• Caused by flu viruses, influenza is an infection of the respiratory system. There are three types of influenza virusesA, B, and C. Each has different levels of severity and the treatment too varies accordingly. The symptoms and severity of influenza type A and B are nearly similar, while influenza type C is fairly mild. Read on to know more about what is the influenza type B virus, its causes, symptoms, and risk factors.

    Causes of influenza type B
    Flu caused by influenza type B virus is highly contagious and spreads from person to person. This is why flu outbreaks are commonly observed during a particular season, especially during winter. The flu spreads through droplets from a sneeze or cough of the person who is infected by the virus. In certain cases, the virus can spread by breathing in aerosols, which are small air particles. These particles have been known to travel nearly six feet after they have been exhaled by an infected person.

    Symptoms of influenza type B
    Influenza type B virus affects the respiratory as well as the digestive system. Some of the common symptoms include fever, chills, sore throat, coughing, runny nose, sneezing, fatigue, muscle aches, and body pain. The symptoms are often similar to a common cold. On the onset of flu, the respiratory system experiences congestion. A person will also experience a sore throat just before the flu hits them completely. There may be fever as high as 106F. Furthermore, a person with influenza type B flu may also experience chills, abdominal pain, nausea, vomiting, loss of appetite, and weakness.
    People with asthma need to be extremely careful and seek treatments as soon as possible. This is because influenza type B virus triggers asthma attacks and the symptoms become very severe. If flu caused by this virus is not treated on time, it may lead to many health complications such as sepsis, heart inflammation, kidney failure, respiratory failure, bronchitis, and pneumonia.

    Risk factors
    There are specific groups of people who may have a higher susceptibility to flu caused by influenza type B virus. Children between the ages of 2 years and 5 years have a high risk of contracting this flu. Similarly, adults who are older than 65 years are at a high risk. Residents of long-term care facilities and nursing homes are also susceptible to influenza flu due to the lack of fresh air and staying in air-conditioned rooms for long hours. Other risk factors include a weak immune system, obesity, and chronic illnesses such as diabetes, heart disease, asthma, liver disease, and kidney disease. Pregnant women and women who are two weeks into postpartum are also highly susceptible to influenza type B virus.


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  • Generally known as the flu, Influenza is a form of respiratory infection that is triggered by flu viruses. There are 3 identified types of flu; i.e. A, B, and C. Type A is the most widespread variety of influenza that can be contracted via animals and is also known to cause epidemics.

    Similarly, type B is also highly contagious. However, unlike type A, type B only spreads via human contact. It is a misleading belief that type B is a comparatively milder form of influenza. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention concludes that type B can be as severe as type A. Therefore, it is important to seek timely and proper treatment for this condition.

    Type C is the mildest kind of influenza, indicating one might not be critically affected by the symptoms.

    Symptoms of influenza type B virus
    An early diagnosis of influenza type B can prevent the condition from worsening and help the doctor adopt the most effective type of treatment. The primary symptom of flu is a high fever that could be as high as 106ºF. If the fever doesn’t come down within a couple of days, one should immediately seek medical assistance. Some of the other common symptoms of influenza type B are a sore throat, coughing, chills, fatigue, body ache, runny nose, and sneezing.

    Like a common cold, influenza can trigger respiratory symptoms that can include congestion, coughing, sore throat, and a runny nose. These might affect a person more severely, especially in cases, where the patient is already dealing with asthma. Such symptoms can also trigger an asthmatic episode. If left untreated it can lead to grave consequences such as pneumonia, bronchitis, kidney or respiratory failure, sepsis, or myocarditis (inflammation of the heart).

    In rare cases, the flu may cause abdominal pain and diarrhea. This might be more common in children and can be mistaken for a stomach bug. Additionally, kids may also suffer from symptoms like loss of appetite, nausea, and vomiting.

    Treating type B influenza
    To treat type B influenza, a doctor might prescribe antiviral medications or pain-relievers to cut down the infection period and prevent the onset of any new complications. It is extremely important that you have plenty of hydrating fluids and get adequate rest to bounce back faster. If your child is exhibiting the symptoms of influenza, it is wiser to consult the doctor before trying any home treatment methods or remedies.

    One of the best ways to prevent type B influenza is by getting an annual shot just before the flu season.


