensation in one’s chest. It may last any time between a few minutes to an hour. The pain and burning sensation aggravate if you bend or lie down.

    Heartburn trigger foods
    Contrary to popular belief, heartburn doesn’t refer to a problem in the heart. It’s a burning sensation that usually occurs after eating food. It’s caused by irritation or any disturbance in the food track, that’s triggered by acid in the stomach. Alcohol, black pepper, garlic, olive, tomatoes, peppermint, and caffeine are the common heartburn trigger foods. Over eating and wearing tight fitting uncomfortable clothes may also trigger a heartburn. However, it is really hard to generalize as each person is different and their body also reacts differently.

    Heartburn symptoms
    In some cases, there may be uncommon symptoms like difficulty to swallow, a cold sweat, or shortness of breath accompanied by dizziness.
    On account of the similarities between the symptoms of heartburn and a heart attack, it becomes difficult to differentiate between the two.
    Chest pain in general is a signal to a potentially mortal threat. It’s important to seek immediate medical care just to be safer.

    Heartburns can cause extreme discomfort. If your heartburn happens once in a few months, you have nothing to be worried about. But if the frequency is much shorter, and you find that it’s more of a weekly occurrence, then you need to make sure that you consult your doctor.

    Heartburn remedies
    One of the most popular myths is that milk can reduce or cure heartburn. The actual fact is that milk only temporarily eases the pain. Make sure that your diet is clean and free of food that may trigger a heartburn. If your heartburn is repeatedly aggravating, and is becoming intense with time, make sure to consult a doctor. One of the most underrated causes of heartburn is probably stress. Make sure that you minimize stress, take enough rest, maintain a healthy weight, and that you follow a healthy lifestyle as well.

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  • What is a heartburn?
    When the stomach acid flows up into your esophagus, it causes a burning feeling in your chest and throat; this feeling is known as heartburn.
    This feeling becomes most difficult to handle after eating food and can last for several hours. Heartburn is common and can be taken care off with over-the-counter antacids. Heartburn is also known as acid reflux, reflux, acidity, and acid indigestion.
    If you frequently suffer from heartburn then you must consult your doctor immediately. It is an indicator that you suffer from gastroesophageal reflux disease.

    Heartburn trigger foods
    Food is an important source of nutrition. But however, certain food items are known to cause a heartburn. These food products include:
    – Raw onion and black pepper is one of the most common food products that are responsible to cause heartburn. Patients with acid reflux, should not be eating onions at all because it increases the acid content in the stomach.
    – Surprisingly, chocolates too cause heartburns although it can cure the worst heartbreaks! Research shows that people prone to acid reflux, upon consuming chocolate have increased levels of serotonin. It is released from the intestines. Since the chocolate is rich in fat content can induce inflammation.
    – Citrus products and fruits like orange, lime in the form of juice, and raw fruit could cause harm to your body if consumed in excess.
    – Consuming caffeinated drinks, like coffee, tea, and soda can cause heartburn too.
    – Peppermint and tomatoes cause an uncomfortable environment internally upon consumption. It consists of malic and citric acid in tomato products like ketchup, packed soup, and juice. These products can cause too much gastric acid in the stomach.
    – Drinking alcohol and the consumption of red wine is also harmful for health as it triggers heartburn.
    – Oily fried food is not only known for causing obesity but it is known to trigger heartburn.
    – Eating excess dairy products rich in fat like cheese, butter, and margarine contributes to heartburn.
    – Consuming meat which is high in fat can also result in causing inflammation.

    Preventive measures
    Since you are now aware of these heartburn trigger foods, here are few simple steps to avoid having such an uncomfortable sensation.
    – Avoid overeating throughout the day, even if you’re going to eat your favorite dish.
    – Overeating causes a bloated sensation which leads to indigestion which in turn causes a heartburn.
    – Instead, have small portions of food throughout the day. This would ease the process of digestion.
    – Avoid eating right before bedtime. Your body requires at least 2 hours of time to digest the consumed food. Laying down would only make things worse. Your digestion will get disrupted and you will have a bloated sensation and acidity.
    – Increase the intake of food products like vegetables, oatmeals,non-citrus fruits, egg whites, and ginger.