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  • Sinus drainage treatments usually include excessive use of prescribed antibiotics along with techniques like nebulization, humidification, and the like. While these are the tried and tested medical sinus drainage treatments, many people rely on natural relief remedies including nasal irrigation, taking steams, and applying compresses. Apart from these home remedies, many sinus patients believe in eating foods that help relieve sinus symptoms and allow drainage. Here’s a list of the diet that can be incorporated to make sinus drainage treatments effective.

    This food is known to be rich in antioxidants that help the delicate mucous membranes from any damage. Pineapple also contains enzymes that help break the congestion in the sinuses and reduces inflammation.

    Hot spices and peppers are known to clear the sinuses by giving them enough heat and effectively reducing pain and inflammation. While having peppers is one of the most trusted sinus drainage treatments, it is required that you do so in moderation.

    Onion and garlic are two effective components in the diet that help stimulate the sinus pathways. By incorporating these two elements in the diet, you can get quick relief to pain and inflammation. Apart from being one of the most useful foods that can be used in sinus drainage treatments, crushed and cut garlic has antifungal and antibacterial properties.

    Fermented foods that contain enough bacteria help keep inflammation, fungi, and bacteria at bay. Vegans too can choose products that have enough probiotics including pickles, coconut yogurt, probiotic drinks, and the like.

    Have foods rich in antioxidants
    Since oxidation is known to contribute to chronic sinusitis adversely, it is important that you consume enough antioxidants so that the mucous membranes stay protected from radical damage. Fruits and vegetables like kiwi, berries, pumpkin, spinach, and the like help relieve sinus.

    Quite like ginger, turmeric is an effective spice that has several health benefits including sinusitis relief. You can add turmeric to curries or water to effectively relieve your symptoms.

    Try to be dairy-free
    People with a tendency of sinusitis should avoid dairy as dairy products tend to thicken the mucus and facilitate microbial growth.

    Warm, milk-less, herbal teas often help keep the nose moisten and carries the mucus away. Some of the common herbal teas that help relieve congestion include ginger, chamomile, holy basil, peppermint, and the like.

    Chicken soup
    The home-made chicken broth is one of the most popular sinus drainage treatments that is known to relieve congestion from all sinus points, chest, and even the upper respiratory system. A dash of pepper in the chicken soup can help alleviate symptoms of sinusitis.

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  • Everybody at some point in their lives struggles with a blocked or leaky nose that causes a lot of discomfort and uneasiness. When a runny nose is accompanied with puffy eyes and sore throat, the trouble only gets multiplied. People with sinus drainage issues, experience this discomfort several times throughout the year. Therefore, many sufferers resort to home remedies for sinus drainage treatments to get rid of the uneasiness. Some of these sinus drainage treatments have been listed below.

    Hydrate yourself well
    Drinking enough fluids is one of the essential sinus drainage treatments for instant relief. Additionally, running a humidifier or vaporizer may help thoroughly drain the sinuses. Humidification helps lubricate the sinuses and keeps the skin well hydrated. While having huge quantities of water is recommended, it is important that you refrain from caffeinated and alcoholic drinks.

    Try nasal irrigation
    Nasal irrigation is one of the most effective sinus drainage treatments for instant congestion and irritation relief. Saline irrigation is an efficient method that helps you flush out the nasal passage with a solution. Mostly this is done with a neti pot, special squeeze bottle or syringes. A neti pot is a simple apparatus that helps you effectively carry out nasal irrigation.

    Steam is one of the most inexpensive sinus drainage treatments that help relieve loosening mucus from the sinus passages and helps get rid of the discomfort that is associated with congestion. Since hot vapor help moistens the sinuses, it helps alleviate the problem quicker. Taking steam is an extremely easy process that can be accomplished using just a bowl of hot water and a large towel. To make the technique more effective, you can choose to add menthol, eucalyptus oil, or camphor. Often, it is recommended that you should take steam until the trapped steam from the hot pot dissipates.

    Warm and cold compress
    Another technique that is a part of one of the best sinus drainage treatments includes alternately rotating cold and hot compresses around the affected sinuses. This is usually done by making the sufferer lie back draped with a warm compress around the nose, forehead, and cheeks for a couple of minutes. After a few minutes, the warm compress must be replaced with a cold compress and kept at the affected spots for about half a minute. The process must be repeated a couple of times and at least six times a day.

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  • Our body is equipped with mechanisms to combat whichever disease comes its way. However, there’s only how much the body can take, and when the immune system becomes weak, the disease begins wreaking havoc on the body. One such infection that causes great discomfort and unease are cold sores.

    What are cold sores?
    Cold sores, also known as fever blisters, are a group of small blisters that appear on the surface of the lip and around the mouth. The blisters are painful, and when they burst, the liquid that oozes out of these blisters can infect any other person who comes in contact with it. The skin surrounding the blisters is red, swollen and raw, and can cause a burning sensation if it is repeatedly touched.

    What causes cold sores?
    Like every other skin infection, cold sores too are caused by viruses which prey on individuals with a weak immune system. Cold sores are caused by herpes simplex virus (HSV), which are of two types- HSV-1 and HSV-2.
    The cold sore causing virus makes way into the body through a break in the skin and is highly contagious. Though cold sores look unpleasant, there are various 1-day cold sore treatments are considered to be one of the fastest cold sore treatments.

    What are the symptoms of cold sores?
    Fever, sore throat, swollen glands in the neck and pain around the lips and mouth are indicative of the onset of cold sores. People often use the term canker sores and cold sores interchangeably. Cold sores are characterized by the appearance of blisters on the mouth and lips, whereas canker sores are ulcers that appear inside the mouth and the herpes virus doesn’t cause them. So, canker sore treatments and 1-day cold sore treatments differ.

    What are the popular 1-day cold sore treatments?
    Cold sores, if left untreated can be the cause of immense pain that you will experience for the next few weeks. However, there are various 1-day cold sore treatments that can get rid of the cold sores in no time. They are as follows-

    • In case of an outbreak of cold sores, one can seek relief from these by opting for topical creams or ointments, even over-the-counter medicines, which will be instrumental in reducing the pain and irritation caused by these cold sores.
    • Various antiviral medicines are available to reduce the misery caused by cold sores. The doctor will prescribe the right antiviral medicine for you which will reduce the itching and swelling caused by the cold sores.
    • One can also opt for vitamin C supplements or zinc oxide topical cream for combating cold sores.

    In addition to those mentioned above 1-day cold sore treatments, there are several home-remedies for treating cold sores.

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  • In a bid to lead a healthy life, people have started altering their lifestyle. They eat healthy, exercise and try to keep stress at bay. However, in spite of these preventive measures, various malicious elements in the nature that wreak havoc in our systems. The Herpes Simplex Virus (HSV) is one such element that enters our system through a break in the skin and subjects us to misery for weeks.

    The HSV causes immense pain in the form of cold sores that appear on the surface of the mouth and lips. A group of blisters appears on the mouth and lips, and hamper our daily process like eating and drinking. What makes cold sores dangerous is the fact that they are highly contagious. It can spread to others if the person comes in contact with the infected person.

    However, even though cold sores can seem quite a serious matter, various 1-day cold sore treatments can treat them effectively. These 1-day cold sore treatments are all home-based remedies and will not cause side-effects.

    Here are some effective home remedies for cold sores.

    • Peppermint Oil- Peppermint oil is bestowed with various antiviral properties, which makes it the perfect 1-day cold sore treatment option. Also, the methanol content of the peppermint oil makes it the perfect healing agent. Peppermint oil is quite effective and easy-to-use and poses no threat to anyone. It can be used as a form of treatment for children affected by cold sores.
    • Tea Tree Oil– Tea tree oil is another effective home remedy which can cure cold sores in no time. It can be used on the cold sore on the lips as well. Soak a cotton ball in tea tree oil and apply it on the affected area. The antiviral and antibacterial properties of tea tree oil speed up the healing process, and in no time, one can get rid of cold sores.
    • Ice– The sores cause irritation and an itching sensation that refuses to subside. This is why ice works like a miracle on cold sores. Ice reduces the swelling and soothes the irritation, which, in turn, will allow the cold sores to heal. So, apply ice directly to the affected area for best and quick results.
    • Coconut Oil– Coconut oil is known to keep the skin healthy and glowing. So, it shouldn’t come as a surprise that coconut oil can be used as a 1-day cold sore treatment. Coconut oil is antimicrobial in nature, and the triglycerides are known to kill viruses and began the healing process right away.

    These home remedies for cold sores are free from side-effects and can help cure cold sores quickly. If it persists, it is advisable to seek the right medical help.