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  • Heart diseases are one of the leading causes of death. You cannot change the risk factors like the problem being in the family or age. But with some conscious efforts and healthy lifestyle choices, you can keep heart diseases at bay. The following are some tips to keep your heart healthy.

    Say no to smoking:
    Smoking cigarettes and chewing tobacco are one of the main reasons for developing cardiovascular problems. The chemicals in tobacco damage the blood vessels and heart by encouraging the accumulation of plaque in the arteries. This condition leads to narrowing of arteries, which finally causes a heart attack. Similarly, carbon monoxide in cigarette slowly replaces the oxygen in the blood. Your heart works harder to get enough oxygen, which increases the blood pressure and the heartbeat, leading to stroke or heart attack. So the moment you stop smoking, your risk starts diminishing.

    Get some physical exercise:
    Lack of regular physical exercise will lead to obesity. Some regular exercises like walking two miles a day can reduce your risk of getting a heart attack significantly. If you cannot do all the exercise in one go, break it up into 2 or 3 sessions in a day to meet your target of 30 minutes of walking. Not only walking, but taking stairs, gardening, and housekeeping also count as physical activities. To see great results, increase the intensity and duration of your workout.

    Follow a healthy diet:
    A healthy diet reduces your risk of heart diseases. The Mediterranean diet and the Dietary Approaches to Stop Hypertension (DASH) diet plan are known to be heart-friendly diets. When you include fresh fruits, vegetables, and whole grains in your diet, along with beans, lean meat, low-fat dairy, and fish, they will help your heart stay healthy. Limit your intake of salt and sugar and keep the intake of saturated fat in your food to 5% of your total daily calories. Consume alcohol in moderate quantities only.
    In addition, eating fiber-rich food or taking fiber supplements helps lower the bad LDL cholesterol levels in the blood. Similarly, regular intake of vitamin supplements keeps your heart healthy and away from cardiovascular diseases. Some of the best vitamins for heart health include Vitamin K, Vitamin D, and Omega-3.

    Keep high blood pressure in control:
    At least 50 million Americans suffer from hypertension or high blood pressure. It is also the most common factor that increases the risk of heart diseases. Avoiding too much salt in the food, eating healthy, and doing regular exercise will keep the blood pressure under control.

    When you follow a healthy lifestyle, you keep stress at bay. Eating a healthy diet and taking pills regularly will keep your heart functioning normally for a long time.

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  • Vitamin supplements help you by making your bones and muscles strong. Some vitamins have also proved to help lower your cholesterol and improve blood pressure. Regular intake of these vitamins reduces your risk of heart diseases. The following is the list of vitamins for heart health.

    Vitamin D:
    As per a study conducted by Framington Heart study, it is proved that a daily intake of 400 to 800 IU of Vitamin D can significantly lower your risk of heart attack. Deficiency of this vitamin increases the risk of cardiovascular diseases.

    Fiber is found in fruits, vegetables, legumes, and grains. The fiber cuts the cholesterol in your body. Your daily intake of fiber must be around 25 to 30 grams. Men who are younger than 51 years of age should take 38 grams of fiber a day. If you find it hard to get fiber from your diet, go for supplements. Research shows that eating blond psyllium husk found in the fiber can cut down the levels of bad LDL cholesterol and improve the levels of good LDL cholesterol. Drink plenty of water to help your body digest fiber.

    Sterols and stanols:
    These compounds are found in food items like grains and nuts. You can also find them in the form of supplements. They stop your body from absorbing cholesterol from the food. Recommended dosage is 2 grams a day to lower your LDL cholesterol levels.

    Coenzyme Q10:
    Coenzyme Q10 is also known as Ubiquinol and Ubiquinone. The human body makes this enzyme naturally in small quantities. This supplement increases the contractility of the heart. CoQ10, when taken as a supplement, lowers your blood pressure. It is also proven that when this is taken along with heart disease medication, people start feeling better slowly. This supplement can also reduce side effects of satin drugs like muscle pain and weakness.

    This fatty acid, which is widely found in fish, helps in balancing the blood lipids like cholesterol and triglycerides. Omega-3 slows down the piling up of plaque in the arteries, hence preventing the risk of heart attack. If you are taking omega-3 as a supplement, then 1000 mg a day will be the ideal dose.