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  • A cough is a way of reacting to any kind of allergy that a person’s immune system reacts to. When an irritant or allergic substance comes in contact with the lining of nose, throat or lungs. The constant urge to cough can be extremely irritating and cause pain in the chest. Although it is essential to visit the doctor if the problem persists for long, here are several kinds of foods that will help treat a cough.

    A saltwater gargle – This one of the simplest remedies that your grandma often swears after. With amazing effects, it is no wonder that this remedy has been followed through for years now. A mixture of water and salt, this liquid soothes the itchy throat, whether caused by an allergen or even cold. Add one teaspoon of salt to a glass of water and gargle. You will instantly feel relieved.

    Consume fluids – If you begin you experience an allergy cough symptom, immediately drink water so as to clear your throat. Moreover, it is necessary to keep the body well hydrated as it helps in draining the mucus that mainly causes coughing. You can also consume fluids in the form of warm broth, fruit and vegetable juices, etc.

    Inhale steam – When the nasal is congested due to an allergic irritant, you are likely to suffer from repeated coughing. Relieving the congestion in the nose will help in reducing allergy cough symptoms. The easiest way to do this is to inhale steam from a pot of hot water. Place your face a little away from the pot and use a towel to prevent the steam from escaping.

    Honey – Honey has been around for more than a million years and believed to be on of the best remedies to cure a cough. It is also used as the primary ingredient in several over the counter medicines that are meant to cure a cold. All you have to do is mix a tablespoon of honey with hot water and you will find that the allergy cough symptoms subside.

    Thyme tea – Thyme is a herb that is widely used in treating respiratory diseases. It comes with great benefits and has culinary as well as medicinal uses. The beneficiary elements in thyme can relax the muscles of the throat and reduce the inflammation caused by allergy coughs. Boil some thyme with a cup of water and consume it after a while.

    Although these remedies are great, make sure that you determine the source of the allergy and eliminate it if possible.

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  • For people who suffer from allergies, the symptoms can be extremely agonizing. The main symptom that is commonly seen is constant coughing and this may make you feel like you lungs will pop out. Yes, we totally understand. Intense coughing can also lead to minor bleeding due to the breaking of small blood cells. The reason behind a cough is because it acts as a reflex and is caused by stimulation of the lining of the throat, nose, and lungs.

    Allergy cough symptoms are caused due to various reasons such as dust, inhaling various pollutants to from work, the food you consume and more. In order to prevent allergy cough symptoms, it is essential to know the main reason behind it and you your doctor will be able to guide you with same. However, as the saying goes, Prevention is better than cure’ and so it is better to prevent the onset of allergy coughs altogether. And the following ways will help you keep away from allergy cough symptoms:

    Drink clean water – Most times, people do not bother about the type of water that they consume. When you are outside home, make sure that you strictly only drink water that is purified and safe. Drinking unclean water not only leads to allergy cough symptoms but can mingle with the well being of your abdomen.

    Keep away from smoke and pollutants – The smoke in the air can be an irritant that stimulates your nose. Contaminated smoke like that from chemical industries can do more damage than you can imagine. Also, we all deal with pollutant on a daily basis. These pollutants can be anywhere, from the air to the water. Smoke and pollutants cause congestion in the respiratory tract.

    Keep your surrounding clean – While not thought as a major trigger, a clean surrounding does cause a fair amount of damage. Ensure that your home is dust-free, while your office space is clean too. The use of a vacuum cleaner can help in keeping the area away from dust mites. Also, make sure that your air conditions are regularly serviced as they can emit dust particles too.

    Eat healthy home cooked food – Eating outside can be enjoyable but can be yet another reason behind your allergy cough symptoms. Eating healthy food that is cooked at home is safe and not only aids in keeping away allergies but also promotes a healthy lifestyle.

    Pay attention to mattress and curtain hygiene – Avoid and keep away from thick curtains as they attract a lot of dust. It is advisable to switch to thinner material curtains instead. You can also opt for hypoallergenic mattresses that are resistant to dust mites and other kinds of allergens.

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  • Stuffy nose can often leave you frustrated, because it can make breathing an extremely difficult task. This leaves you mulling over one question, what can I do to clear a stuffy nose? An answer to that, here are some measures that you can take to effectively clear your stuffy nose.

    Consult a doctor
    At times, self-medication or home treatments are just not a good idea! Why? The former might be harmful to your health, and the latter might take some time to work. If you happen to be looking for an effective and a quick fix then visit your doctor. He/she will accurately diagnose you and prescribe you with appropriate medication which can instantly relieve you.