    Garlic and garlic extracts lower the levels of triglycerides and cholesterol in the blood. It is also believed that this supplement can slightly increase the levels of good HDL cholesterol. The organosulfur compounds in garlic work as powerful antioxidants.

    Niacin is nothing, but Vitamin B3. This vitamin, when taken as a supplement, increases the diameter of the blood vessels. It also lowers the levels of triglycerides and LDL bad cholesterol in the blood while increasing the levels of good HDL cholesterol. Permitted daily dosage of this vitamin is 50 to 200 mg a day.
    Every person responds differently to vitamins and supplements. Therefore, you need to constantly monitor the lipid levels to understand which vitamins are working for you.

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  • Heart is one of the main body organs, and one must take care of this life-giving organ. The number of heart patients, across the world, is increasing at a rapid rate, and heart diseases of various sorts have become common. Thus, it is high time we must learn the right ways to take good care of this pumping organ. Here a few tips that will throw light on the few healthy habits to keep your heart fit. Remember, if your heart functions well, so will your body.

    Quit deadly addictions
    Smoking is dangerous for the body, especially for the lungs and heart, and thus, must be given up as soon as possible. As per a research, after you quit smoking, you will have reduced chances of getting a heart failure, as lower as 50 percent after a year of quitting the habit, as compared to that of a smoker. So quit smoking and start concentrating on eating healthy and balanced meals for a healthy heart.

    Maintain a healthy weight
    Try to manage your weight as obesity can promote heart diseases. Taking a balanced diet with an intake of more of fresh fruits and veggies can help you stay away from heart problems. Get active and try to exercise no matter how busy you get. It has been found that at least 30 minutes of walking or exercises can really do wonders to your body and help you to reduce risk of heart problems. Remember to start eating for a healthy heart and maintain a balanced diet with a few minutes of exercise as these can be real stress busters and mood boosters too.

    Cut down on junk food
    Once you cut down on consuming saturated fats, you can reduce your cholesterol levels. Eating junk and oily food can increase the cholesterol in blood, which thereafter increases the risks of heart attacks and heart failures. Try to eat more fibers, including nuts, fruits, milk, cereals, and oats. Also, remember to cut down on your salt intake as well. Stop taking alcohol as it has further harms your body system. Eat fish in the form of fish capsules or use fish oil in your recipes and also make sure to eat your fish dishes. Fish is a great source of protein and omega-3 that help to fight heart diseases. It has been rightly said, healthy eating for a healthy heart will help you keep your heart protected and strong.

    Try a different fitness routine
    Dancing is an excellent form of exercise that helps you shed kilos of your weight easily. Aerobics or Zumba can help you burn up to 200 calories per hour and keep your mood happy and light. Apart from dancing or exercising, laughter is the best cure for any kind of disease. Laughing can lower your stress levels, decrease inflammation, and promote hormonal balance in your body. Eating dark chocolates is also recommended. Dark chocolate contains heart healthy elements called flavonoids. These elements can too assist to lower the risk of heart issues. Follow these tips and tricks and keep your heart healthy and strong because a strong heart means a strong body and a strong body means a strong you.

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  • In our face-paced lifestyle, our food habits have changed drastically. Fast foods and unhealthy eatables have become an inevitable part of our diet, causing numerous problems like diabetes, obesity, heart problems, etc. Although there has been a significant decrease in deaths due to heart diseases globally, a maximum amount of deaths in America are caused due to the same. Trans fat is the biggest culprit that’s present in junk food and packaged food. This artificially obtained “edible” ingredient is present in most of the food items sold in stores. As a result, people who consume trans fat can be victims of high cholesterol levels. The good news is that people are now realizing the importance of a healthy lifestyle and altered food habits. But, it’s still a slow process. While health consciousness started as a trend, it is successfully becoming a lifestyle choice of many Americans. Also, with the advent of technology, we have come to know a lot about cardiovascular diseases and ways to prevent it. For a healthy heart, one needs to eat healthy and exercise regularly. Here’s a cheat sheet of eating for a healthy heart that comprises a list of four food items that you should include in your diet to keep heart diseases at bay.