    Hot shower
    Taking a hot shower can clear out your nasal congestion. Although this can be a short-term remedy, you will still end up feeling refreshed, as it will improve your breathing. You can also inhale steam from a bowl of boiling water, if you don’t want to bathe.

    A humidifier can add some extra moisture in the air, easing the congestion in your nose by reducing the inflammation of the mucus membranes located in the nose. While using the humidifier make sure that it is clean, as any presence of bacteria in it can only aggravate your health condition.

    Warm compress
    You can use a warm compress to cover your sinuses to loosen up the mucus inside. Place the compress over the nose while you are lying down, and it will gradually loosen up your stuffy nose. Just make sure that the warm compress is not soaked in super-hot water as it can burn your face. So, remember to check the water temperature before you use it.

    Extra pillow
    While you sleep at night make sure that you place an extra pillow under the head. This is because if you sleep with your head at a 180 degree angle, then it can make your condition worse. An elevated position will help you enjoy a sound and uninterrupted sleep, as it provides a better posture for congestion free breathing.

    Neti pot
    A possible amalgamation of a teapot and watering can, Neti pot is increasingly gaining popularity as an effective remedy for stuffy nose. The purpose of a Neti pot is to basically rinse your membranes in the nostrils to facilitate easier breathing. Although, make sure that you avoid it if you have had any recent nasal injuries or if you are already suffering from an ear infection.

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  • Acid reflux or heartburn is one of the most common problems faced by adults. It happens when the muscles in the stomach relax when they shouldn’t causing the acid in the stomach to shoot back up into the esophagus. This results in a burning sensation behind the breastbone. If it happens on a regular basis, it is best to consult a doctor. Severe acid reflux needs to be treated or it can lead to extreme pain and even chest pain.

    There are treatment options that are available to cure heartburn. However, a better solution is to make changes in lifestyle and food regime. There are effective natural remedies that are better and a safer means of severe acid reflux treatment.

    Drink Lemon Juice
    Lemon juice has a lot of health benefits. It has large amounts of vitamin C that can help with heartburn and pain. The pH content of lemon is also much high than vinegar. Thus, it is the more effective choice of the two. A minimum of 2 to 3 glasses will be effective in severe acid reflux treatment. There may be concern that the acid found in lemon juice may damage the enamel of the teeth. However, if it is consumed occasionally it will not have any adverse effects on the teeth.

    Chew Gum
    This is an unconventional but resourceful solution for acid reflux. Research has shown chewing gum for 30 minutes after a meal can cause relief to those experiencing heartburn. Chewing a gum stimulates excess secretion of saliva in the mouth. Thus, the acid builds up in the stomach is nullified and washed away.

    Aloe Vera
    Aloe Vera has several medical benefits. One of its effects is the reduction of inflammation. When heartburn causes irritation and burning in the throat, one glass of diluted aloe vera juice will wash away the acid. Consuming aloe vera juice in small amounts is sufficient treatment for severe acid reflux.

    Eat At Regular Times
    It is important to have meals at the right times. If you skip a meal it will cause acidity that will certainly lead to acid reflux. The body generally conforms to a routine. Thus, have your meals at a regular time every day so your system is prepared for the intake and the proper digestion of food. Take smaller bites of food and chew properly.

    Eat Healthy
    There are foods that particularly cause heartburn. These include tomatoes, citrus foods, and spicy foods. Processed foods and sugars also have a similar effect. They increase chances of acid reflux and cause an imbalance in the stomach. Stick to healthy and fresh homemade meals. This should include loads of vegetables and fruits.

    Don’t Lay Down After Meals
    Ensure that you have your dinner at least 3 to 4 hours before hitting the bed. Acid reflux most often happens in the night time. When you lie down immediately after eating, the food will go back up due to the effects of gravity. Lying down also makes your press harder against you esophagus increasing the chance of acid reflux. Thus it is best to wait for a while or even walk around to prevent any acid reflux.

    Baking Soda
    Baking soda is the most effective solution to acid reflux. Apart from having several medicinal benefits it also counters heartburn. It is essentially a base and thus counters the effect of the acid. It is nontoxic and reduces the acid levels in the stomach. It is an effective and preferred ingredient for severe acid reflux treatment.

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