    One of the most heart-healthy foods that you can get your hands on is salmon. Many other fatty fishes that are great for the heart include mackerels and sardines. These seafood items are good for the heart because of the high level of omega-3 fatty acids present in them. Studies have shown that people who take higher amounts of food containing omega-3 fatty acids have lower risks of heart diseases like irregular heart beat (arrhythmia), plaque build up in arteries (atherosclerosis), and also have a significant decrease in the amount of triglycerides in the body. According to the American Heart Association, fatty fishes such as the ones mentioned should be included in the diet at least twice a week.

    This is definitely the king of healthy foods. Not only does an oatmeal recipe taste excellent, but it is also amazing for the heart. Oatmeal has a higher content of soluble fiber. Thus, it acts as a sponge and soaks up all the cholesterol in the body. Hence, the cholesterol is excreted out and not absorbed by the blood. Lauren Graf, the director and dietitian of the wellness program at Montefiore Medical Centre in New York City, however, suggests that it is best to avoid instant oatmeal and opt for the traditional oats because instant oats usually contain sugar. Whole grains like pasta, grits, and bread are also great for the heart.

    Citrus fruits
    Studies have shown that women consuming high amounts of flavanoids (found in oranges and grapefruits) have a lower chance of getting heart strokes. Citrus fruits have vitamin C, which helps in decreasing risks of heart diseases. However, it is important that you avoid citrus drinks with sugar. Certain grapefruit products might interfere with the actions of Statins, which are cholesterol lowering drugs, and hence, should be avoided.

    Nuts are not only tasty but are also really good for the heart. Almonds, peanuts, pistachios, walnuts, and macadamia nuts are the ones that you should be eating for a healthy heart on a regular basis. These are high in fibers and contain omega-3 fatty acids and also Vitamin E, which help to control the bad cholesterol in our body.

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  • For the body, food acts as fuel that drives us, day in and day out. Whether we earn to eat food, or we eat food to get up the next morning and earn well, it is one of the basic requirements that cannot be ignored. Yet, the wrong kind of food can also lead to a slew of problems for the body as well as the mind. The heart is one such organ which depends on our lifestyle choices when it comes to the proper functioning of the same. Which is why, you need to include the best heart healthy foods in your diet plan to avoid falling prey to the various heart conditions. Also, to take care of our heart and fight the risk of fatalities in case we are already suffering from any cardiovascular condition or heart disease is vital as well.

    There are a number of foods that we can have for heart health, but the mere sound of some ingredients may be off putting. But if you try different recipes to cook a particular ingredient, you might end up eating it. Let our list of recipes inspire you.

    Roasted salmon
    This is a delicious and lightweight recipe, which is great for your heart. Salmon is rich in omega-3 fatty acids, and has other nutrients that makes it part of the best heart healthy foods. You can roast the salmon on a skillet using a drizzle of extra healthy extra virgin olive oil. Season the fish fillet with some salt, pepper and freshly chopped herbs and garlic as well. Garlic is a well known ingredient that is hailed as good food for heart health. You can then add some toasted beans, carrots and shallots to the side of the dish so that you have a wholesome meal ready with minimum preparation and cooking time.

    Broccoli pesto
    You can prepare pesto with broccoli, an iron-rich green vegetable that’s good for the heart health. This can be had with a rice salad as well as a risotto or even whole-wheat pasta–all of this makes for a healthy meal in a bowl. This is the perfect heart food as it has the goodness of iron which helps in strengthening the muscles of the heart.

    Bean tostadas
    You can combine crunchy tostadas with one of the best heart healthy foods, beans. Black beans and other legumes are known to be rich in many dietary fibers, much like fruit and vegetables. This can help in creating a metabolic rate so that the bad cholesterol does not get a chance to settle and choke the arteries. You can boil black beans and drizzle some salsa over it before putting a few spoonfuls over a tostada for your dinner. And the best part? The crunchy and fresh taste will make it a mouth watering meal.

    Quinoa bowl
    This is a heart healthy food which is rich in proteins. Combine this ingredient with plenty of fresh salad greens for a yum salad or a side-dish. A boring, dull and boring Monday can also be transformed into an awesome day with such recipes.

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